Thursday, May 20, 2021

Really.....25 years already!

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Twenty-five years! How has it been 25 years since I walked across that stage of my college campus. Twenty-five years since I walked arm in arm with my friends as we exited the ceremony that would change our lives forever.  Little did we know, that many of us would never talk to each other again. We would go our separate ways and find our new path on this journey into adulthood.

It's strange how time seems to fly by, but at the same time feels like it was only yesterday we were sitting on the grassy field hanging out in the sunshine. 

As I look back, college was one of the best times of my life. Fun, carefree, exciting, and challenging! Let's face it, I wasn't really an adult.  I still had the support of  my mom and dad. Freedom without all the responsibilities of a working adult. It was the stepping stone before I entered the real world. 

Sure, I had to work hard (scholarship money tied into my GPA), but I had  plenty of fun along the way. Trips abroad, bar hopping, dance clubs, games, shopping, fashion shows, and spring break to just name a few. 

I started to make decisions for myself, whether they were the right or wrong ones. The wrong choices were part of the learning process. My mistakes helped me grow (hopefully for the better). The right choices helped me realize that I just might be able to make in the real world. It wasn't always easy to make those decisions. Thankfully, I had amazing friends that were always there to help me figure it all out. I don't know what I would have done without them.

While at college I figured out who I was (or at least who I thought I was at the time). I made friendships that I will cherish until the day I die. Even if I no longer see or talk to these girls daily, the friendships they offered will always be in the back of my mind and in my heart. They were my sisters. They were my confidants. They helped me through the good times, the bad times, the pretty times, and the ugly times. College isn't always pretty! 

They were there through the tears and the fits of uncontrollable laughter. The midnight runs for pizza and cigarettes (yup, I used to smoke). They were by my side when my first serious boyfriend cheated on me and broke my heart (a few times....bad decision making on that one). They were there when I finally stood up for myself and moved on. When I meet the guy that would show me what trust and true love was, they were there. A few were still there when he broke my heart a few years after graduating college. They cheered me on when I excelled in school or when I created an amazing gown. They encouraged me when things were not going well. Chemistry was not my thing; I only passed from the help of a dear friend. She was my saving grace.

I remember the many all-nighters with this wonderful group of girls. Hours and hours of talking and sharing our hopes and dreams. Days and hours sewing our garments for our fashion classes. Hours in the art lab creating our masterpieces. Walking up and down the gigantic hill to get to town for some Ben and Jerry's ice cream or to head out to the bars for some weekend fun. Piling into one small bed to watch Pretty in Pink and eat microwave popcorn. Using cafeteria trays as sleds when it snowed. Catching the train together as we headed into the city for our internships. So many memories, so many wonderful memories.

“Your memory feels like home to me.
So whenever my mind wanders, it always finds it’s way back to you.”
― Ranata Suzuki

I'm not quite sure why I felt compelled to write all this down, except that it has been on my mind ever since I received notice about my 25 year reunion. It's not actually happening in person thanks to Covid. I guess I just miss the close friendships I had with that amazing group of girls. Over the past 25 years, I've had friends from work, co-op classes, and homeschool groups, but none that have stood the test of time and none that have I felt as close too. Maybe it's the age and all the stuff you go through in college or maybe I just haven't found my set of girls because I've been raising kids. I honestly have no clue. 

Till Next Time,

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