Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Teaching Tuesdays~ Baby Moses

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Good Morning, friends! It's been a few weeks since I shared one of my Sunday school lessons. We did miss class one Sunday because of snow. 

We are currently learning about Moses. I break up the stories about Moses over a few weeks. He was so important and did so many things that it's hard to cram all of his life into one lesson, so I spread it out.

Week 1~ Baby Moses
Week 2~ Moses flees and the Burning Bush
Week 3~ The 10 Plagues
Week 4~ The Red Sea
Week 5~ Moses and the Ten Commandments 

Before the kids arrived for class, I hid a small baby in the classroom. I use a Barbie Baby from a set Therese got as a child. I need to find a small basket to place the baby in. After we read the story of Baby Moses, I have them search for Baby Moses in the classroom. 

The story I read was The Story of Baby Moses from the Alice in Bibleland series. I love all the stories in this collection and the kids always enjoy the stories too. 

After Baby Moses was found, we worked on a craft. I found this cute Baby Moses Handprint craft online. 

Source~ NonToyGifts

The kids had a blast painting, tracing their hands, and putting the pieces together. This year's class loves crafts and playing Bingo. 

Once the craft was done, we worked on our prayers, added a few good deeds to our good deeds jar, and had a snack.

We finished up class by saying the Glory Be and Guardian Angel prayers. Since this past Sunday was the last Sunday of the month, the kids got to choose a prize from the Prize box.  

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Till Next Time,


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