Friday, August 20, 2021

Review~ It's NOT Greek to Me! from Ready to Teach

Disclaimer~I received a COMPLIMENTARY copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

Building a strong vocabulary is important for students whether or not they are heading off to college. Over the years, I have encouraged my kids to read great literature, but I still wanted to help them build their vocabulary. Learning Greek morphemes is an amazing way to help students increase their vocabulary. I was thrilled when we were given the opportunity to review It's NOT Greek to Me! from Ready to Teach. I knew this would be extremely helpful as they prepared for taking the SAT and ACT.

The Ready to Teach program was developed by Dr. Alene Harris. Dr. Harris earned her Ph.D. from Vanderbilt University in Tennesse and her Master's in Education from George Peabody College for Teachers. She developed her courses for Ready to Teach during her 30 years of teaching language arts and science, conducting and publishing reports, and in-service workshops. Her dedication and enthusiasm have created a program that shines above the others!
Ready to Teach offers a variety of programs: Getting Off to a Good Start(Manual for Teachers), It's Not Greek to Me!, and Latin Lives in Your Vocabulary!

For this review, we received the It's NOT Greek to Me! Instructional Set. 
This set includes the following:

It's NOT Greek to Me! Instructional Manual
(Paperback, 126 pages)

It's Not Greek to Me! Student Manual 
(Paperback, 124 pages)

USB Flash Drive containing 12 PowerPoint, self-paced lessons

Single Whole Punch 

Binder Ring for Flashcards

The It's NOT Greek to Me! Instructor's Manual is 126 pages. The book contains full lesson plans, tests,  answer keys, flashcards, ideas for bulletin boards, and graphics to use.

The Student book is 123 pages. It contains places for student's notes and lessons activities, 12 coloring pages for making study note cards, and a mystery story that presents morpheme words in their context. 

The included flash drive provides students with PowerPoint lessons to go along with the lessons in the student workbook.

The student book contains 12 lessons. The book also contains review sections for previously learned lessons. There are three review sections. The first is after lesson 2, the second one is after lesson six, and the final review section is after lesson 12. 

The program is completely self-paced. It is perfect for older students who love to work on their own. It is great for busy parents who may not have the time to teach another class.

The program uses a unique way to teach vocabulary. It uses Greek Morphemes. Greek Morphemes are parts of words that originated in the Greek language. It's NOT Greek to Me! uses over 200 roots, prefixes, and suffixes to help students learn the meaning of words. It reminds me of a class I took in high school dealing with Latin roots. It is a fantastic program to help students prepare for the SAT or ACT tests. 
Overall, we found the course to be very well done. Michael and Therese are getting ready to take college placement tests, so this course was great for them. Therese also found the course helpful since she is planning on studying to be a physician assistant in college. She said the course would have been beneficial last year when she studied human anatomy and physiology. 

Learn more about It's NOT Greek to Me! from Ready to Teach
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Till Next Time,

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