Monday, February 3, 2025

Happy Homemaker Monday~ February 3, 2025

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Good Morning, y'all! Happy February. It's finally here. I swear January always feels like the longest month. This year it was the worst. We got snow and the temperatures were freezing here. We usually get a few freezing days, but this year we had a few weeks. So, I for one am glad January is over. 

Puxatawny Phil saw his shadow, so that means 6 more weeks of winter. I think he's right though. We have two more winter storms headed our way according to the weather apps. I'll be glad when spring gets here. 

Let's get on with Happy Homemaker Monday with our beautiful hostess Sandra from Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. Be sure to stop in and say hi.

The Weather~

Yesterday was chilly, but today we're supposed to get up to 56. Virginia weather can be a little crazy like that. I don't mind though. I'll take the warm days. The constant up and down can be a little annoying. 

Monday~ Cloudy, 56*
Tuesday~ Partly Sunny, 49*
Wedenesday~ Cloudy, 33* 
Thursday~ Rain, 52*
Friday~ Partly Sunny, 51*
Saturday~ Snow/Rain, 37*
Sunday~ Partly Sunny, 48*

As I Look Out My Window~

The snow is finally gone! It's only 29 out right now, so it's a little quiet outside. No birds sprinting around or chirping happily. The sky is gray and overcast so not very pretty out. 

Right Now I Am ~

I am typing this post up.  I'm sitting on the couch with Maddie curled up next to me. Ruby is sleeping on the loveseat. She's tired since she got up at 5 this morning. All the animals have been fed. Their bellies are full and they are happy and content for the moment. 

How am I Feeling~

I've had a migraine the last few days, so that sucks. They seem to be picking up again. I read somewhere that that can happen during perimenopause/menopause, so that sounds fun. I need to call my general physician and get a referral for a neurologist. I'm still having some stomach issues and gallbladder pain. I have an appointment next month for my yearly physical so I'll bring that up too. I tell getting up is not for the faint of heart. 

What's for Breakfast~

So far I've had coffee with almond milk. It doesn't bother my stomach that way. I'll have a protein shake after I exercise. I'm trying to get my stomach back under control. I had a spicy rice bowl from Chipotle and it did a number on my stomach. 

Looking Around the House~

Everything needs a good cleaning. The floors have muddy footprints from the rainy day. I need to vacuum and dust. The woodstove causes so much more dust. I love the warmth it provides, but hate the added dust. We have our Valentine's Day decorations out, so we are ready for February. I need to change my wax out. FYI... this month is transition month at Scentsy, so if you need some wax the fall/winter scents are on SALE. You can check it out here. 

On the To-Do List This Week~ 

Dust the living room
Clean the bathrooms
Clean out the fridge
Organize the rest of the pantry
Wash the sheets- I had to change them yesterday because a certain red dog jumped on the bed with muddy paws. 

Start a few quilt squares~ I picked up the rest of the fabric I needed. I love the quilting store we went to. It's a good thing it's not closer. I'd have no money. The selection they have is amazing!

On My Reading Pile~

I'm still working on the same pile of books. 

The Mirror by Nora Roberts
Wrapped Up In Christmas by Janice Lynn

I'm still working through Discovering Your Dignity 

I'm still starting up my Bookstagram page. I've added a few quotes and a few kitty photos. I have one book review. You can find me at MoniquesBookNook
Come find me!

On TV this week~

The Resident
Call the Midwives
Virgin River
The Night Agent
Designated Survivor

Crochet Videos
Quilting Videos

On the Menu this Week~

Monday~ Herb Chicken with wild rice

I need to see what we have in the pantry and then meal plan for the week. 

If I Have a Few Minutes to Myself, I Will~

I will start sewing the quilt squares for the quilt along. The fourth square comes out this week and I haven't done any, so I have 4 to do this week. I'm glad I have all my fabric now and I can't wait.

I also plan on making my Valentine's Day wreath for the door. I have all the supplies. 

One of  My Simple Pleasures~

I love it when all my babies are feeling better. Baby's surgery went well. She ended up having to have 3 teeth pulled. My poor little girl. She's on a soft food diet for 2 weeks. She's getting special treats, so I don't think she minds. She seems to be doing great!

From the Camera~

Inspirational Quote/Bible Verse/Faith~

Source~ Facebook

Praying For~

My dad and his health
My Aunt Betty
My health
Our country
Friends and family

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Till Next Time,



  1. Oh my goodness, your furbabies are the cutest! Have an amazing week!

  2. Aw, all your little animals look so content. Hope you start to feel better. I watched the second season of Night Agent in 2 days, I think. Ahem. I do like that show though. Have a wonderful week!

  3. Love the cat pictures and can't wait to see one of your Valentine wreath. Have a great rest of the week

