Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Teaching Tuesdays~ Moses and the Burning Bush

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This past Sunday, we continued our journey with Moses. We picked up with Moses when he was a young man. He sees his people suffering, He sees an Egyptian kill a Hebrew man and Moses does the unthinkable. He gets so angry, he beats the Egyptian to death and buries him in the sand. Moses flees in fear and settles in Midian. Years passed and Moses rebuilt his life until one day God speaks to Him. God decides to speak to Moses through the burning bush. He asks Moses to free his people. He asks Moses to return to Egypt. 

This story always shocks the kids. They can't believe that Moses killed someone. They also know that Moses would be afraid to head back to Egypt. 

I give each child a coloring page to color while I read the Bible story to them. 
After we finished the story, the kids worked on their burning bush craft.

Supplies Needed~

Each child colored Moses and then cut him out. They traced one hand onto the blue construction paper to be the burning bush. We used brown markers for this task. They glued Moses next to the bush. To make the bush look like it was burning, the kids glued pieces of red, orange, and yellow tissue paper to the bush. This is the fun part.

Next week we'll learn about Moses and the 10 plagues!

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Till Next Time,


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