Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Review~ ACT Mom Online Class

Disclaimer~I received a COMPLIMENTARY copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

Recently, we were offered a chance to review the ACT Mom Online Class from ACT Mom. Therese was thrilled to have the chance to use this course since she is planning to take the ACT test this year. 

ACT Mom Online Class includes streaming videos, materials, and practice questions. The online class is thirteen hours long. Nine hours of in-person instruction. The same as the in-person class but through videos. Five additional hours of teaching videos and practice are included. 

For this review, we received access to the ACT Mom Online Class and a binder filled with various materials for the student. Online access for the ACT MOM Online Class is one year and currently costs $250 (plus $8.25 for shipping). The binder included multiple practice test in page protectors with an answer key, a pencil case with a dry-erase marker, a cloth to clean the dry erase, and I think little sticky notes (or Therese added them to her pencil case). 

What is the ACT Mom Online Class?

The ACT Mom Online Class is prerecorded sessions that are presented in bite-size segments and followed up with practice questions. The practice questions are to help reinforce the material presented in the lesson and help students see what they understand or do not understand. The goal of the course is to help students increase their ACT score and hopefully receive scholarship money from the college of their choice. 

The class is divided into the various topics covered in the ACT test. Students will work through a English section, a Math section, a Science section, and a Reading section. Each subject is broken up into multiple sessions. As the students work through each section, they will be introduced to the various types of questions they will see on the actual ACT test. Students are taught how to work through the questions and practical advice is given. The goal is to help the students achieve their best possible course.

As students work through the class, they will complete one ACT practice test. The online class also offers links to six additional practice tests for the students to work on. 

What Did We Think of the ACT Mom Online Class?

I only briefly looked over the course when we received access. I immediately sent the information to Therese so she could start the class. From what I saw, the class looks extremely well done and the enthusiasm she has while teaching the class is amazing. The class is educational, engaging, and fun. It is not some boring class where students will zone out!

Therese has enjoyed the class immensely. She feels she has learned a lot. She loves the practical advice that is given. She has commented multiple times that she has learned things she was never taught, especially when it comes to English. This surprised me since we have always used such a strong English program. I was looking over the notes Therese has taken, and she has written done information about commas, semicolons, and word endings. 

She said the teacher has offered a lot of valuable advice about how to do well on the test and why it's important to score high when looking to earn scholarship money. She offers advice on test taking skills, time management, and ways to remember particular concepts. Therese has not competed the course yet, but she already feels that this course will help her get into the college of her dreams. 

I'm thrilled that she is learning from his course. The knowledge she is picking up will help her feel confident when she takes the test but also give her the skills to ace the test. It is clear the Katie Johnson has spent years learning the ins and outs of the ACT test. I'm just glad she has decided to share that knowledge with others. 

Learn more about the ACT Mom Online Class

Be sure to stop by and see what some of the other review crew members had to say about the 
ACT Mom Online Class!

Till Next Time,

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Wordless Wednesday~ Hear me Roar!

Please Note~ This post may contain affiliate links. If you choose to click on a link, add it to your cart, and complete your purchase, I will receive a small percentage. We are very grateful for this additional source of income. Thank you. 

King of the Jungle 
(well at least the house)

Till Next Time,

Friday, August 20, 2021

Review~ It's NOT Greek to Me! from Ready to Teach

Disclaimer~I received a COMPLIMENTARY copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

Building a strong vocabulary is important for students whether or not they are heading off to college. Over the years, I have encouraged my kids to read great literature, but I still wanted to help them build their vocabulary. Learning Greek morphemes is an amazing way to help students increase their vocabulary. I was thrilled when we were given the opportunity to review It's NOT Greek to Me! from Ready to Teach. I knew this would be extremely helpful as they prepared for taking the SAT and ACT.

