Sunday, January 31, 2021

Sunday Inspiration~ January 31, 2020

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Monday, January 25, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday~ January 25, 2021

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Good Morning, dear friends. Oh's a cold one here today. They are calling for a freezing rain/ snow mix today that will turn into all snow tonight. Thankfully I have no where to be today. 

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I spent Saturday organizing the old school room into my sewing/craft room. I'm now able to use it. My goal is to eventually get it set up with some new shelves, paint it, and redecorate it, but that can wait. I'm just glad I have a space back for now. I just need to figure out where to start. I have my new Cricut set up. I now need to figure out how to work it. So many people have recommended YouTube videos. I guess that will be my first step. I'm hoping to find a few blogs to check out too! Any suggestions?

Yesterday, I was back in my religious education class. Well, not my first grade class. Since I took a break this year, I'm subbing for the 2nd grade teacher. I was so happy to see most of the kids I had last year. I missed finishing up with them! It's a lot of work to prepare for class, but I do miss it at times.

Let's get on with Happy Homemaker Monday. Let's join our beautiful host, Sandra over at A Diary of Stay at Home.

This little snowman is perfect for today!

❀❀~The Weather~❀❀

Monday~ Freezing Rain/Snow 32*
Tuesday~ Scattered Showers, 45*
Wednesday~ Partly Cloudy, 44*
Thursday~ Partly Cloudy, 31*
Friday~ Mostly Sunny, 32*
Saturday~ Partly Cloudy, 36*
Sunday~ Rain and Snow, 37*

❀❀~How I'm feeling this morning~❀❀

I'm feeling pretty good. My shoulder is a little sore, but I haven't been taking my meds and I carried in fire wood and did something to it. I guess I pushed it too soon. So I'm relaxing it again and I'm being a good patient and taking my meds. I really would like to avoid surgery!
My allergies are kicking in again. It's crazy! I swear they are getting worse the older I get.

❀❀~What I'm wearing~❀❀

My usually winter weather outfit. Leggings from Walmart(I can't understand paying $50 for lounge pants), a t-shirt, a comfy sweatshirt, wool socks(so my toes don't turn purple), and my Uggs.

❀❀~What I'm doing right now~❀❀

I just sent out my class email to the parents about yesterday's class. The kids had a special visitor. Father came and talk to them about making their First Penance. I was so proud of all the questions they asked. 
Right now, I'm writing up this post waiting for the washer to be done, so I can put the next load in.

❀❀~ What's on my mind~❀❀

Honestly not much! I'm trying to avoid the drama that is online. I'm just trying to find peace in the world around me. I'd love a lunch date with a friend. 

❀❀~What they kids are up to~❀❀

School work. They are still a little behind, but they'll catch up. They are slowly working on their lessons and will be caught up by the end of the month. That's one of the nice things about homeschooling, things can always be adjusted. Let's face it, life never goes as we plan. Wouldn't it be nice if it did? Then again, maybe it wouldn't. We might miss out on a lot of great things if things we just as we planned. 

“Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.”
John F. Kennedy

❀❀~What's for breakfast~❀❀

Coffee and a chocolate protein shake

❀❀~My current reading pile~❀❀

I'm still trying to finish up the book from last week. I have a huge pile to read, but I've been busy doing other things.
I want to find a good daily scripture/woman journal type book to read. Any suggestions?

❀❀~What the Kids are Reading~❀❀

For English they have to read Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak and then watch the movie. They have to write a compare and contrast paper about the book and the movie. 

We all feel the book is way better. Even our local librarian voiced the same opinion when we checked them out. I think, for the most part, the book is always better than the movie. I can't think of one movie that was better than the book 
Can you?

 ❀❀~Music I'm listening to~❀❀

Same as last week...The Cranberries, Sarah McLachlan, Taylor Swift''s new album folklore, Adele, Carrie Underwood, and my 90's playlist. I guess I'm feeling nostalgic. 

❀❀~What I'm working on~❀❀

Nothing just yet. I need to make a new wreath for Valentine's Day. I also need to grade the kid's schoolwork from last week. 

