Thursday, September 30, 2021

First Grade Religious Education (CCD)~ Week 2

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Good Morning, friends! 
We had our second class of the year this past Sunday. As of right now, I have 13 students still. Four girls and 9 boys! 

In this week's class, we focused on learning the Sign of the Cross and learning all about the Holy Trinity. 

Our Saint~ Saint Martha

Saint Martha is a special saint because she actually was friends with Jesus. Every year when I tell my students this they are always shocked and amazed. I love asking them what they would do if they opened up their door and Jesus asked to be invited in. Shocked, surprised, excited, and happy are common answers I receive. 
While I read about Martha's life, the students work on a coloring page.  They were very interested in the dragon that is pictured with her. 

Our Virtue~ Faith

Faith is believing in God and the plans He has for us. We talked about how faith is a big part of our religion and how we need to trust in God.

Week 2 Lessons~ The Holy Trinity

The Holy Trinity is three persons in one God. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The students were given a coloring page to help them understand. 
I also use an apple to help explain the concept to them. The apple is one piece of food but has three parts: the peel, the flesh (inside), and the seeds. Usually, after our lesson, we share a few pieces of apple, but with Covid protocols, we were not able to. Here is a great worksheet that helps explains the Holy Trinity with an apple.

We then work on our triangle Trinity craft from Catholic Icing! 

I use a few different resources for teaching the sign of the cross. 

Sign of the Cross worksheet- a cut and paste activity (look under prayers for the sign of the cross)

Sign of the Cross/Cross Craft- this great for students that do it backwards

At the end of class, we had the children add any good deeds they had done over the past week to our Good Deeds jar!

Till Next Time,

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Sunday Inspiration~ September 26, 2021

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Till Next Time,

Thursday, September 23, 2021

First Grade Religious Education (CCD)~ Our First Class- September 12, 2021

Please Note~ This post may contain affiliate links. If you choose to click on a link, add it to your cart, and complete your purchase, I will receive a small percentage. We are very grateful for this additional source of income. Thank you. 


Good morning and welcome back!

Our first class was a success! I was able to meet 12 of my students. We had one student absent, but that's perfectly fine. We definitely have a lot of boy energy in the classroom this year. I may need to mix some things up to keep them on their toes! 

Our first class is always the most tedious in my opinion. We have to go over expectations, rules, and talk about what we will be doing over the course of the year. I try to engage the students, but it can get a little boring. 

The first thing we do is introduce ourselves. I go first and then I have the aides go. We go around the room one by one and say our names and give some little information about ourselves. I usually suggest any pets they may have, a favorite sport or a sport they play, favorite color, siblings, etc. It helps bring them out of their shells. I also have a fun All About Me worksheet they can fill out. I just searched Pinterest for the one I used. I usually hang them up in the room. It helps me get to knot them all a little quicker. 

After our introductions, I went over the rules and expectations for the students. I have a poster I made to help remind them if they get a little out of control.

Next up was the tour of our classroom. I explained our "jungle" theme and the bible verse I picked to go with it. 

I showed them their prayer checklist huts. We talked about the prayers they will be learning and I explained how I would check off the prayers as they learned them and at the end of the year, each one of them would get a special goodie bag. 

Our next stop around the room was our Pope wall. I have a Papal flag and a few pictures of Saint Pope John Paul II, Pope Emeritus Benedict, and Pope Francis. 

After talking about the Pope and the Vatican. Mary and the rosary poster were discussed. 

Finally, we reached the saint and virtue posters. I asked the students what a saint is and received quite a few different answers. I explained what a saint was and then let them know we would be learning about a new saint each Sunday in class. I then asked them what a virtue was and I again explained how we would be learning a virtue each week that went along with our saint. 

Other decorations I have in the classroom and explained were The Twelve Apostles bulletin board, our jungle theme birthday chart, the Hail Mary prayer posters, and the Stations of the Cross.

And then it was time to go! There never seems to be enough time to get it all done, but there is always next week!

Till Next Time,

Monday, September 20, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday~ September 20, 2021

Please Note~ This post may contain affiliate links. If you choose to click on a link, add it to your cart, and complete your purchase, I will receive a small percentage. We are very grateful for this additional source of income. Thank you. 