The Ready to Teach program was developed by Dr. Alene Harris. Dr. Harris earned her Ph.D. from Vanderbilt University in Tennesse and her Master's in Education from George Peabody College for Teachers. She developed her courses for Ready to Teach during her 30 years of teaching language arts and science, conducting and publishing reports, and in-service workshops. Her dedication and enthusiasm have created a program that shines above the others!
Ready to Teach offers a variety of programs: Getting Off to a Good Start(Manual for Teachers), It's Not Greek to Me!, and Latin Lives in Your Vocabulary!

For this review, we received the It's NOT Greek to Me! Instructional Set. 
This set includes the following:

It's NOT Greek to Me! Instructional Manual
(Paperback, 126 pages)

It's Not Greek to Me! Student Manual 
(Paperback, 124 pages)

USB Flash Drive containing 12 PowerPoint, self-paced lessons

Single Whole Punch 

Binder Ring for Flashcards

The It's NOT Greek to Me! Instructor's Manual is 126 pages. The book contains full lesson plans, tests,  answer keys, flashcards, ideas for bulletin boards, and graphics to use.

The Student book is 123 pages. It contains places for student's notes and lessons activities, 12 coloring pages for making study note cards, and a mystery story that presents morpheme words in their context. 

The included flash drive provides students with PowerPoint lessons to go along with the lessons in the student workbook.

The student book contains 12 lessons. The book also contains review sections for previously learned lessons. There are three review sections. The first is after lesson 2, the second one is after lesson six, and the final review section is after lesson 12. 

The program is completely self-paced. It is perfect for older students who love to work on their own. It is great for busy parents who may not have the time to teach another class.

The program uses a unique way to teach vocabulary. It uses Greek Morphemes. Greek Morphemes are parts of words that originated in the Greek language. It's NOT Greek to Me! uses over 200 roots, prefixes, and suffixes to help students learn the meaning of words. It reminds me of a class I took in high school dealing with Latin roots. It is a fantastic program to help students prepare for the SAT or ACT tests. 
Overall, we found the course to be very well done. Michael and Therese are getting ready to take college placement tests, so this course was great for them. Therese also found the course helpful since she is planning on studying to be a physician assistant in college. She said the course would have been beneficial last year when she studied human anatomy and physiology. 

Learn more about It's NOT Greek to Me! from Ready to Teach
Click the box below...

Till Next Time,

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Wordless Wednesday~ Baby Chicks are Growing

Please Note~ This post may contain affiliate links. If you choose to click on a link, add it to your cart, and complete your purchase, I will receive a small percentage. We are very grateful for this additional source of income. Thank you. 


From this to this...

Till Next Time,

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Book Review~ The Fallacy Detective by Nathaniel & Hans Bluedorn

Disclaimer~I received a COMPLIMENTARY copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

Have you ever wanted to find a fun and engaging way for your students to learn about logical fallacies? Have you wanted them to be able to recognize bad reasoning before they head out into the "real" world?  
If you have then you need to discover The Fallacy Detective book from Nathaniel and Hans Bluedorn.

For the past 15 years, The Fallacy Detective has been the best-selling text/workbook for teaching students about logic and logical fallacies. 

About The Fallacy Detective
  • Publisher: Christain Logic
  • Paperback: 262 pages
"Can learning logic be fun? With The Fallacy Detective, it appears that it can be. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and would recommend it to anyone who wants to improve his reasoning skills."
~ Tim Challies, Curriculum Reviewer

What is a Fallacy, you may be wondering? 
A fallacy is an error in logic, a place where someone has made a mistake in his thinking.

The Fallacy Detective helps students learn to spot common errors in reasoning. The Fallacy Detective is geared for students ages 12 and up. The book is a handy way for readers to learn basic reasoning skills and be able to use them right away. The book included popular cartoons and humorous examples to help teach students to recognize bad reasoning. The book is written in a friendly writing style making this book an easy read. The Fallacy Detective includes a workbook section and a fun game to play. The answers are provided at the end of the book.
 The book contains seven sections and thirty-eight lessons.

