Thursday, February 2, 2023

10 Children's Books to Celebrate Valentine's Day

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Valentine's Day is just around the corner. I loved curling up on the couch and reading to my little ones. Even though those days are behind me, I love to reminisce about those special moments.

During the month of February, I would create a window display in our front bay window. This was our schoolroom, so it worked out perfectly. Every morning, the kids could find a new book to look through or read. I loved changing out the window every month. February was always one of my favorite months to prepare for. we had plenty of books in our house, but I'd also pick up a few titles we didn't have at our local library. If you're tight on cash, your local library is a great place to find books.

I decided to ask the kids what a few of their favorite books were that they remembered. I thought I'd share a few of theirs and a few of mine!

1. Day It Rained Hearts by Felicia Bond

2. Roses are Pink, Your Feet Really Stink (Gilbert the Opossum) by Diane de Groat

3. The Biggest Valentine Ever by Steve Kroll

4. The Valentine Bears by Eve Bunting and Jan Brett (a holiday classic)

5. The Berenstain Bears Valentine Party by Jan & Mike Berenstain
    The Berenstain Bears' Funny Valentine by Stan & Jan Berenstain
    The Berenstain Bears' Valentine Blessings by Mike Berenstain

The Berenstain Bear books were a favorite of mine as a child and I was more than happy to pass that love down to my children. We have a wonderful collection packed away for when I have grandchildren. Far off into the future!

6. Franklin's Valentines by Paulette Bourggeois

Franklin was a well-loved character by Michael. He would spend hours reading his Franklin books.

 7. Snowy Valentine by David Petersen

8. Pinkalicious Pink of Hearts by Victoria Kann

Oh my! When these books came out, Therese fell in love with them. She wanted them all and would read to dolls. I remember sitting on the couch with her and reading for hours. I think these books helped her fall in love with reading.

9. The Story of Valentine's Day by Nancy Skarmeas

and finally #10! Who doesn't love Curious George?

10. Happy Valentine's Day, Curious George! by N. Di Angelo

Do you have any favorite Valentine's Day books that you read to your kids?
I'd love to hear about them!

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Till Next Time,

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