Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Review~ Excellence in Literature Handbook for Writers from Everyday Education

Disclaimer~ I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

Good Morning and welcome back. Thank you for stopping in! Today, I get to share with you a valuable resource for writers. In order for students to excel in school and life, they need to know how to write well. The Excellence in Literature Handbook for Writers from Everyday Education is a must have resource for any student!

Everyday Education is a valuable resource for families that are just starting on their homeschooling journey or have been on the journey for a few years already. The site offers advice and resources for learning how to homeschool, how to teach the classics, and how to use living books in your homeschooling curriculum. The site also provides families with a wonderful selection of books in their bookstore. The bookstore contains books to help teach literature and how to become strong writers. There are resources for parents, like Transcripts Made Easy, to help them along their homeschooling journey.

"The decline in literature indicates the decline of a nation."
~ Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

For this review, we received a free copy of Excellence in Literature Handbook for Writers in eBook form. The book can be purchased in physical form on the website too. 

The Excellence in Literature Handbook for Writers was created for use by middle and high school students and beyond to the college and adult years. It is a writer's handbook that takes them from high school to college. This valuable resource is a refence guidebook that answers questions about grammar, writing, punctuation, and more. Every college bound student should have a copy to take with them, so they will have a quick reference guide to help them succeed in their college classes.

Excellence in Literature Handbook for Writers is based on two useful reference books, one that is focused on essays and arguments, and the second one that is focused on elements of usage and style. This reference handbook would be a wonderful addition to any bookshelf.

 The Excellence in Literature Handbook for Writers is broken up into 2 parts. 

~Part 1~
Essays and Arguments

Sections 1- Introduction to Essays and Arguments
Section 2- Simple First Principles of Arguments
Section 3- Setting Up the Argument 
Section 4- Definitions: Defining Key Terms
Section 5- Deduction and Induction
Section 6- Organizing the Main Body of an Argument part 1
Section 7- Organizing the Main Body of an Argument part 2
Section 8- Paragraph Structure
Section 9- Paragraph Functions
Section 10- Writing Arguments About Literary Works
Samples of Outlines for Essays and Research Papers
Critical Approaches to Shakespeare
Criteria for Making Literary Evaluations

~Part 2~
Usage and Style
Section 1- Phrases, Clauses, and Sentences
Section 2- Words
Section 3- Basic Punctuation
Section 4- Pronouns
Section 5- Parallelism or Parallel Structure
Section 6- Modifiers, Gerunds, and Infinitives 
Section 7- Clarity, Logic, and Structure
Section 8- References and Bibliographies
Section 9- Basic Format for Essays and Research Papers

At the back of the handbook, there are three additional sections: the six sections of an approach paper, eleven things a paragraph can do, and the rubric for writing evaluation. 
The handbook is over 400 pages and provides students with a wealth of information they can use as they write papers for their various classes.

"Once you learn to read, you will be forever free."
~ Frederick Douglass

What Will the Students Learn Using the Excellence in Literature Handbook?

Honestly, a better question to ask would be what they will not learn in regards to writing. When students use the handbook, they will learn how to write and construct logical arguments for their essays, debate projects, and research papers. Students will learn to use deductive and inductive reasoning. Learning how to use these forms of reasoning allows students to form hypotheses, theories, and know how to apply them to specific situations. Students learn to dig deeper into the great classics, short stories, poetry, and plays. By digging deeper into these works, they will learn how to apply their thoughts and write insightful papers on works of literature. When students know how to form and structure paragraphs correctly, it will lead to papers and essays that are strong and interesting to read. The essays and papers will be clear and concisely present the student's point of view.
Reading great literature and being able to discuss it or write about it allows students to become educated, well-rounded, and productive citizens in society.

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it.
 It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become."
~ C.S. Lewis

How To Use the Excellence in Literature Handbook for Writers?

This handbook is a wonderful resource for students as they work through other courses. It is a necessary addition to any language art curriculum. It will help students with their grammar, punctuation, outlines, sentence structure, and writing style. The samples provided in the handbook are amazing and a wonderful reference for students. English papers, research papers, history reports, and term papers will become easier to complete with this valuable resource sitting on your student's desk.

What Did We Think About the Excellence in Literature Handbook for Writers?

I found this book to be a great resource for my two high school students. They both have multiple papers to work on in their American Literature class and their history class. Research papers, persuasive essays, book analysis papers, and a term paper have all been writing assignments they have worked on this year or will work on this year.
This handbook is a wonderful resource for them to know what is expected, what must be done, and how to execute it. I want both my teens to be strong writers. I have seen firsthand too many students struggle when they head off to college because they have no clue on how to begin the writing process or how to actual do it. This handbook solves that! It truly is a outstanding reference book for high school students heading off to college.

Over the past few months, they have looked over various sections and applied it to the essays they have worked on. Now, as they begin their work on their term papers, I will be printing a copy out for each one. I will place the printed pages in a binder and that way they will have easy access to the book. I know both will be using the handbook quite frequently as they work on their term papers, especially the section about references and bibliographies!

Both Michael and Therese have the book extremely helpful as a reference to use when they are writing. Therese asked to have it printed out, so that she could easily mark important sections she needed.

" A writer, I think, is someone who pays attention to the world."
~ Susan Sontag

Learn more about Everyday Education and all the wonderful books they have to offer.

Stop by and see what the rest of the crew had to say about The Excellence in Literature Handbook for Writers. 

Till Next Time,

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