Introduction: What is a Fallacy?

The Inquiring Mind
Lesson 1- Exercise Your Mind
Lesson 2- Love to Listen
Lesson 3- Opposing Viewpoints

Avoiding the Question
Lesson 4- Red Herring Fallacy
Lesson 5- Recognize Red Herrings
Lesson 6- Special Pleading
Lesson 7- Ad Hominem Attack
Lesson 8- Genetic Fallacy
Lesson 9- Tu Quoque
Lesson 10- Faulty Appeal to Authority
Lesson 11- Appeal to the People
Lesson12- Straw Man

Making Assumptions
Lesson 13- The Story of Aroup Goupta
Lesson 14- Assumptions
Lesson 15- Circular Reasoning
Lesson 16- Equivocation 
Lesson 17- Loaded Questions
Lesson 18- Slippery Slope
Lesson 19- Part-to-Whole
Lesson 20- Whole-to-Part
Lesson 21- Either-Or 

Statistical Fallacies
Lesson 22- What is a Generalization?
Lesson 23- Hasty Generalization
Lesson 24- What is an Analogy?
Lesson 25- Weak Analogy
Lesson 26- Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc
Lesson 27- Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc in Statistics 
Lesson 28- Proof by Lack of Evidence 

Lesson 29- What is Propaganda? 
Lesson 30- Appeal to Fear
Lesson 31- Appeal to Pity
Lesson 32- Bandwagon
Lesson 33- Exigency
Lesson34- Repetition 
Lesson 35- Transfer
Lesson 36- Snob Appeal 
Lesson 37- Appeal to Tradition and Appeal to Hi-Tech
Lesson 38- Find Some Propagnade on Your Own

The Fallacy Detective Game

Answer Key to Exercises 

Each lesson ends with an exercise. Each exercise contains about 8-12 questions. The answers to the questions can be found at the back of the book.


In today's day and age, I feel this book/workbook is essential for students. Over the past few years, we have been bombarded with propaganda, mob mentality, fear, and coercion. Our children need to understand how these tactics are used against them every day. It is important that they see how things are presented and it is even more important for them to stand up and make their own educated decisions. 

When I was reading this book, I was immediately brought back to a question my mom would ask when we wanted to do what everyone else was doing, "If everyone else jumped off a bridge, would you?"
Of course not, I wasn't crazy or stupid. When she'd asked that, it made me stop and think (at least most of the time). I still wanted the designer jeans!
The Fallacy Detective is a great introduction to logical fallacies and bad reasoning. It's a great book to help students begin to learn how to apply critical thinking skills. I do believe and more in-depth logic thinking course is needed for older students in high school or college. We may not have agreed with everything presented in the book, but The Fallacy Detective was a fun, engaging start to learning about logic.

Learn more about The Fallacy Detective by Hans Bluedorn on Social Media

The Review was allowed to review two different books from Nathaniel and Hans Bluedorn: The Fallacy Detective and Archer and Zowie.
Want to discover more about these two books?
Click on the link below!

Till Next Time,

Monday, August 16, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday~ August 16, 2021

Please Note~ This post may contain affiliate links. If you choose to click on a link, add it to your cart, and complete your purchase, I will receive a small percentage. We are very grateful for this additional source of income. Thank you.

It's a rainy Monday here, but I'm not complaining! We need the rain so bad. The rivers are down, the dirt roads are dusty, and the grass is dead. They're calling for rain for the next three days and I will gladly take it. This weekend was a busy one. We celebrated my niece's birthday before she headed off to college. It was an emotional day. She's the first to head off to college out of the kids. It's amazing how time flies. I still remember when all the cousins would get together and play. They spent a lot of time together when they were young. One of the many advantages of living close to family. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Let's get on with Happy Homemaker Monday with Sandra! 
Be sure to stop in and visit Diary of a Stay at Home Mom!

