Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Book Reading Challenge for the Year~ 2021

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I am a avid reader! After struggling to learn to read as a young child, I now always have a book going. Once I mastered those pesky reading skill, my nose was always in a book. 
Think Belle from Beauty and the Beast. 
Huh....maybe that's why she's my favorite Disney princess. I always thought it was because she had brown hair.

Every year, I read a lot of books. I'm not a big TV watcher, so I spend my time reading books or crafting. I love heading to the library to see what they have new. I enjoy visiting the local used book store to discover new writers. I get excited when I head to the thrift store and find a book I've been wanting to read. I love new books and much as I love new shoes. Yup, I'm a shoe freak too.

Over the past few years, I joined in on the reading challenge over on Goodreads. Last year, I didn't reach my goal. I had challenged myself to read 120 books and I fell short by 4! I probably could have reached my goal, but when the quarantine first hit, I just wasn't in the mood to read. I ended up crafting more to keep busy. It's weird how the little things change when your life is altered drastically. 

In 2019, I challenged myself to read 80 books and passed that goal with 104 books. In 2018, I joined the challenge late and only logged in 40 books.
This year, I have stuck with my goal of 120 books. Who knows maybe I'll surpass it this year.

I love having Goodreads. It helps me keep track of the books I want to read and the books I have read. Too often, I start a book and then realize 3 chapters in that I've already read the book.

I read a wide range of genres. I think the only genre that I absolutely don't like is science fiction. Sorry if you're a fan of sci-fi, but I just can't get into it. It's just too far out there for me at times. 

So what books are on my to read list? Check out just a few from my list on goodreads. I have close to 150 books on that list. My goal this year is to get a good bit moved over to the read list. The list keeps growing!

~Fiction List~


~Faith Based~


Will I get to all of these? Maybe, maybe not. I'm sure I'll find more books throughout the year to add to me list. I never seem to run out of books to read. Whether they are real life books in my hands or books loaded onto my kindle, the list of books never ends which I am truly thankful for. 

Till Next Time,

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