Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Teaching Tuesdays~ John the Baptist Baptizes Jesus

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Hello again! It's been a few weeks since I have posted about our Sunday school lessons. Things have been a little crazy around here. We've had a few different illnesses come through our house and it seems like things are finally settling down just in time for Advent and Christmas. 

Our Saint~ Saint Jacinta, Saint Francisco, and Saint John the Baptist

We had three saints this week. 

Our first two saints were a brother and sister who were visited by the Blessed Virgin Mary when they were just 7 and 9. Saint Jacinta and Saint Francesco are wonderful saints to introduce children to because they were children themselves!

I read a brief summary of their lives. I found most of my information online. You can read about this brother and sister here.

The children were given a coloring page to work on why we learned about these young saints. 

Our other saint this week is an important one. It was Saint John the Baptist, the cousin of Jesus! We talked about he was Jesus's cousin and why he was an important prophet. The children were given a coloring page of him to take home. 

Our Virtue~ Honesty & Zeal

We had two virtues this week to go along with our saints.

Honesty~ For Saint Jacinta and Francisco, the virtue was honesty. Honesty is being trustworthy and true. Even when they were doubted, they believed in themselves and told the truth. They didn't allow others to persuade them.

Zeal~ Saint John the Baptist is a fantastic example of zeal. Zeal is being driven by an intense love for God. Saint John the Baptist was an important prophet preparing the way for Jesus!

Old Testament Lesson~ Abram and Lot, Abraham and Sarah

We read about Abram and Lot in our children's Bible. We learned about how God chose Abraham. We learned about God's promise to Abraham and Sarah. You can find simple children's versions on the DLTK'S Sites for Kids.
After reading the Bible stories, the kids had some fun working on a few worksheets. 

New Testament Lesson~ John Baptizes Jesus

For our New Testament lesson, we learned about how John the Patist baptized his cousin, Jesus. We read the story of how Jesus asked John to baptize him. We talked about original sin, baptism, and the Holy Spirit. The children then worked on a cute shell craft about the Baptism of Our Lord. You can find the craft and the free printables at Catholic Inspired. 

Additional Lesson~ Honesty and the Spider Craft

When we learn about the virtue of honesty, I always include this cute spider story and craft. The kids love it every year. 

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Till Next Time,


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