❀❀~Looking around the house~❀❀

 I have some bags and boxes to donate. I need to get rid of some more books that the kids have read and outgrown. I have a few more boxes to go through. The floors need vacuumed and mopped again. The mud outside is driving me crazy.

❀❀~This weeks to do list~❀❀

Change the sheets
Clean the bathrooms
Take donations
Return books to the library
Plan more posts for my businesses
Grade schoolwork
Mail out the new Spring/Summer Scentsy Catalogs

❀❀~Funny Quote/Meme for the Week~❀❀

from Pinterest

❀~What's for dinner this week~❀❀

Monday~  Leftovers
Tuesday~ ??
Wednesday~ ??
Thursday~ ??
Friday~ ??
Saturday~ ??
Sunday~ ??

I never sat down and made my dinner menu for the week. I need to do that. 

❀❀~ From the camera~❀❀

❀❀~What I'm praying for~❀❀

Our nation 
Family and Friends
Law enforcement and first responders
Unborn Babies and the ProLife Movement
A friend who is having open heart surgery
A friend whose father passed away last week
Those affected with Covid
My elderly great aunts

❀❀~Inspirational thought for the week~❀❀

Wishing y'all a wonderful week. 
Stay happy, healthy, and safe!

Till Next Time,

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Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Wordless Wednesday~ Mouse Hunting

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With all the rain and snow we've had, plus the chilly temps. 
The field mice have decided to move in and try to live indoors with us.
Obviously, I'm not a fan of their idea.
Thankfully, the cats have got it covered!

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Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday~ January 18, 2021

Please Note~ This post may contain affiliate links. If you choose to click on a link, add it to your cart and complete your purchase, I will receive a small percentage. We are very grateful for this additional source of income. Thank you.

Good Morning, dear friends! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. It was a chilly one here. I spent the weekend catching up on laundry. I've had a lot of towels, sheets, and blankets from my father-in-law's house to wash and put away. I've also been washing clothes we've decided to donate. Organizing and purging unnecessary items was on the list this weekend.

The boys took a load of scrap metal to the scrap yard, a load of furniture to donate, and a few loads of trash. I think we are finally getting to the end of things here. Everyone is getting settled in. Houses are getting organized and cleaned out. It's starting to feel like there is an end in sight. Of course, it may be wishful thinking on my part. 

My hubby is starting on our next renovation laundry room. Currently, it's in the basement and it's rather dark and dreary down there. He is going to turn it into a nice, cheery room for me. I can't wait. I'll definitely share some pics.

Enough of the catching up! Let's get on with Happy Homemaker Monday (on a Tuesday). Yup, I'm a day behind. Let's join our beautiful host, Sandra over at A Diary of Stay at Home.

❀❀~The Weather~❀❀

Chilly, chilly temps are here and it looks like they are staying for awhile. The woodstoves are going and the cats are enjoying curling up in front of them. 

Monday~ Partly Cloudy, 42*
Tuesday~ Partly Cloudy, 46*
Wednesday~ Partly Cloudy, 36*
Thursday~ Mostly Sunny, 49*
Friday~ Partly Cloudy, 36*
Saturday~ Partly Cloudy, 40*
Sunday~ Partly Cloudy, 40*

❀❀~How I'm feeling this morning~❀❀

Pretty good this morning. I didn't want to get out out bed, since it was nice and cozy under the blankets, but the day was calling. It definitely felt like a Monday, since the hubby was home yesterday.

❀❀~What I'm wearing~❀❀

My winter uniform! Leggings, a t-shirt,  a comfy sweater, wool socks, and my Uggs. Comfy and warm. 

❀❀~What I'm doing right now~❀❀

I'm typing up this post, drinking a glass of water. I'm trying to increase my water intake. I find in the winter, I just don't drink enough water.  
I'm over-seeing the kids lessons.

I'm scheduling posts for my business. Social Media is so helpful, but time consuming at the same time. 

One of the new warmers from our Valentine's Day Collection

If you're interested, stop by and check my pages out. I'd loved to see you there!

VIP Groups

Instagram Pages 

I'm trying to find a nice balance for it all. I think that's easier said than done.

I'm also looking over some of the reviews, I will be working on. I have a few great ones coming up! Book reviews, curriculum reviews, and even a few games!

