Friday, July 5, 2013

Our Weekly Wrap-Up

In our homeschool this week.... We took a break this week. No English, Math, or Dolphin unit study. The kids played and had days filled with free time. They painted. They chased frogs, fireflies.
Played with army men, dolls, rode bikes (when it wasn't raining), and basically created a mess wherever they went. But the most important thing is that they had fun.

They did continue reading for the summer book program our library is doing. We went to the library this week and they looked in the book box to get their prizes and found nothing. Sadly, the book box was a little lacking and neither kid found anything. We had the same problem last year too. A lot of the books are "trash" and the kids know mama will not let them read it. In Lego Man's box, over half of the books were vampire books...ugh! So I made a deal with them both. For every 6 hours they read, they will get $5 instead of a book from the library. I already owe both of them $10. The funny thing is that have been only counting the time they read before bed. They have forgotten about the time they read during the day and in the car. I'd be broke already if they counted that.

In my life this week....We finally found a facility for our co-op!!! One of the churches we spoke with wanted $1000 a, I could rent a house and live in it for cheaper than that. I took that as they really didn't want us there. Why couldn't they be up front and just say that!
So know that we have a facility, the other 4 ladies and I have been working hard on the curriculum. We are following Classically Catholic Memory, but are adding lesson plans to help families follow it at home during the week. I worked on Science earlier in the week. I now have art to plan. The other ladies are working on the other subjects. I am so thankful for these wonderful ladies.
We are looking forward to the upcoming year!

What we have been up to....Relaxing. We spent the 4th at my in-laws. We had a barbeque and the kids swam in the pool.

 The storms held off most of the day. There were a few showers, but the kids were able to swim in the rain. They thought it was quite fun to swim in the rain. 

For dinner, we had burgers, hot dogs, potato salad, macaroni salad, corn on the cob, and cantaloupe.

Once it got dark, we headed outside for some firework fun.

Our little homestead update....the chickens have been getting big. So far, no eggs yet. We think we will have our first eggs by the end of the month. We can't wait.

They follow us around and love to have company. As soon as we step outside they surround us clucking away. We know each girl by sight and their personalities. Sunshine is the head hen. It's probably because she is the biggest. I can't believe that we have had them for almost a month now.

What I am reading....Art history books and various books on artists and art techniques. I am preparing the lessons for our upcoming school lessons for our house and co-op. Exciting stuff!

What the kids are reading...Lego Man is reading the Dear America series. He is currently reading

Princess P checked out all the Fancy Nancy books out at the library or at least it seems like that to me.

Linking up with....The Homeschool Mother's Journal, Weekly Wrap-Up7 Quick TakesFriendship FridayNo Ordinary Blog HopHomeschool Review, Family Fun Friday, and Live and Learn


  1. A week's break in the middle of summer is the perfect thing. Sounds like a wonderful week for you. I hope you get those eggs soon - they are worth waiting for!
    So glad you found a place for your co-op. I know we have had difficulties at times. It's a blessing to have a place to meet.
    Enjoy your summer!
    (stopping by via Homeschool Mother's Journal)

  2. Sounds like a great break! :-) We hope to get chickens someday soon, so I can't wait to hear all about when yours start laying eggs.

    That is awesome that you found a home for your co-op. I pray for it to be a success. I know that taking that on is a huge undertaking and responsibility.

    Hope you are having a great weekend! God bless, Lisa

  3. Oh the first egg is so exciting! Your kids will be thrilled to find it:). We are on our third time now raising chicks, it's a little addicting;).

