Thursday, May 30, 2019

Review~ e-Science Homeschool Science Curriculum from Supercharged Science

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Homeschool Science Review

During our long homeschooling journey, I had heard of Supercharged Science, but had never actually given it a try. I debated it, but for some reason I just never got around to checking it out and ordering. So when we were given the chance to review e-Science Homeschool Science Curriculum from Supercharged Science, I was thrilled. I couldn't wait to see everything this amazing science curriculum had to offer the kids.

Supercharged Science is a well-known company that provides science curriculum for families and teachers. The curriculum was created by Aurora Lipper, who is a university professor, a pilot, and a fellow mom. She even worked for NASA. Her goal was to teach science in a different way. A way that would encourage a student's learning. She wanted students to focus on the wonder, discovery, and exploration of science. There are no boring textbooks to read here. Science lessons are hands-on and filled with fun. The classes taught at Supercharged Science meet and exceed state and national standards and STEM requirements.

What is e-Science Homeschool Science Curriculum?

Supercharged Science

e-Science Homeschool Science Curriculum is an online curriculum for students in grades K-12th. 
e-Science is broken up into two section, K-8 and 9-12. Each grade level covers a complete science curriculum. The curriculum covers a variety of topics. Biology, geology, robotics, physics, astronomy, electricity, and chemistry are just a few of the subjects covered. More topics are being added. e-Science Homeschool Science has something for everyone. Even the student that dreads science will find a lesson they love. The curriculum is self-paced, so students can easily work through the program at their own pace. 

Each science lesson includes: 
video demonstrations
how-to lessons
shopping lists for experiments 
worksheets, quizzes, tests
Unlimited support
24 hour,7 days a week access

The videos, usually 5-20 minutes long, explain the science topics in a clear, concise way. It allows students to understand what they are learning about and enjoy learning about science. The curriculum provides students with over 1,000 science activities, experiments, and projects. 

Older students can easily work through the program with little to no help from mom. The program even provides shopping lists for the experiments, student worksheets, quizzes, and tests. 

How Did We Use e-Science Homeschool Science Curriculum?

For this review, we received a full year of access to e-Science Homeschool Science Curriculum for all the levels, K-12th. The program can be used either by topic or grade level. We focused on the 9th-12th grade section since both my kids are in that age range. 

~9th-12th Grade Science Topics~

AP Apologia Physics or Apologia Physical Science

AP Apologia Chemistry or Apologia Chemistry


Apologia Biology or Advanced Biology


Alternative Energy

Since they were studying earth science/physical science this year, we stuck with topic that worked with the curriculum we were already using. When I clicked on the Advanced Projects (High School) tab, I was thrilled to see under the Physics section there was already a section for Apologia's Physical Science course. This was perfect for us since we were already using this curriculum. We easily found the lesson/experiment we were already working on and added the lesson from e-Science to our weekly schedule. I loved how it was all laid out for the kids. The links were easy to find. I no longer had to teach science! If you're like me, science is the one subject I tend to dread teaching. It wasn't my strong suit while in high school, so I'm not overly confident when teaching it. e-Science Homeschool Science Curriculum was perfect for this!
So, for us was started with Lesson Lesson 14. 

The kids learning about wavelength and sound.

Even Mama Kitty wanted in on the fun!

I loved having the lessons explained to the kids and having the experiments demonstrated as well. I felt the kids were truly learning science even though I wasn't the one teaching them.This e-Science is great for allowing older students to gain more independence while they are learning. 

E-Science Homeschool Science Curriculum even has two sections, Teaching Resources and Award-winning Science Fair Projects. I definitely recommend looking through both of these sections. I was amazed with all the various resources available. 

Next year, Michael and Therese are taking biology at a co-op one day a week. The lessons on e-Science Homeschool Science Curriculum will be a fantastic way for them to continue their lessons at home. Once I get the syllabus from their co-op teacher, I'll locate the corresponding resources and come up with a separate syllabus for them to follow at home. 

Find out more about Supercharged Science!

Want to learn more about the other subjects covered with e-Science Homeschool Science?
Click below and read what the rest of the crew discovered while using this fantastic science curriculum.

Till Next Time,

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