Good morning, friends! 
I can't believe that we are already in the middle of September! I really want to know where summer went. Let's face it, I'm still trying to figure out where 2020 went. We are finally settling down here and getting into the swing of things. I feel like I can finally breathe again. We've been back at school full time since the 7th. My Sunday class is in its 2nd week. Things are finally falling into place since the start of the new school year. 

I hope you all had a fun, yet relaxing weekend. I went shopping on Saturday with Therese, my sister, and her daughter, who was home from college for the weekend. It was a nice day out. 
On Sunday, we had church and then Sunday school. After arriving home in the afternoon, I curled up and finished a book I had started last week. 

I feel like the weekend went by way too fast. I swear they are starting to feel like a 20-minute lunch break..not good. 

So enough about my weekend, let's get on with Happy Homemaker Monday. Be sure to stop by and see our beautiful hostess, Sandra over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom!

The Weather~

We have fall temps this week and I am in love! I love having the windows open and airing out the house. 

Monday~ Cloudy, 75*
Tuesday~ Cloudy, 75*
Wednesday~ Thunderstorms, 73*
Thursday~ Showers, 67*
Friday~ Sunny, 72*
Saturday~ Mostly Sunny, 72*
Sunday, Sunny, 70*

What's for Breakfast~

Coffee and a gluten-free bagel with cinnamon sugar

Looking Around the House~

I need to mop and vacuum the floors. Oddly, it seems like all the animals are shedding again. I know that they can't be but it sure does look like it. The boys have been working out in the garage, so the floors are a little dusty too. 

On the To-Do List This Week~

Plant some mums
Find a bigger container for the baby chicks, who are not so little yet. The bigger still have not accepted them, so they are not safe in the hen house at night. I'm hoping for one more week. It looks like one of the hens is allowing them to eat with her. We have one hen that is absolutely nasty towards them, so she may need to be separated until she can learn to accept them. The pecking order is so much fun.

Finish my craft room! I rearranged it and now just have to put a few things away and then I can start crafting, sewing, scrapbooking, etc! I can't wait.

Currently Reading~

I just finished The Demon Lover by Juliet Dark.  I searched for books about Irish folklore and it was recommended. It was definitely different from what I was looking for. I didn't love it, but it wasn't the worst book I've read. I'd give it 3 stars

I have a stack on my end table that I'm trying to get through.

What the Kids are Reading~

For English, they are reading A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court by Mark Twain. It's not a favorite of either of them. 

For US history, they are reading Uprising by Margaret Peterson Haddix, Very, Very, Very Dreadful: The Influenza Pandemic of 1918, and The Jungle by Upton Sinclair. 

On the TV~

Outlander Season 4
I gave up on Netflix and rented the DVDs from the library. 

Criminal Minds Season 7

On the Menu this Week~

Monday~ some type of chicken dish
Tuesday~ ??
Wedensday~ ??
Thrusday~ ??
Friday~ Take Out
Saturday~ ??
Sunday~ ??

I need to sit down again and plan the next few weeks out. 

If I Have a Few Minutes to Myself, I Will~

Start working on my Christmas tree skirt

One of  My Simple Pleasures~

Sitting outside, reading a book, while one of my new girls sits on my lap. Yup, chickens can get attached to you too. 


Something Fun to Share~

I LOVE Chip and Dale. Their antics were always so funny to me as a child and I remember how excited my kids were to meet them at Disney World when they were little. This collection is new for Halloween this year! You can see more of the collection on my website. 

Aren't they the cutest?

From the Camera~


Inspirational Post, Quote, Bible Verse~

Praying For~

Our Country and leaders
The world and all the craziness that is going on in it right now
My first grade Sunday school class
My friends and family
 A few local priests who have come down with Covid and anyone else suffering from Covid
The young men and women who received the sacrament of Confirmation this past weekend
A friend who is about to have surgery

Till Next Time,

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Sunday Inspiration~ September 19, 2021

Please Note~ This post may contain affiliate links. If you choose to click on a link, add it to your cart and complete your purchase, I will receive a small percentage. We are very grateful for this additional source of income. Thank you. 

Till Next Time,

Thursday, September 16, 2021

First Grade Religious Education (CCD)

Please Note~ This post may contain affiliate links. If you choose to click on a link, add it to your cart, and complete your purchase, I will receive a small percentage. We are very grateful for this additional source of income. Thank you. 

