Monday, January 25, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday~ January 25, 2021

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Good Morning, dear friends. Oh's a cold one here today. They are calling for a freezing rain/ snow mix today that will turn into all snow tonight. Thankfully I have no where to be today. 

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I spent Saturday organizing the old school room into my sewing/craft room. I'm now able to use it. My goal is to eventually get it set up with some new shelves, paint it, and redecorate it, but that can wait. I'm just glad I have a space back for now. I just need to figure out where to start. I have my new Cricut set up. I now need to figure out how to work it. So many people have recommended YouTube videos. I guess that will be my first step. I'm hoping to find a few blogs to check out too! Any suggestions?

Yesterday, I was back in my religious education class. Well, not my first grade class. Since I took a break this year, I'm subbing for the 2nd grade teacher. I was so happy to see most of the kids I had last year. I missed finishing up with them! It's a lot of work to prepare for class, but I do miss it at times.

Let's get on with Happy Homemaker Monday. Let's join our beautiful host, Sandra over at A Diary of Stay at Home.

This little snowman is perfect for today!

❀❀~The Weather~❀❀

Monday~ Freezing Rain/Snow 32*
Tuesday~ Scattered Showers, 45*
Wednesday~ Partly Cloudy, 44*
Thursday~ Partly Cloudy, 31*
Friday~ Mostly Sunny, 32*
Saturday~ Partly Cloudy, 36*
Sunday~ Rain and Snow, 37*

❀❀~How I'm feeling this morning~❀❀

I'm feeling pretty good. My shoulder is a little sore, but I haven't been taking my meds and I carried in fire wood and did something to it. I guess I pushed it too soon. So I'm relaxing it again and I'm being a good patient and taking my meds. I really would like to avoid surgery!
My allergies are kicking in again. It's crazy! I swear they are getting worse the older I get.

❀❀~What I'm wearing~❀❀

My usually winter weather outfit. Leggings from Walmart(I can't understand paying $50 for lounge pants), a t-shirt, a comfy sweatshirt, wool socks(so my toes don't turn purple), and my Uggs.

❀❀~What I'm doing right now~❀❀

I just sent out my class email to the parents about yesterday's class. The kids had a special visitor. Father came and talk to them about making their First Penance. I was so proud of all the questions they asked. 
Right now, I'm writing up this post waiting for the washer to be done, so I can put the next load in.

❀❀~ What's on my mind~❀❀

Honestly not much! I'm trying to avoid the drama that is online. I'm just trying to find peace in the world around me. I'd love a lunch date with a friend. 

❀❀~What they kids are up to~❀❀

School work. They are still a little behind, but they'll catch up. They are slowly working on their lessons and will be caught up by the end of the month. That's one of the nice things about homeschooling, things can always be adjusted. Let's face it, life never goes as we plan. Wouldn't it be nice if it did? Then again, maybe it wouldn't. We might miss out on a lot of great things if things we just as we planned. 

“Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.”
John F. Kennedy

❀❀~What's for breakfast~❀❀

Coffee and a chocolate protein shake

❀❀~My current reading pile~❀❀

I'm still trying to finish up the book from last week. I have a huge pile to read, but I've been busy doing other things.
I want to find a good daily scripture/woman journal type book to read. Any suggestions?

❀❀~What the Kids are Reading~❀❀

For English they have to read Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak and then watch the movie. They have to write a compare and contrast paper about the book and the movie. 

We all feel the book is way better. Even our local librarian voiced the same opinion when we checked them out. I think, for the most part, the book is always better than the movie. I can't think of one movie that was better than the book 
Can you?

 ❀❀~Music I'm listening to~❀❀

Same as last week...The Cranberries, Sarah McLachlan, Taylor Swift''s new album folklore, Adele, Carrie Underwood, and my 90's playlist. I guess I'm feeling nostalgic. 

❀❀~What I'm working on~❀❀

Nothing just yet. I need to make a new wreath for Valentine's Day. I also need to grade the kid's schoolwork from last week. 

❀❀~Looking around the house~❀❀

 I have some bags and boxes to donate. I need to get rid of some more books that the kids have read and outgrown. I have a few more boxes to go through. The floors need vacuumed and mopped again. The mud outside is driving me crazy.

❀❀~This weeks to do list~❀❀

Change the sheets
Clean the bathrooms
Take donations
Return books to the library
Plan more posts for my businesses
Grade schoolwork
Mail out the new Spring/Summer Scentsy Catalogs

❀❀~Funny Quote/Meme for the Week~❀❀

from Pinterest

❀~What's for dinner this week~❀❀

Monday~  Leftovers
Tuesday~ ??
Wednesday~ ??
Thursday~ ??
Friday~ ??
Saturday~ ??
Sunday~ ??

I never sat down and made my dinner menu for the week. I need to do that. 

❀❀~ From the camera~❀❀

❀❀~What I'm praying for~❀❀

Our nation 
Family and Friends
Law enforcement and first responders
Unborn Babies and the ProLife Movement
A friend who is having open heart surgery
A friend whose father passed away last week
Those affected with Covid
My elderly great aunts

❀❀~Inspirational thought for the week~❀❀

Wishing y'all a wonderful week. 
Stay happy, healthy, and safe!

Till Next Time,

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  1. I loved the "Devotions from the Front Porch" and "Devotions from the Kitchen Table." I think I ordered them from Amazon... Have a great week ahead. Stay safe :)


  2. Ha, I think my family made that meme! Didn't realize there was a Where the Wild Things Are movie out there, I think when it comes to children's books, yes always better than the movie. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  3. haha, I see your menu-plan is the same as mine ;)
    Have a great week

  4. What a sweet kitty picture! I didn't see the movie, but LOVED the book! Comparing and contrasting is an excellent way for them to learn the nuances between the different medias and a true appreciation for the written word! Sounds like you're having a busy week. I adore your funny for the week - really hit the nail on the head for me! Have a GREAT rest of the week.