The weather~

IT'S RAINING!!!!!! It has been so dry and dusty here. My allergies have been a mess. It's a nice steady rain too. 

Monday~ Rain, 77*
Tuesday~ Scattered Thunderstorms, 81*
Wednesday~Rain/Thunderstorms, 77*
Thursday~ Isolated Thunderstorms, 84*
Friday~ Mostly Cloudy, 83*
Saturday~ Partly Cloudy, 86*
Sunday~ Isolated Thunderstorms, 85*

What's for Breakfast~

Coffee and a protein shake.  I use almond milk, peanut butter protein powder, and chocolate protein powder. It's rich, creamy, and delicious!

Maddie on her new bed

On my reading pile~

1984 by George Orwell (It's a book the kids had to read this summer)

Britfield  & the Rise of the Lion by C.R. Stewart (for a review)

Firefly Duet by Becca Maxton (Finished and need to write up a review)

What I Left Behind by Jennifer Archer (Loved this book- now I need to write a review)

On my TV~

Criminal Minds
House (Michael & I have been watching this together)

What's on the menu for the week~

Monday~ Leftovers~ Steak/ Chicken/Potatoes/Salad
Tuesday~ Shredded Chicken Tacos, Rice, and Beans
Wednesday~ Chicken Apple Sauage, Potatoes, and Broccolli 

I'm sitting down today to figure out the rest of the weeks dinner menue.

On my to-do list~

Double-check supplies needed for school
Make new posters for my religious education classroom
Book a few parties for Tupperware
(If you'd like to host and earn some free products just send me a message)

Sell more of the kid's old school books...I still have 2 more bins to go through
Return books to the library
Plan out social media for my businesses
Start working on my placemats
Work on a few homeschool reviews 
Complete two book review
Plan the meals for the next 2 weeks

What am I sewing, crafting, or crocheting~

The same two projects. July was so busy, I didn't get a chance to start them. I found a few more that I want to do. 
Christmas Tree Skirts 
Christmas Stockings
Patriotic Wall Quilt and Placemats
Pillows for master bedroom and living room

From the camera~

The girls are getting bigger. It's almost time for them to be introduced to the old gals.
More adventures of the Fairie Gang...
Violet, Rosetta, and Silvermist (black and white ones)
Tinkerbell and Periwinkle (gray/lavenaer ones)

We named them after the Disney Faries since the smallest lavender Orpington was named Tinkerbell. 
She was so small. We didn't think she'd make it.

They love exploring outside. They did get scared the first Colonel Drumstick crowed. They all hid under my legs. Now they are getting a little braver and wandering a little further. They still flap their little wings and run back when they realize they are too far away. The love Therese. She's the baby chick whisperer. They love to climb up in her lap and take a nap.

Looking around the house~

Vacuum..the dust buddies are out of control 
Change the sheets
Weed the garden and flower beds...I take a big stick with me now
Clean the bathroom
Finish painting the trim in the kitchen
Dust the living room and my bedroom

Something new with my business~

Our new Fall/Winter Catalog launched on August 1st and they have added so many beautiful fall warmers and some new amazing scents!

You can find out more about all the new items on my website, Monique's Scentsy 

On my prayer list~

Our country and leaders
My friend as she adjusts to life as a new mom...(He's so cute)
A young girl struggling with life
My great aunts
My niece and nephew..they leave for college soon
The young seminarian leaving our church to head back to university

Bible verse, saint quote, or devotional~

Till Next Time,

Friday, August 13, 2021

Review~ College Launch Solution from The HomeScholar LLC

Disclaimer~I received a COMPLIMENTARY copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

Good morning, dear friends!
 Can you believe that another school year is about to start? It's so scary! We're in our final stretch now. I have a senior and a junior!! College is just around the corner for us. I was thrilled when we were offered the opportunity to review the College Launch Solution from The HomeScholar LLC.