❀❀~ What's on my mind~❀❀

A lot. The state of our country, my family, etc. I keep praying for things to get better, to settle down, and life to get back to normal (or at least somewhat normal). I know I have to put my faith in God, but sometimes it's hard to take that leap. We tend to want to control the things around us, especially when things are so crazy. I never thought I'd see what we are seeing happen in the United States during my life time. I worry for my kids and their futures. I just keep repeating Saint Padre Pio's short little prayer.

❀❀~What they kids are up to~❀❀

Schoolwork and then cleaning their rooms. They both have laundry to put away. Michael has to bring in wood and Therese is helping me rearrange my craft room (used to to be the school room). Therese is still taking amazing photos for her photography class. I'm so proud of her. 
Michael has suddenly been getting letters and emails from colleges. I swear he gets a couple each day. 

❀❀~What's for breakfast~❀❀

Coffee and my protein shake. 

❀❀~My current reading pile~❀❀

I currently reading The Bookshop on the Corner by Jenny Colgan . I really need to sit down and finish it. I have about 10 books checked out from the library that I need to read too! I just need more time in the day. Anyone else feel like that?

❀❀~What the Kids are Reading~❀❀

For history they are finishing up, Killing England: The Brutal Struggle for American Independence by Bill O'Reilly.

They have started reading the Copper Sun by Sharon M. Draper

 ❀❀~Music I'm listening to~❀❀

I'm just listening to my music list....Taylor Swift, The Cranberries, U2, Adele, Lewis Capaldi, Kenney Chesney, and my 90's playlist.

❀❀~What I'm working on~❀❀

Cleaning and organizing the craft room still. It's slowly getting there. I can't wait to have it set up, so I can start sewing, scrapbooking, and crafting again. It will also serve as my office for my businesses. I desperately need to get my office set up, so I can feel organized and in control of things. I hate feeling lost. I have finally found 5 niches for my business. After a few months of searching, I found five companies that I love! 

Drumroll please, I've decided to go...

For skincare and makeup, Beautycounter
My skin has never felt so soft and look so great. The products are free of harsh chemicals!

For household cleaners and a few personal care items, I'm in love with the products from Pure Haven. I absolutely love their Lemon Surface Cleaner and Master Blaster (it gets makeup stains out of those annoying masks we have to wear)!

For my house, I absolutely love my Scentsy products! I keep finding more and more warmers I want. I  might not need them, but I definitely want them. I love that the wax is warmed in the Scentsy warmers, so they are not being burned and putting harsh chemicals into the air. Also my hubby loves that I no longer have candles burning. He was always paranoid I'd burn down the house. 

I love fashion and jewelry! I'm sure it stems from my years of studying fashion design and merchandising. At times, I miss living in the Big City. So to support my fashion habit, I'm thrilled to be a jewelry designer for Origami Owl and a affiliate for Rose Rock Closet. 

After years of homeschooling my two amazing kids, I now have time to find a few things I enjoy doing. I can work from home, still be there for my kids, but also spend some time doing things I enjoy. An added bonus, I can help support my family a little bit. 

❀❀~What new for me~❀❀

I'm heading back to teach religious education at our church for a few weeks. I stepped down in the fall with  everything that was going on. I just felt like I didn't have the time to fully commit. They needed a sub for 2nd grade for a few weeks, so I volunteered to help out. I'm actually excited to get back to see the kids. The funny thing is these are the same kids I had last year in 1st grade, so I'll get to see them all again. We'll be preparing for First Penance and First Holy Communion. 

❀❀~Looking around the house~❀❀

The house needs a thorough deep cleaning again. All the rain we've had has created mud and the boys (and dog) keep tracking it in. 

I'm thrilled with all the progress we've made around the house. It's starting to look like a home again. Boxes and clutter are slowly disappearing. 

Christmas is all down. It always look so empty once it's gone, but it's nice to have things back to normal too.

❀❀~This weeks to do list~❀❀

The usual list....
Laundry....I only have one small basket with a few dirty clothes in it. I'm not sure how that's even possible! 
Drop off more donations
Head to the library
Clean the bathrooms
Clean the kitchen
Mop the floors

❀❀~Funny Quote/Meme for the Week~❀❀

Anyone else do this?

