Thursday, September 23, 2021

First Grade Religious Education (CCD)~ Our First Class- September 12, 2021

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Good morning and welcome back!

Our first class was a success! I was able to meet 12 of my students. We had one student absent, but that's perfectly fine. We definitely have a lot of boy energy in the classroom this year. I may need to mix some things up to keep them on their toes! 

Our first class is always the most tedious in my opinion. We have to go over expectations, rules, and talk about what we will be doing over the course of the year. I try to engage the students, but it can get a little boring. 

The first thing we do is introduce ourselves. I go first and then I have the aides go. We go around the room one by one and say our names and give some little information about ourselves. I usually suggest any pets they may have, a favorite sport or a sport they play, favorite color, siblings, etc. It helps bring them out of their shells. I also have a fun All About Me worksheet they can fill out. I just searched Pinterest for the one I used. I usually hang them up in the room. It helps me get to knot them all a little quicker. 

After our introductions, I went over the rules and expectations for the students. I have a poster I made to help remind them if they get a little out of control.

Next up was the tour of our classroom. I explained our "jungle" theme and the bible verse I picked to go with it. 

I showed them their prayer checklist huts. We talked about the prayers they will be learning and I explained how I would check off the prayers as they learned them and at the end of the year, each one of them would get a special goodie bag. 

Our next stop around the room was our Pope wall. I have a Papal flag and a few pictures of Saint Pope John Paul II, Pope Emeritus Benedict, and Pope Francis. 

After talking about the Pope and the Vatican. Mary and the rosary poster were discussed. 

Finally, we reached the saint and virtue posters. I asked the students what a saint is and received quite a few different answers. I explained what a saint was and then let them know we would be learning about a new saint each Sunday in class. I then asked them what a virtue was and I again explained how we would be learning a virtue each week that went along with our saint. 

Other decorations I have in the classroom and explained were The Twelve Apostles bulletin board, our jungle theme birthday chart, the Hail Mary prayer posters, and the Stations of the Cross.

And then it was time to go! There never seems to be enough time to get it all done, but there is always next week!

Till Next Time,

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