The HomeScholar LLC was founded by Matt and Lee Binz. After homeschooling her own children, Lee decided to help other families navigate the world of homeschooling during the high school years through the challenging time of entering high school. For over 15 years, she has helped many families succeed during this challenging time.

Lee has 3 core beliefs when it comes to homeschooling!

1. Homeschooling independently provides the best possible learning experience.
2. Every child deserves a college-prep education, whether or not they chose to go to college.
3. Parents are capable of providing a superior education for their children. 

The HomeScholar LLC is there to help parents enjoy their children's high school years, treasure the memories being made, and see their children head off to college.

What is the College Launch Solution?

The College Launch Solution is an online course that helps parents and students navigate their way through the college process. The course helps them start the confusing process and takes all the way to them heading into college. The course has over 60 hours of training videos that help students prepare and work through the lengthy process of college applications. The course answers any questions that may arise along the way. Since homeschoolers do not have the privilege of having guidance counselors to help them with this process, like teens in the school system do, this is an affordable way to have an admissions counselor to help. It's like having your own personal admissions counselor without the hefty price tag! 

For this review, we received a 6-month access to the College Launch Solution course. I'm able to use this with both of my children. The course is geared for students in the 10th through 12th grades. I wish I would have known about this last year when Michael was starting his junior year. It would have been beneficial. I guess a little late is better than never. It will be a great resource for Therese since she is just now starting her junior year! I still can't believe I'll have two kids in college in a few years. I swear it feels like I was just in college. 

The course consists of 6 training sections.

Core Training
Finding a College
Paying for College
Applying to College
Preparing for College
Succeeding in College 

The course also includes a few bonus sections. 

When the students log in, they will watch the video, College Admission Seminar for Teens with Lee Biz. This video will help them understand the entire college admission process. Students will learn about the various scholarships that are available to them.  As the students work through the core training section, they will learn and understand all that they need to do to get into the college of their dreams. The nice thing about the college admission seminar is that students can refer back to it anytime they need to. 
The course does have a workbook to print out and have the students complete.

This was a wonderful course to go through with the kids. Both Michael and Therese learned a lot about the college process, and I hope they take the knowledge they learned in the how to succeed in college with them. 

Learn more about the courses offered from The HomeScholar LLC

Check out the other reviews from the review crew. 
The crew reviewed a few of the other courses offered by The HomeScholar LLC: Total Transcript Solution, Comprehensive Record Solution, and High School Solution. 
Click the link below...

Till Next Time,

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Book Review~ Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible

Disclaimer~I received a COMPLIMENTARY copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

As a parent, helping my kids know, understand, and love their faith is important to me. Part of this knowledge is knowing and understanding the Bible. Today, I get to share with you a new book by Danika Cooley, Help Your Kids Learn & Love the BIBLE from Bethany House Publishers.

Help Your Kids Learn & Love the BIBLE
Danika Cooley

Publisher: Bethany House 
Paperback: 198 pages

"Danika Cooley has a heart for seeing the next generation truly know and embrace God's Word."
                                       ~ Jim Daily, president Focus for the Family

As parents, we cannot deny that we want what is best for our children. We'd be a fool to even try to deny this. We search for the best preschools, schools, or homeschool curriculum. We make them eat the proper foods and get the proper amount of sleep. We send them outside for exercise and fresh air. As parents, responsible for these amazing gifts from God, we take our job seriously. 

But often, we find ourselves slipping in certain areas. It is easy to get caught up in day-to-day living. For many parents, teaching the faith and passing it on to their children slips through the cracks. I see it too often with the little ones I teach at Church and at different homeschool co-ops I've taught at over the years. 

As parents, we need to put in the time and energy to teach them about the faith and the Bible. By doing this, we are giving them life-changing skills, soul-nourishing words from the Bible, and the knowledge to stand up for their faith.

Help Your Kids Learn & Love the BIBLE gives parents the tools and confidence to study the Bible together as a family. This valuable resource will help you understand your fears and help you overcome them to become a strong leader when teaching your children about Scripture. 

