Monday, August 5, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday~ August 5, 2024

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Good morning, friends! It's been a while since I've blogged. I kept meaning to get back into it but then things would get crazy so, here I am. Things have finally settled down some. My plan is to be more consistent and be here more. I'll fill y'all in more about that tomorrow!

So let's get started with Happy Homemaker Monday with our beautiful hostess Sandra from Diary of a Stay-at-Home Mom. Be sure to stop in and say hello.

The Weather~
It's been a hot, hot, hot summer. It started off a little cooler than normal, but once the heat came it stayed. The worst part is we've had no rain. The grass is all dead. The only thing still there are the weeds. Wouldn't it be nice if the grass was as hardy as the weeds? That is all about to change thanks to Hurricane Debby. Weeks without any rain and now the rain is in the forecast all week. At least, I won't have to water the garden for a few days and our wells will get some water. With all the rain comes cooler temps, so I'm not complaining. 

Monday~ Sunny, 94*
Tuesday~ Thunderstorms, 93*
Wedenesday~ Rain, 78*
Thursday~ Rain, 74*
Friday~ Rain, 77*
Saturday~ Rain, 777*
Sunday~ Sunny, 80*

As I Look Out My Window~
The sun is shining brightly. This is the only sunny day this week, so I plan to get outside and enjoy it. The birds are singing happily. I love sitting out on the covered porch in the morning drinking my coffee, and listening to the birds sing. 

Right Now I Am ~
I'm typing up this post. I'm drinking my cup of coffee. The washing machine and dishwasher are both going. The petting zoo has all been fed...2 dogs, 3 cats, and all the chickens. Mornings are busy here. Everyone wants their food first thing.

Thinking and Pondering~
I need to get a few things put away. The hubby and I are taking a little vacation, so I need to pack for that. I hate packing. I never know what to pack and I tend to overpack which is fine normally but this time we're flying so I can't overpack...ugh!

How am I Feeling~
Better this morning. I had a migraine last night. Thankfully, it went away. I've also been having some stomach issues again, but that's normal for me. I found some new supplements for Perimenopause and they are working! So long hot flashes and night sweats!!

What's for Breakfast~
A chocolate protein shake

The hubby and I have been eating better and exercising. We both started back in May. I'm down 5 pounds(not that exciting) and he's down 40 pounds. Great for him but it really doesn't seem fair that men lose weight so quickly. I really hate menopause!

Looking Around the House~
It needs to be vacuumed and mopped. I've been going room by room and deep cleaning. 

Ruby, our 1 yr old lab, waiting for her toy to be fixed

On the To-Do List This Week~ 
Clean the kitchen
Chiropractor appointment tomorrow
A few errands- I need some supplies for my Sunday school class
Plan and pack for our trip
Clean the chicken coop

On My Reading Pile~

On TV this week~
I'm currently watching Grey's Anatomy. I'm in season 17 right now. It's the Covid season and I hate it. The show definitely went downhill after Derek died. Each episode is like an info commercial for some social agenda...good or bad. People want to watch TV for fun, not have the current hot topics in the news crammed down their throats. 

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

On the Menu this Week~

No clue- I'm sitting down to meal plan today. I need to take inventory of what we have in the house. I'm trying to use the food we have. I hate grocery shopping. The price of everything is outrageous. You walk out with 4 bags of groceries and you've paid over $150.

Thursday~ Celebration Dinner for Therese's pinning (She's officially an LPN)

If I Have a Few Minutes to Myself, I Will~
Read a little bit
Finish up my lesson plans for Sunday school
Sit outside and enjoy the sunshine

One of  My Simple Pleasures~
Sitting outside, listening to the birds chirp, and feeling the warm sunshine on my skin. I'm like a cat. I love the feeling of sunshine.

From the Camera~

Inspirational Quote/Bible Verse/Faith~

"Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God." 
~ Corrie Ten Boom

What I'm praying for~
My aunt
My parents
My kids
Our nation
The election

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1 comment:

  1. Stay safe from Debby. Your dog looks so sad waiting for his toy to be repaired! Have a great week

