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Hello there! I hop you all had a fantastic weekend. The kids met up with friends and froze themselves while they played laser tag Friday night. Dear hubby and I enjoyed a dinner date at Olive Garden. While there we ran into another couple from church whose daughter was also playing laser tag.
Saturday, we started on the bathroom remodel. It was demolition day. Cabinets, sink and toilet were all taken out. We are now all sharing one bathroom. The kids are complaining, but it reminds me of when I was little and we lived with my grandparents. Saturday night the kids went to church. Michael had to serve. I stayed home because I wasn't feeling well after accidentally eating expired Ranch dressing. Thankfully I only had about a tablespoon. Not a fun night.
Sunday, I head to church and then taught my little first graders all about the Twelve Apostles. They loved playing the Apostle's Fishing game I created for my kids many years ago. Where does the time go?
Welcome to another Happy Homemaker Monday.
So let's get started and see what the week has in store for us...
The Weather~
We are getting a warm up! Our temps for the next couple of days will be in the 60's.
Monday~ 60
Tuesday~ 66 (beautiful and sunny)
Wednesday~ 53
Thursday~ 71 (with rain)
Friday~ 59
We'll be heading out to enjoy those warm temps and sunshine after last week's frigid temperatures!
and then we head back into the normal range of temps...
Saturday~ 40
Sunday~ 30
I'm really ready for spring, colorful flowers, and flip flops.
Right now I am~
Typing up this blog post. It's early afternoon. The kids are finishing up their schoolwork. I ran to the post office this morning to mail out some packages and pick up some packages. One of the disadvantages of living out in the sticks. No mail pick up at the house and no packages get delivered to the house. We get a slip in the mail and have to head into town!
What was for breakfast~
Coffee and a protein shake.
I determined to actually lose 20 pounds and get back into shape.
What's on the to do list for the week~ would be nice to have a week without laundry.
Mopping the floor after the snow, rain, and ice. The floors have muddy dog prints on them.
Painting the bathroom
What I'm reading~
I just finished up the
The Heiress of Winterwood by Sarah Ladd. Tonight. I'll start on
The Headmistress of Rosemere by the same other. It's book 2 in the Whispers on the Moors series. I'll have to see if the library has the 3rd book in the series. I'm hoping they do.

What I've been thinking about~
The future and how quickly time passes us by. It weird how it feels like we were just starting out. Getting married, building a new life together, making a home, and having babies. The toddler years flew by. I remember clearly the giggles and the smiles. It's hard to believe we are now heading into driver's ed, first jobs, and the quest for colleges. It's a new path. Slightly scary, a little lonely, but exciting also.
We've headed into a new season. One I'm not quite ready for. I don't think any mama finds it easy to let go of their little ones. But isn't that what we must do...allow them to spread their own wings. I think back and remember how excited (and scared I was) when I began that journey. I remember feeling so ready, and knowing my parents weren't. It's strange to be the parent now and have the roles reversed. I know our days will be filled with tears, happiness, and prayers. Lots and lots of prayers.
On the TV~
I actually watched The Time Traveler's Wife the other night. I have to say I was a little disappointed. I enjoyed the book so much more than the movie. I guess that's just me though. I'd rather be reading than watching TV.
On the Menu~
We finally got to the store yesterday. A word of advice..NEVER GO TO THE STORE ON SUPERBOWL SUNDAY!!!! It was packed and crazy. Never again. Just so you know I did not watch the Superbowl. I don't really care about it and have no desire to watch it. BLEH~
So on with the food...
Tuna sandwiches, warmed and with melted cheese, with chips
Grilled Burgers, Homemade fries, and salad
66 degree weather means it's time to cookout
Bacon Wrapped pork chops with stewed apples, green beans
Crock pot shredded chicken tacos and rice
Homemade Gluten Free Chicken nuggets, Gluten Free mac n' cheese
What I'm sewing~
I'm working on a purse for my friends daughter. It's a hobo style bag. It's fairly simple and easy to make. I just have to sit down and find the time to work on completing it.
What I'm Praying for~
Friend and family. We all have something we are dealing with. I;m sure we all could use a little extra pray in our lives.
Like Saint Padre Pio said "Pray, hope, and don't worry."
Words to live by.
From the camera~
Nothing. I need to get back to taking more pictures. I took tons of photos when the kids were little, but I've found as they gotten older and lapsed in that task. So I've given my self a goal for the week. Take 10 photos.
Till Next Time,