The book has three parts, broken up into eleven chapters. 

Part 1~ You're the Leader
Chapter 1- Making the Bible Approachable for Your Kids
Chapter 2- A Good Start to a Strong Finish
Chapter 3- Finding Time in an Age of Hustle

In this section, parents are encouraged to read the Bible daily with their children. The everyday excuses that can be made or might pop up are addressed. The different ages of children are brought up and options are given to parents to help them make the right choices for their children. Age- appropriateness is mentioned.  

Part 2~Faithful Reading
Chapter 4- Who Wrote this Thing, Anyway?
Chapter 5- Keep the Message in View
Chapter 6- A Library of Books
Chapter 7- Profitable Discussion

In this section, the importance of reading the Bible daily is discussed. Reading scripture daily is important for parents and children. This section discusses where the Bible came from, the different versions of the Bible, and brings up the historical context of the Bible. 

*For Catholics, it is mentioned that the version of the Bible translated by Saint Jerome still remains the "approved" and "authentic" translation. I felt the quotations were a derogatory way to put down our faith. It just felt a little rude and not necessary.

Part 3~A Daily Walk
Chapter 8- Reading the Word Together
Chapter 9- Hide the Word in Your Child's Heart
Chapter 10- Praying the  Word Together
Chapter 11- Study the Word When You're Not Feeling It

In the final section, various ideas are presented with helping your child learn and explore the Bible. Crafts, projects, and fun activities are discussed. I loved this! I do this in my religious education class every Sunday. Kids learn so much more when they are hands-on.

Conclusion: Reaping Fruit from a Living Branch

After reading, Teach Your Kids to Learn & Love the BIBLE, you will be encouraged and strengthened to teach your children about God's word and help them strengthen their relationship with Our Lord. 

About the Author~ Danika Cooley

Danika  Colley is an award-winning Children's author, homeschool mother of four, and Bible curriculum developer. She encourages parents and families to intentionally raise biblically literate children. She and her husband are committed to leading their children on the path to love their lives for God's glory. They have both worked hard to study and learn the Bible with their own kids. Danika has a bachelor of arts degree from the University of Washington.

Find more about the author on her Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and  YouTube.


I found the book to be filled with lots of valuable advice for parents. Danika shares plenty of suggestions on how to teach the Bible to your kids, how to encourage your kids to read the Bible, and how to make it a necessity in their lives. I whole-heartedly agree that kids learn about life and the world through the things they are exposed to. They learn by example. 

We need to encourage our children to create strong habits. Reading the Bible daily is one of those, probably one of the most important habits we can teach them to do.

 As a Catholic, I hear too often that "we" don't know the Bible as well as other denominations. This always seemed odd to me, since the Mass has 3 different readings from the Bible daily. I'm sure, it's like everything else. You have some that do and some that don't. If you're looking for a schedule, here is a great one for Catholics. This book does a fantastic job of helping make this a priority in today's famillies.

Overall, I found the book insightful. Danika offers parents some wonderful ideas, advice, and encouragement. There were a few mentions of Martin Luther, the Roman Catholic faith, and a few other topics that don't go along with what we believe, but I was able to easily overlook them. Some of the book recommendations would not work for Catholics, but there are plenty of resources available to us. 

Find Out More About Bethany Publishing House 

Want to learn more 
Help Your Kids Learn & Love the Bible

Click below and see what the rest of the crew had to say!

Till Next Time,

Monday, August 2, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday~ August 2, 2021

Please Note~ This post may contain affiliate links. If you choose to click on a link, add it to your cart, and complete your purchase, I will receive a small percentage. We are very grateful for this additional source of income. Thank you. 

Hello August!
Good Morning, dear friends! Oh my goodness, how is it August already? Crazy, Crazy, Crazy!

