Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Science 4 Us Review

A month ago, I was asked to review a online program called Science 4 Us.

It is an early elementary science curriculum. The curriculum is a standards-based science program found online. It is geared for Kindergarten to Second graders.
This program does follow the common core program. 

Being summer made it a little difficult to get fully into the program since the kids spend more time outside. We had a lot of thunderstorms causing us to lose Internet service quite a bit.
My kids also have a limited online and video game limit. They each get 2 hours a week during the summer and 1 hour during the school year. We might not have used this program as much as another family would have.

So here are thoughts...

Princess P was excited about trying the program.
She logged on and started playing the games the site had to offer.

The site is divided into different areas of science.
Physical, Life, Earth/Space, and Inquiry. 

The Physical Science deals with matter, energy, and force and motion.

The Inquiry deals with science tools.
The Earth and Space section deals with, you guessed it, earth and space.
The Living Science deals with living and nonliving things, plants, and animals.

She liked the Living Things area. She played the animal games more than anything else. This doesn't surprise me, since she has always been more interested in learning about animals and nature.
We also studied animals this year during the school year.
Some of the games she tried were easy to her. A few she even referred to as "little" kid games. The site is geared to K-2nd, she is a rising 3rd graders, so that was understandable. 

She did enjoy the earth and space section too. She was trying to learn a little about the topics we will be studying this year. She must be eager to get a jump on school this year.

I do know, she didn't enter the physical science area. She said that she wasn't interested in that.

She had fun playing the games and it was a great way to reinforce what she learned this past year. 
I liked that she was able to do the program by herself. It allowed me to work on other things, while she played the games.

At the end of the trial, I asked her what her thoughts were about it.
She said and I quote.."It's O.K."
She wasn't negative or positive in her tone.
I think she would play it for awhile and would lose interest in it.
She is not a big computer or video game player, so other children might find it more exciting.

I would recommend this program to parents as an add on to their curriculum. I would not rely on this program to teach my child all about science, but it's a good addition to already planned lessons.
 I like my children to read and get involved in their studies by doing projects, crafts, and experiments.
We are not a big computer/video game family.

Lego Man was a little disappointed that the program didn't go up to 5th grade. He's my big science buff. He would love to play and learn about science at the same time.
Maybe in the future...

*I was given a 1 month free trial of Science4Us for an honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or my families. I am letting you know of this to be in accordance with the FTC regulations.


  1. I appreciate reading your review. I can see where a family that had limited screen time or were not big gamers might not be as interested as a family in which the children did more computer/online work. My daughter has ADHD and is a visual learner and the majority of her curriculum is online. She likes the colors, interaction, the idea that she is in control. I like that it is already planned for me, and that it keeps records! She would agree with Lego Man in that she wishes it went to higher grades. Thanks again for your candid review!

    1. I agree a family that has more screen time would love it! As soon as we started reviewing the program, Lego Man was bummed. He loves science and loves to do stuff on the computer. He would really enjoy it if it went up to the higher grades.