Good Morning! I've been a little quiet around here lately, but I promise to get back into things. It seems like I'm constantly saying that though. I really need to set out an hour a day to do what I need to do!

Last Sunday, religious education classes started back up for our church. Last year, I took a small break because of things happening around here and my torn rotator cuff. I filled in as a substitute as needed, but didn't teach my first graders. I am back to teaching first grade again. I have 13 children, as of last week. Only 4 girls this year. I have 9 boys!!! That many boys in a small room always changes the dynamics of the group. 

My goal this year is to document our class: theme, what we work on, what we are learning, crafts, games, etc. So today, I thought I'd go over how I structure my class. One thing I've learned over the last 11 years teaching first graders, you have to keep it fun, enjoyable, and always moving. They can not sit there at a desk for 1.5 hours reading a boring book. Plus, first graders are all over the board in their reading and writing skills. I know first hand that some children pick up reading quickly, while others struggle at that age. So I try to make the class a stress-free zone. 

So how do I teach?

I have class broken up into segments! 

I open class with prayer. We usually stand (or kneel) and recite the Our Father together.  After prayer, we review what was taught in the previous Sunday's class. Then we jump into class!

Each Sunday, we go over the following materials: prayers, a saint, a virtue, a Bible or religious story, and lesson for the week.

The first graders work hard on learning their prayers. We focus on the Sign of the Cross, Our Father, the Hail Mary, the Glory Be, and the Guardian Angel prayer. We also go over the Blessing before Meals prayer too. I also make a cute tracking system to help them learn their prayers. I love seeing the children encourage each other and help each other learn their prayers.

Every Sunday, I introduce the children to a new Catholic saint and virtue. This helps them learn more about their faith and they will hopefully have some knowledge about various saints when they have to pick a saint name for when they are confirmed in 8th grade. Plant the seed when they are young. For teaching about the saints, I use a few different resources. 

I also have a small collection of the Book of Saints from Reverend Lovasik. These are perfect for the kids to look through and read a short story about different saints. 

After they are introduced to the saint and learn a little about their life and death, I introduce a virtue that the saint exemplified. I use a free Virtue Program that I found for my kids years ago from the Dominican Sisters of Saint Cecilia in Nashville. They offer workbooks for children in K through 8th grade. It's a fantastic program.

After learning about the saint and virtue, I add the saint's picture to our saint poster and add the word(virtue) to our virtue poster. This helps with the review. The first few weeks are easy since the boards do not have too many pictures/words on them, but after the first 2 months, it gets a little trickier. I'm always amazed by all the details they remember. 

Next up is the first part of our lesson, we learn and talk about a specific topic. We are currently using the  Spirit of Truth God is Love program. It's not a bad program. I find it a little too heavy in the reading and writing for first graders in my opinion. It does help a child learn their faith. I can't say I love it, but I can't say I dislike it either. It's definitely one of the better options our diocese recommends using. 

After our lesson, we have a short bathroom break, a water break, and a short recess. I encourage the kids to get up, walk around, and stretch their little legs. 

Following our break, we have storytime. The stories are usually a bible story,  a religious story about a saint, or a short story that relates to the topic of the lesson. 

After storytime, we either do a craft, play a game, or complete some other types of activity. 
We ask the children about any good deeds they have done during the week and add them to our goods deed jar. 

The goal for the children is to have it overflowing so the lid will not screw on!

Class is usually done by the time we are done with this. Sometimes, we even run out of time and have to finish up the following week.

At the end of class, we recite our prayers again.

Till Next Time,

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Sunday Inspiration~ September 12, 2021

Please Note~ This post may contain affiliate links. If you choose to click on a link, add it to your cart and complete your purchase, I will receive a small percentage. We are very grateful for this additional source of income. Thank you. 

Till Next Time,

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Review~ WORLD Watch News

Disclaimer~ I received a COMPLIMENTARY copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

Good morning, friends! 
How do you start your day? Growing up, I remember my dad reading the paper and watching the morning news before heading off to work. Sadly, this is a habit I didn't pick up. I tried watching the news when the kids were little but often found the material not appropriate or not real news. I wanted to know what was going on in the world, not which celebrity was having a baby or what the newscasters had done the night before.  As the kids got older, I found the news more and more biased. Sure, we could watch multiple stations to get the full story, but who really has time for that. We just wanted the news presented in a straightforward manner. Facts, not opinions! So when we were asked to review WORLD Watch news, we were very interested in seeing how the news and current events were presented!