July was a busy month for us. The kids had their National SASP competition in Ohio. They both did extremely well. Michael's team placed 2nd out of the nation in one of their events. They have worked so hard the past few months preparing and they did awesomely. 
The kids watched a few pets for neighbors in July, so they've had a few weeks of non-stop on-the-go action. 
After Nationals, we came home and my dear hubby decided to go out into the garden and pick a few beans. He met a friend, who was not so friendly.

Thankfully he's doing fine and is now back to work! I on the other hand have not been in the garden since. I don't like snakes in general, but Coperheads scare me to death.

I hope y'all had a wonderful July. 

So enough about my crazy month of July, let's get on with Happy Homemaker Monday with Sandra! 
Be sure to stop in and visit Diary of a Stay at Home Mom!

The weather~

We're in for some cooler temps this week. I'm hoping the humidity will be low enough I can open the windows up a bit. I love airing out the house.

Monday~ Sunny, 79*
Tuesday~ Cloudy, 77*
Wednesday~ Partly Cloudy, 79*
Thursday~ Partly Cloud, 79*
Friday~ Partly Cloudy, 85*
Saturday~ Mostly Cloudy, 85*
Sunday~ Partly Cloudy, 90*

The only one that got to bloom thanks to the deer eating all the rest.

What's for Breakfast~

Coffee and cinnamon toast

On my reading pile~

I have 3 books going on right now for book reviews.

Firefly Duet by Becca Maxton

On my TV~

Criminal Minds
Virgin River (the new season)

What's on the menu for the week~

I have no clue! With everything that has been going on this past month, I haven't sat down to meal plan. I have it on my to-do list for tomorrow. 

Monday~ Spaghetti and Meatballs with Salad
Tuesday~ Tacos with Rice
Wednesday~ ??
Thursday~ ??
Friday~ ??
Saturday~ ??

On my to do list~

Finish lesson plans for art and math (school starts on the 23rd)
Organize and clean the front room (it's always on my list)
Book a few parties for Scentsy and Tupperware
(If you'd like to host and earn some free products just send me a message)
Sell the kid's old school books...I still have 2 more bins to go through
Return books to the library
Plan out social media for my businesses
Start working on my placemats
Set up my Cricut
Work on a few homeschool reviews 
Complete two book review
Plan the meals for the next 2 weeks
Sit out in the sun

What am I sewing, crafting, or crocheting~

The same two projects. July was so busy, I didn't get a chance to start them. I found a few more that I want to do. 
Christmas Tree Skirts 
Christmas Stockings
Patriotic Wall Quilt and Placemats
Pillows for master bedroom and living room

From the camera~

Cuteness overload coming. Our hen never got broody this year, so we bought a few new chicks at the local farm store. We picked out 4 Barred Rock and 4 Lavander Orpingtons. Out of the four, we have 5 that have made it. I think the Lavander Orpingtons were not a great lot. Only 2 are still with us and Tinkerbell (the tiniest one almost passed)



So since we only have 5 left, we've named them after the Dinsey Faries.
2 Lavendar Orpingtons -Tinkerbell(the smallest) and Periwinkle
3 Barred Rock- Violet, Rosetta, and Silvermist

Stay tuned for more of their adventures.

Looking around the house~

Change the sheets
Weed the garden and flower beds...I take a big stick with me now
Clean the bathroom
Finish painting the trim in the kitchen
Dust the living room and my bedroom

Something fun to share~

If you have chicken you understand

Something new with my business~

Our new Fall/Winter Catalog launched on August 1st and they have added so many beautiful fall warmers and some new amazing scents!

Amazing Grace Warmer

Night Sky Warmer with Vanilla Blackberry

You can find out more about all the new items on my website, Monique's Scentsy 

On my prayer list~

Our country and leaders
My friend as she adjusts to life as a new mom...(He's so cute)
A young girl struggling with life
My great aunts
My niece and nephew..they leave for college soon
The young seminarian leaving our church to head back to university

Bible verse, saint quote, or devotional~

Till Next Time,
