Thursday, November 1, 2018

Review~ Balancing Diapers and Deadlines from Lisa Tanner Writing

Recently, I was given the opportunity to review Balancing Diapers and Deadlines from Lisa Tanner Writing. Lisa is a fellow crew member, so it was exciting to review this course! It's always nice to see what the other ladies are doing.

Lisa Tanner is a homeschooling mom to eight children. She launched her own freelance writing and virtual assistant business. Using her own experiences, she created this online course for other moms trying to figure out how to run a business while keeping down the fort at home. It's not easy, but Lisa has figured out ways to make it work. Are you ready to learn more about the course?

Balancing Diapers and Deadlines is an online course for momprenuers. The course gives moms all the best tips that have been tested by Lisa herself. The course contains eight units with over 30 lessons that are broken down for the reader. This allows the reader to make simple, baby steps towards change. Simple and easy...isn't that every mom's motto?

Unit 1~ Welcome to Balancing Diapers and Deadlines
Unit 2~ Building your Foundation with the Basics
Section 3~ Minimize your Decisions
Unit 4~ Minimize your Decisions: The Annual Meal Plan
Unit 5~ Substantial Growth
Unit 6~ Growing your Business with Kids Around
Unit 7~ Boost your Productivity
Unit 8~ Closing

Unit 1  welcomes readers and thanks them for their purchase. Lisa introduces herself and explains how and why she came about with her online course.

Unit 2 goes into all the details you need to get started. Lisa discusses how to get your family on board with your business goals. She then leads readers through a journey on how to create a flexible schedule, making plans, and how to adjust your plan when your day doesn't go as planned. As a mom we never have that happen right?

Unit 3 digs a little deeper into planning your days. Lisa talks about how to make time for the kids and all those lovely household chores we moms have. We all know the ones....laundry, cleaning, meal planning, errands, etc. The list never ends. Lisa encourages moms to make a plan and get the kids involved. Many hands make light work. I have to thank Lisa for pointing out the delay feature on the washing machine. I had no clue it was there! 

Unit 4 is all about meal planning. I completely understand why she made this its own unit. If meals are not planed out well, the family ends up eating cereal for dinner. Not that I know that from experience. Lisa talks about planning breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. All of it is planned. She even takes it one step further and suggests planning the whole ENTIRE year out. Shopping list included. Intriguing isn't? Thankfully she provides numerous downloads to help us moms figure out what it looks like, how it works, and just what to do to get an entire year's meal plan figured out. I have to admit I've planned dinners for a month, but it never crossed my mind to do all the meals for the whole year. It does seems a little crazy at first, but I have say it sounds appealing. No panicking and no headaches trying to figure out last minute meals.

Unit 5 is the unit I think all moms need to read whether you have a business or not. In this unit, Lisa talks about getting enough sleep, craving out some me time (and not feeling selfish about it), being creative, and finally setting boundaries. 

Unit 6 talks about how to do all of this while the kids are at home. Lisa breaks this unit down into lessons focusing on certain age groups: Littles (0-5), Middles (5-10), and Bigs (11-18). With each age range come unique challenges. I loved how she mentions getting the kids involved in your business. Not only does it show great work ethic, but might encourage kids to venture out and start their own business with the help of their parents. She also discusses how to encourage family writing time and how it can generate 2.5 hours a week to put into your business. It's the little things that count and add up!

Unit 7 deals with boosting your productivity and how to make the most of your day. Obviously starting and ending your days well are important, but so are all those spare minutes that we tend to waist throughout the day. It's like that old saying "A penny saved is a penny earned." If we are prepared and ready to go, we save valuable time and in the end have more time with our children. We've all had days when things are not planned put well and everything goes down the drain. For many of us, we get stressed and blow our tops. The advice Lisa offers helps us avoid this eruption (at least most of the time).

Finally Unit 8 is the end of the course. Here Lisa offers a few more words of wisdom and an offer to email her if you have any questions. I love how she stresses that we have to fail sometimes. Not everything is going to go perfectly all the time. It's O.K. to fail sometimes. It helps us learn and grow. Who knows, maybe a failure will turn into a huge success!

What Did I think about Balancing Diapers and Deadlines?

First off, don't let the title fool you. It's not all about diapers. Moms with Middles and Bigs will learn a lot too. Lisa offers a wealth of information that any mom with eight kids would have. I've always enjoyed learning from other moms. They can offer ideas and suggestions that we might not have thought off.  I think of it as a business meeting for moms. We are technically running our own little companies.

I will admit the whole year meal plan was shocking to me, yet it intrigued me at the same time. Wouldn't it be nice not to plan every week or month. You do it once with the help of the kiddos and boom you're done for a year! It would same time, money, and countless days of frustration. I'me forever realizing that I forgot about dinner at 2:00 in the afternoon. This would stop that mad rush to figure something out. Currently, we are working on a kitchen remodel so our kitchen is non-existent. The Instantpot has been our best friend lately. I can't wait to get into my new kitchen and plan away. I'll probably start with 6 months of meal planning. A year still feels a little daunting to me!.

I found the course easy to understand, simple to follow, and more importantly doable. Lisa doesn't offer moms any crazy ideas that seem far-fetched. They are ideas she has used herself, put into place, and proven that they are successful. The course is perfect for moms of all ages and stages of life. You can work through it at your own pace and use the information provided if it works for you. I love how Lisa stresses the point to find what works best for you own family. She wants to make you life easier not more challenging.

Find out more....

Still interested in learning more about this online course?
Be sure to read more about Balancing Diapers and Deadlines....

Till Next Time,

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