WORLD Watch news is a video current events program designed to give busy homeschooling (or non-homeschooling) families the news in just 10 minutes! The videos focus on current events and give them the attention they need and deserve. Families will learn what is going on in the world around them from biblically sound headlines, news briefs, and feature stories. 
Parents can feel confident that the news being presented is safe for their families. It allows families to encourage their children to be aware of news literacy without the fear of having them see topics they do not feel are appropriate.

So How Does WORLD Watch Work?

An annual subscription allows families to receive an email for each weekday of the week. So Monday through Friday, an email will be sent and families will be able to watch a quick 10-minute video presenting the current events for that day. The videos can also be found on the WORLD Watch website. The videos can easily be sent to the family's TV to watch the news video together too. 
The company is currently working on a TV and mobile app. They hope to have this released within the next year!

WORLD Watch news reports cover history, technology, science, economics, government, world cultures, and more. 

So for example, today's topics covered were.....

Taliban takes over entirety of Afghanistan
Acapulco recovers from earthquake
El Salvador adopts Bitcoin as official currency 
Arlington explains budget with Legos
Caleb reports on flyovers

and more!

The program director and host is Brian  Basham. He's been in broadcasting for over 15 years. He presents the news in a clear, precise manner. No drama, no opinions. He presents the facts!

What Did We Think About WORLD Watch News?

For this review, we received a 6-month subscription. The company offers an annual subscription, as well as a monthly subscription. 

 WORLD Watch news reminded me of a program we had in my Catholic high school. Each morning during homeroom, we'd watch a 10-15 minute news program geared to high school students. It covered the current events going on at that time. At that time, the big news was the Persian Gulf war. It helped us stay on top of what was going on in the world without all the other unnecessary topics out there. 

As a parent of two teens, I found the quick, easy-to-follow 10-minute videos perfect for teens. They presented a variety of topics, especially the most top current events. There was no drama, talk of inappropriate things, and I loved how the program focused on important issues. Kids are already bombarded with images of famous people and what they do on social media. Having current events covered is so much more important. Kids need to be aware of the issue going on in the world. They need to be more aware of these things than what shoes some girl wore for a night out on the town. 

"I think we risk becoming the best-informed society 
that has ever died of ignorance."
~ Reuben Blades 

Michael enjoyed the lack of "extra" talk that is so often found in everyday news channels. He just wants the news, nothing more. He hates listening to the regular news and hearing all the gossip. He finds it rather annoying. He liked that the news segments were short and quick to the point. 

Therese felt the program was O.K. She liked the fact that just the news was presented. There was no extra "garbage" she had to sit through. She feels that if she wanted to know about pop culture she can find that out all on her own on social media. It doesn't need to be the main focus of the news. 

Learn More About WORLD Watch news on social media!

 Stop by and see what the rest of the crew had to say about WORLD Watch news!

Till Next Time,

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Wordless Wednesday~ Cats and Sunshine

Please Note~ This post may contain affiliate links. If you choose to click on a link, add it to your cart and complete your purchase, I will receive a small percentage. We are very grateful for this additional source of income. Thank you. 

Till Next Time,

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Wordless Wednesday~ Treasured Memories

Please Note~ This post may contain affiliate links. If you choose to click on a link, add it to your cart, and complete your purchase, I will receive a small percentage. We are very grateful for this additional source of income. Thank you. 

African Violets hold a special meaning for me. 
When my grandma died 32 years ago, she received tons of flowers and a few people sent plant arrangements instead of flowers. 
My mother still has a few of those plants to this day.

I was given a small African Violet. I had it for years. It even went with me to college. 
Sadly, that particular plant died when we moved into our current house. The shock of relocation, lack of direct sunlight or lack of attention from having a new baby, I have no clue. 
I gave up on plants when the kids were little. Let's just say, I don't have a very good green thumb. 

A few years ago, I purchased this purple Violet in memory of my grandma. On the anniversary of her death this year, I added this pink one. I love walking into my sewing/craft room and seeing these beautiful flowers.
 It feels like she is still here with me. 

Till Next Time,
