Monday, March 11, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday~ March 11, 2024

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Good Morning, friends! It's been a busy week. We've been finishing up the bathroom the past few days. It's still not quite done, but it is so close. I can wait. Growing up we lived in a 1 bathroom house with 5 people and I don't know how we did it. It's been crazy sharing the bathroom. It's probably because everyone is trying to get ready and leave the house at the same time.  Yesterday, Therse and I spent the day together. It's been a while with her busy busy schedule. We went to church and then headed into town. We enjoyed lunch and then did some shopping. Sadly, we didn't find much. She got a few new tops for the summer and I found a pair of flip-flops and 2 sundresses on clearance. So it wasn't a complete bust. It was nice spending the day with my girl. It's hard to go from spending every day with your kiddos to hardly ever seeing them. That's just how life goes I guess. I think letting them go is the hardest part of being a parent. Those sleepless nights were nothing to this. 

Now that we've got up a bit, let's start with Happy Homemaker Monday with our beautiful hostess Sandra from Diary of a Stay-at-Home Mom. Be sure to stop in and say hey there.

The Weather~
The temps are warming up this week. I'm so happy. Yesterday, we had horrible winds. In fact, they are still going on this morning. I'm surprised that we haven't lost power yet. A few trees have gone down, but thankfully none have fallen on a power line. 

Monday~ Cloudy, 51*
Tuesday~ Sunny, 66*
Wedenesday~ Sunny, 68*
Thursday~ Mostly Sunny, 71*
Friday~ Rain, 62*
Saturday~ Sunny, 62*
Sunday~ Partly Cloudy, 58*

As I Look Out My Window~
The sun is just starting to peak out. The sky has just a hint of a pink hue.  There are a few clouds but the sun is trying to peak through to say good morning. The squirrels and chipmunks are usually scampering about driving the cats crazy, but it's too windy right now. Bandit runs up and down the stairs going from the basement French doors to the front window when they are out and about. He just can't contain his excitement.  All the cats are wanting the windows opened, but the temps are just not there most days. Tomorrow they should be able to be opened. 

Right Now I Am ~
I'm typing up this post. I'm drinking my 1st cup of coffee. The washing machine and dishwasher are both going. A few of the pets are chasing each other around the house. Hubby and Michael are at work. Therese is still sleeping. Her springbreak started.  The dogs have been fed and let out. Maddie and Ruby are back to sleep.  Daphne (Therese's new kitty) is sitting next to me as I type this up.

Thinking and Pondering~
I need to get the house organized and cleaned. It's been a little tricky with the bathroom remodel going on. Tools and supplies have been everywhere and things have been out of place. The guest room has been the holding ground for supplies, along with the kitchen island. Little by little, it's slowly getting cleaned up. I can't put everything away yet since we are still using most things. It's driving me a little crazy! I need to clean for Easter and I need to start planning an Easter dinner menu. 

How am I Feeling~
Tired, so tired! I really hate this time change thing. The time change yesterday completely messed Ruby up. She woke me up at 4:00 this morning. I can handle 6 or 6:30. Today was just a little too early for my liking. 

Daphne helping us work on the bathroom

What's for Breakfast~
No clue. I'll wait until Therese gets up and see what she would like. It will most likely be eggs or a protein shake.

Looking Around the House~
It needs to be vacuumed, mopped, and picked up. It rained last week, a lot of rain. The floors have muddy footprints here and there thanks to the two dogs.

Ruby, our 7-month-old lab

On the To-Do List This Week~ 
Laundry (does it ever end?)- I'll get to hand it out on the line this week
Clean the kitchen
Vacuum & Mop
Doctor appointment for Therese
Chiropractor appointment
A few errands
Pack for a weekend trip
Clean up the flower beds

On My Reading Pile~
Accidental Magic by Iris Beaglehole
The Sister Effect by Susan Mallory I picked this hardback up at the library's used book sale. I love finding good deals on books!

I have way too many books started and really need to finish a few.

I'm also reading Beholding Your King from Walking With Purpose. It's the book we are reading for our women's bible study group this session. 

I checked out a bunch of cookbooks on Mediterranean cooking. I'm looking at that for eating healthier and losing a few pounds. 

On TV this week~
I'm currently watching Grey's Anatomy. I think I'm in season 8 right now. I started rewatching it from season 1. 

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

On the Menu this Week~

Monday~ Grilled chicken, roasted potatoes, zucchini, and salad
Tuesday~ Tacos, Mexican rice, and corn
Wednesday~ Bacon-wrapped pork chops, baked potatoes, and green beans
Thursday~ Italian chicken, risotto, and zucchini
Friday~ Shrimp Scampi with pasta
Saturday~ Away
Sunday~ Away

If I Have a Few Minutes to Myself, I Will~
Read a little bit
Work on organizing the sewing room a little more. 
Sit outside and enjoy the sunshine

One of  My Simple Pleasures~
Sitting outside, listening to the birds chirp, and feeling the warm sunshine on my skin.

From the Camera~

Inspirational Quote/Bible Verse/Faith~

"To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow."
~Audrey Hepburn

Praying For~
My great aunt 
Our nation

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