Monday, August 25, 2014

Happy Homemaker Monday

As I look at my window...
I see sunny skies and a cat sitting on top of the clothesline. He looks like a gargoyle basking in the sun.

Right now I am......
Drinking my morning coffee and preparing the lessons for school today. We are in our second week of school, so we are still getting use to the idea of being back to school.

Thinking and Pondering.....

Listening to.....
If We're Honest by Francesca Battistelli's and Utopia Triumphans-The Great Polyphony of the Renaissance. We are studying the Renaissance time period for history this year.

The Smartest Kids in the World: And How They Got That Way by Amanda Ripley. 
I'm still reading Saint Rita of Cascia who was the patron saint of my grandmother.

What's on the dinner menu.......
Sunday~ Sloppy Joe's with fries
Tuesday~ Pork Chops, Baked Apples, Beans
Wednesday~ Herb Roasted Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Peas
Thursday~ Homemade Gluten Free Chicken Nuggets, Gluten Free Mac n' Cheese, Beans
Friday~ Pizza
Saturday~ Gluten Free Fettuccine Alfredo with Chicken

On my to do list this week........
Completing the second week of school with the kids (last week went very well)
Call my priest to discuss a homeschool group for our church (didn't get to this last week)
Clean the bathrooms
Have the kids straighten up the downstairs
Start sewing my dress 
Sew some skirts for Princess P
Finish alphabet books for our preschool class at co-op

What I am creating this week....
My bulletin boards for my 1st grade CCD. Our religious education classes start in 2 weeks, so not much time left. I have bee hive to make, bumble bees to make, and colored tissue flowers to make.

Looking around the house.....
I need to weed the flower beds and trim the bushes. They have gone wild! I want to get some mums to add some color to the beds since the summer flowers are starting to dwindle. It's feels like fall here. We even have a few red leaves already.

My prayers for this week......
I am praying that they are able to find a teacher for my daughter's CCD class. Father asked for volunteers today, so hopefully someone finds it in their heart to help out.


Linking up with....The Littlest Way and Happy Homemaker Monday


  1. LOVE!
    I'm so happy to see your posts, regularly, in my inbox !! What a nice treat to log on to!

    Looking into your book rec about The smartest Kids...looks interesting!

    Take care. see you soon.

  2. It's so hard to get back into the habit of school when the summer ends. We just started yesterday and it hasn't been easy.

    Yummy looking menus :)