❀~What's for dinner this week~❀❀

Monday~  Chicken nuggets and mac n' cheese
Tuesday~ Cheeseburger Mac
Wednesday~ Crockpot Shredded Chicken
Thursday~ Bacon Wrap Pork Chops
Friday~ ??
Saturday~ ??
Sunday~ Creamy Tuscan Chicken

❀❀~ From the camera~❀❀

❀❀~What I'm praying for~❀❀

My family, friends, and loved ones
Our Nation, our President, Vice-President, and leaders
Law enforcement and first responders
The Unborn babies and the Pro-Life movement

❀❀~Inspirational thought for the week~❀❀

Wishing y'all a wonderful week. 
Stay happy, healthy, and safe!

Till Next Time,

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Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Book Reading Challenge for the Year~ 2021

Please Note~ This post may contain affiliate links. If you choose to click on a link, add it to your cart and complete your purchase, I will receive a small percentage. We are very grateful for this additional source of income. Thank you. 

I am a avid reader! After struggling to learn to read as a young child, I now always have a book going. Once I mastered those pesky reading skill, my nose was always in a book. 
Think Belle from Beauty and the Beast. 
Huh....maybe that's why she's my favorite Disney princess. I always thought it was because she had brown hair.

Every year, I read a lot of books. I'm not a big TV watcher, so I spend my time reading books or crafting. I love heading to the library to see what they have new. I enjoy visiting the local used book store to discover new writers. I get excited when I head to the thrift store and find a book I've been wanting to read. I love new books and much as I love new shoes. Yup, I'm a shoe freak too.

Over the past few years, I joined in on the reading challenge over on Goodreads. Last year, I didn't reach my goal. I had challenged myself to read 120 books and I fell short by 4! I probably could have reached my goal, but when the quarantine first hit, I just wasn't in the mood to read. I ended up crafting more to keep busy. It's weird how the little things change when your life is altered drastically. 

In 2019, I challenged myself to read 80 books and passed that goal with 104 books. In 2018, I joined the challenge late and only logged in 40 books.
This year, I have stuck with my goal of 120 books. Who knows maybe I'll surpass it this year.

I love having Goodreads. It helps me keep track of the books I want to read and the books I have read. Too often, I start a book and then realize 3 chapters in that I've already read the book.

I read a wide range of genres. I think the only genre that I absolutely don't like is science fiction. Sorry if you're a fan of sci-fi, but I just can't get into it. It's just too far out there for me at times. 

So what books are on my to read list? Check out just a few from my list on goodreads. I have close to 150 books on that list. My goal this year is to get a good bit moved over to the read list. The list keeps growing!

~Fiction List~


~Faith Based~


Will I get to all of these? Maybe, maybe not. I'm sure I'll find more books throughout the year to add to me list. I never seem to run out of books to read. Whether they are real life books in my hands or books loaded onto my kindle, the list of books never ends which I am truly thankful for. 

Till Next Time,

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Thursday, January 7, 2021

Review~ Ultimate PreK-12 Annual Membership

Disclaimer~ I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.


Can you believe it is 2021?    
I am sure many of us are ready for a new year. With the new year arriving, it is also a new year for the Homeschool Review Crew. I'm so excited to be sharing with you our first review of the year. The kids and I have been using the Ultimate PreK-12 Annual Membership from for several years now. It is a fantastic resource for homeschooling families with students in all grades. Have not heard of Stick around and I know you will fall in love with all that this membership provides for your family.

What is the Ultimate PreK-12 Annual Membership?

The Ultimate PreK-12 Annual Membership includes every subject for every grade for every student in your family. There are no textbooks to buy! Everything is included in this fantastic Christ-centered program. 

The Annual membership includes over 450 self-paced courses. The courses come with full lesson plans and all the materials needed are included for the most part. Occasionally, we have had to check out a book from the library. The courses not only include lesson plans, but may include worksheets, tests, exams, videos, and other interactive content. 

The site can be searched by grade levels or by subjects to be studied. Families will find a wide range of subjects for all grade levels.

