Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Review~ College-Ready Writing Essentials from BetterRhetor

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In a few years, Michael and Therese will be starting college. 
With all the writing they will do, I was thrilled when we were given the chance to review the Full Package of College-Ready Writing Essentials™ from BetterRhetor.

BetterRhetor is a company that offers writing resources for high schools, colleges, and universities through out the United States. They now offer resources for homeschoolers and families to use at home online. The College-Ready Writing Essentials course uses the same ground breaking resources that schools do, except now the course is customized for individual use or use with small groups. The writing skills taught will allow students to have confidence in their writing and give them the confidence to succeed along their academic journey. 
Isn't that what all of us want for our kids?

Here are some staggering statistics...

73% of students entering college are not ready for college level work
(I've seen this first hand with friend's children)

70% of high school graduates do not go on to college

1 in 4 student need academic help when they get to college

60% of college students never graduate

BetterRhetor's goal is to help students become better writers. Their writing course helps students heading off to college bridge that gap from high school writing to college level writing. Sadly, this is a skill many high school students are lacking in. I've heard so many parents say their child never wrote papers during their junior or senior year of high school and I've seen these student head off to college only to struggle, panic, and want to give up!

BetterRhetor offers families 3 choices in their College-Ready Writing Essentials™ course.

CRWE~ Mini Course
This course is free! 
Students will learn what college-ready writing is and why it's important. This is a great introduction that offers families a glimpse into this amazing resource before purchasing.

CRWE~ Full Package 
This is the full curriculum. 

25 Step by Step Lesson
Exercises and Worksheets
Strategies, Models, Examples of Writing
Demonstration Essays
Links to helpful resources
Reference Sheet of Key Terms & Phrases
Discussion Form and Interactive Comments
Certificate of Completion (great for a high school elective)
30 Day Money Back Guarantee

CRWE~ Premium Package
The full course plus lots of bonus features!

25 Step by Step Lesson
Exercises and Worksheets
Strategies, Models, Examples of Writing
Demonstration Essays
Links to helpful resources
Reference Sheet of Key Terms & Phrases
Discussion Form and Interactive Comments
Certificate of Completion (great for a high school elective)
30 Day Money Back Guarantee


Personalized feedback about your essays from Dr. Bryant
Two-finalized, top quality Model Essays in a PDF form
Extra Going Beyond Exercises
Full Instructor's Guide (PDF)
Rubrics Sheet (PDF)
Proprietary CRWE Competencies Framework (PDF)
CRWE White Paper

The courses are geared for high school juniors and seniors, but can be used with all high school students. Any student heading off to college or a student struggling in college can use the course too.

For this review, we received the full package of College-Ready Writing Essentials™ with lifetime access. The course is self-paced and online. Both Michael and Therese are using the program. We are counting it as a high school elective. I felt it was important for both of them to go through the course. Our goal is to have both of them take a few classes at the local community college in the next 2 years. I knew this course would be extremely beneficial for both of them. 

The course contains 25 lessons that are broken up into 4 sections. This course contains everything a student needs to know!

Lesson 1~ Overview
Lesson 2~ Task, Audience, Purpose
Lesson 3~ Selecting a Topic
Lesson 4~ Researching a Topic
Lesson 5~ Reading Perceptively
Lesson 6~ Defining an Issue
Lesson 7~ Connecting a Specific Issue to a General Concern
Lesson 8~ Mapping Perspectives
Lesson 9~ Taking a Position
Lesson 10~ Outlining your Essay
Lesson 11~ Outline-Peer Reviews  

Lesson 12~ Rhetorical Repeals
Lesson 13~ The Introduction
Lesson 14~ The Introduction- Peer Reviews 
Lesson 15~ The Body- Background & Analysis
Lesson 16~ The Body- Your Position & Supporting Arguments
Lesson 17~ The Body- Addressing Counterarguments
Lesson 18~ The Body- Peer Reviews
Lesson 19~ The Conclusion

Lesson 20~ Self Review
Lesson 21~ Self Review- Detail & Content
Lesson 22~ Self review-Language
Lesson 23~ Peer Reviews

Lesson 24~ Finalizing
Lesson 25~ College-Ready Writing

When Michael and Therese click on a lesson, they read through the material presented. Once they have read through the lesson, they'd mark it as complete. At the end of each lesson, there are writing assignments and worksheets that they work on. 
The recommended course schedule is 4-5 classes a week. We choose to go at a slower pace since it was summer (and we were busy) and because we were using this course as an elective. We are currently working through the program at 2 lessons a week. They both are already taking a writing class at a local co-op, so this course will hopefully go along with what they are learning there. 

What Did We Think....

I thought the program was extremely thorough. It covered everything a student heading off to college would need to know about writing. I love the fact that we have lifetime access. This will allow, both Michael and Therese, to review sections that they might be struggling with. They can also reread a lesson if they need to better understand something for their other writing classes. As they get closer to college, they can actually redo the course as a fresher!

If you have a student heading off to college or if they just want to become a better writer, I highly recommend this online writing course! I promise your student will not regret it.

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Till Next Time,

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