Friday, September 13, 2019

Review~ Easy Grammar Ultimate Series: Grade 11

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Mountain of Grace Homeschooling Review

Good Morning! Today, I get to share with you an amazing grammar curriculum for students of all ages. Easy Grammar Ultimate Series: Grade 11 from Easy Grammar Systems is a great way for students to learn grammar. The program is simple and easy to follow!

Easy Grammar Systems is perfect to helps students learn and understand grammar, which is essential for writing and speaking properly. Everyone needs to know how to write and speak well.
The company offers a variety of resources to achieve this goal. 

Easy Grammar Texts
~Grades 1st through 6th ~

Easy Grammar Plus
~6th grade and up~

Daily Grams
~Grades 3rd through 7th~

Ultimate Series
~ Grades 8th through 12th~

Easy Writing
~Teaches how to write at a higher level~

What is the Easy Grammar Ultimate Series: Grade 11?

For this review, we received a physical copy of the Easy Grammar Ultimate Series: Grade 11 curriculum set. This set comes with the 180 Daily Teaching Lessons Grade 11 Teacher Edition and the Grade 11 Test Booklet.

The teachers edition contains everything you will need. The book contains reproducible worksheets for students to use. This is great if you're homeschooling more than one student. If you'd prefer your students to have their own workbook, you can order one for each of them too. I love how the company offers both choices to parents. The book contains 180 lessons to complete. Each lesson should take about 10 minutes. The material taught in the book is presented in a simple, step by step way. Each concept taught builds upon themselves. This is great for grammar mastery. In the beginning of the teacher edition, the entire program and how to use the series is fully explained. 

The lessons are broken up into 5 different sections.

1. Capitalization~ Teaches capitalization and when to apply it

2. Punctuation~ Teaches punctuation and when to use it

 3.Grammar ~ Teaches various grammar concepts

4. Grammar~ Teaches application of various grammar concepts

5. Sentence Combining~ Teachers students how to combine 2 or more sentences to improve their writing skills.

The Test booklet contains 18 reproducible tests to be given after every 10 lessons. These tests help see what you student has mastered and what they may still need some work on.

Answer keys for the lessons and the tests are included in each book, so there is no need to worry about what you might not remember from your days in high school!

What Did We Think of Easy Grammar Ultimate Series: Grade 11?

We love this program! 
We first started using the Easy Grammar series a few years ago, when I was looking for a simple, easy way to continue to teach grammar when the kids were entering middle school. We started with the Daily Grams 7th grade and then used Easy Grammar Plus for 8th grade. Last year, both kids worked through the Ultimate Series: Grade 9

I was thrilled when we were given the chance to review the 11th grade books. Both of my kids jumped from the 9th grade book to the 11th grade book.  Just in case you're wondering, we didn't use the set for 10th grade because it was not offered for the review. If it would have been offered, I would have selected the 10th grade books. We have not encountered any issues by doing this.The layout is the same, so there was no confusion for Michael or Therese. I like how the books present the material in short, easy lessons. This allows both of the kids to review a thorough grammar lesson, while working hard completing their English literature work.

The Easy Grammar series reminds me of a book I used in my high school English class. Mr. K was my 9th grade English literature teacher and he was amazing. He was one of those teachers that make a difference in their students lives. He had created his own grammar book to use in his classroom. It contained easy to understand lessons that taught everything a young high school student would need to know about grammar. It was extremely thorough. I often wished I had saved that book to have for my kids, but I didn't. Finding the Easy Grammar System books helped solve that problem. 

Both Michael and Therese find the lesson easy to complete. The simple layout allows then to get the lesson done in 10 minutes, unless they have questions. If they have questions,we review the topic and discuss it. Even when they do have questions, the lesson is usually completed in 15 minutes. The Easy Grammar System books are a great way for students to continue to master grammar even while they are in high school.

Discover for About Easy Grammar Systems on Social Media

 The Crew was selected to review a wonderful selection of the books from Easy Grammar Systems.
Want to learn more about the different grade levels? 
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