~Subjects Offered~

Computer and Technology
Drama and Speech
Foreign Language
Health and Fitness
Language Arts
Social Studies
Various Unit Studies

In addition to all the courses offered, the Ultimate PreK-12 Annual Membership includes other resources for students and parents.

Scope and Sequence for Grades
Schedule Builder
Informational Charts
Focused Learning Centers
Literacy Help 
Holiday and Seasonal Content
Recipes for Families
World Book Online Resource Library
Learning Centers
High School Help
Special Needs
Printable Calendar 
Members Forum

Parental Support is even provided with this amazing resource for homeschooling families. Their customer service department is amazing!

How Did We Use the Ultimate PreK-12 Annual Membership?

Both my teens are currently working through courses offered on Therese is currently taking Spanish 1 and Photography.

Here are just a few of the beautiful pictures she has taken using this course.


Michael is taking Geology for his science this year and finishing up his foreign language requirements for high school with Spanish 2.

Both are working through the Fundamental Elements of Literature and Composition. With this course, they are reading various works of literature and learning to write a variety of compositions. By the end of this course, they both will gain more practice writing casual essay, an argumentative essay, a short story, a narrative essay, a compare/contrast essay, persuasive essay, and a research paper. They will learn how to do a literary analysis.
They took a course like this last year at a local co-op and I wanted them to gain more experience with these writing styles, since writing is a crucial key for success.

What Do We Think of the Ultimate PreK-12 Annual Membership?

I highly recommend the Ultimate PreK-12 Annual Membership. You can choose to use it for all your homeschooling needs or just a few classes. It is so convenient and easy to use. I would encourage any homeschooling family looking for a wide variety of courses and resources to check out. It is well worth the price.

Learn more about

Want to learn more about the Ultimate PreK-12 Annual Membership and all that has to offer?
Click the link below and see what the rest of the Review Crew had to share.

Till Next Time,

                              Be sure to sign up for our emails. I would love to stay in touch!

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Tuesday, January 5, 2021

25 Snow Themed Books for a Winter Story Time

Please Note~ This post may contain affiliate links. If you choose to click on a link, add it to your cart and complete your purchase, I will receive a small percentage. We are very grateful for this additional source of income.

When the kids were little, I always created a display of themed books for our read aloud time. I would display the books in our front school room. We had a wonderful bay window that would hold the books perfectly. The books would be spread out over the window sill and silently call to be pick up. I loved how the kids could easily head into the room, pick out a book, and have a wonderful adventure. Picture books are such an amazing way to create life long readers. Interesting stories and beautiful illustrations draw a child in.

As they got older, they could sit down in a comfy bean bag and spend a few hours reading themselves. Simple, charming tales that helped their imaginations come to life.

So here are a few of our favorite snow stories and few new ones I'd love to add to our collection!

1. Snow by Uri Shulevitz


2. The Snowy Days by Ezra Jack Keats


3. Sugar Snow (Little House Picture Book) by Laura Ingalls Wilder


4. Snowflake Bentley by Jacqueline Briggs Martin

5. The Mitten by Jan Brett



6. Snowmen at Night by Caralyn Buehner

7. The Three Snow Bears by Jan Brett


8. The Snowman by Raymond Briggs


9. The Tomten by Astrid Lindgren


10. Winter Sleep: A Hibernation Story

11. Snow by Cynthia Rylant 

12. Mouse's First Snow by Lauren Thompson

13. One Winter's Day by M. Christina Butler

14. Animals in Winter

15. Time to Sleep by Denise Fleming


16. A Warm Winter Tail by Carrie A. Pearson


17. Owl Moon by Jane Yolen


18. Stranger in the Woods by Carl R. Sams II


19. Snowballs by Lois Ehlert

20. The Biggest Snowman Ever by Steven Kroll


21. Winter Dance by Marion Dane Bauer



23. Tracks in the Snow by 



24. When It Starts to Snow by Phillis Gershator

25. Roses in the Snow: A Tale of Saint Elizabeth by Dessi Jackson

Do you have a collection of books that you read with children?
I'd love to hear a few of your favorite winter theme books!

Till Next Time,

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