Thursday, September 30, 2021

First Grade Religious Education (CCD)~ Week 2

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Good Morning, friends! 
We had our second class of the year this past Sunday. As of right now, I have 13 students still. Four girls and 9 boys! 

In this week's class, we focused on learning the Sign of the Cross and learning all about the Holy Trinity. 

Our Saint~ Saint Martha

Saint Martha is a special saint because she actually was friends with Jesus. Every year when I tell my students this they are always shocked and amazed. I love asking them what they would do if they opened up their door and Jesus asked to be invited in. Shocked, surprised, excited, and happy are common answers I receive. 
While I read about Martha's life, the students work on a coloring page.  They were very interested in the dragon that is pictured with her. 

Our Virtue~ Faith

Faith is believing in God and the plans He has for us. We talked about how faith is a big part of our religion and how we need to trust in God.

Week 2 Lessons~ The Holy Trinity

The Holy Trinity is three persons in one God. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The students were given a coloring page to help them understand. 
I also use an apple to help explain the concept to them. The apple is one piece of food but has three parts: the peel, the flesh (inside), and the seeds. Usually, after our lesson, we share a few pieces of apple, but with Covid protocols, we were not able to. Here is a great worksheet that helps explains the Holy Trinity with an apple.

We then work on our triangle Trinity craft from Catholic Icing! 

I use a few different resources for teaching the sign of the cross. 

Sign of the Cross worksheet- a cut and paste activity (look under prayers for the sign of the cross)

Sign of the Cross/Cross Craft- this great for students that do it backwards

At the end of class, we had the children add any good deeds they had done over the past week to our Good Deeds jar!

Till Next Time,

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