Monday, January 26, 2015

Happy Homemaker Monday

As I look out my window....
Snow! The sky is filled with clouds of soft gray. The snow has been a little slower getting here, but it has arrived. The weather reports seem to be varying in the amount we will usual. The kids are excited since we are getting enough for some fun in the snow...sledding, snow angels, snowball fights, and making snowmen. Winter fun!

Right now I am..... 
I am enjoying my second cup of coffee. I am watching Lego Man put together a solar powered car kit. It was a gift and he is excited to put it together. The rest of the house is quite. We are enjoying our relaxing morning after traveling this weekend.

I am thankful for....
My family. We visited my parents this weekend to help out with cleaning out my grandfather's house and help out around my parent's house while my mom is recovering from hip surgery. Thankfully she is healing quickly and should be home soon.
This weekend was a sad one. It's hard knowing I will never step foot into my grandparent's house again. For over 50 years my grandparents lived there. I have so many happy childhood memories of our days there. I know it's just a house and that they are not there now, but it's hard saying goodbye. I am so thankful for the memories I do have. I look forward to the day when I will see them again.

What I am praying for.....
My family
My mom
This crazy world we live in

What's for dinner....
Sunday~Mac n' Cheese..not very healthy, but we had been out of town
Monday~ Ham steak, roasted potatoes, and a veggie
Tuesday~ Lemon chicken, rice, and green beans
Wednesday~ Burgers
Thursday~ Bacon-wrapped pork chops
Friday~ Mahi Mahi
Saturday~ Don't know yet?

What I am working on....
I am starting to look into next year's school plans. I can't believe it's already that time of year again. I'm cleaning up my sewing area, so I can get down to sewing again. Of course, I am doing laundry.
Princess P and I are getting ideas for her 10th can my baby almost be 10!?!


Till next time,

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Friday, January 23, 2015

Classically Catholic Memory Gamma Year~ Week 4


We are still singing along with the monks. They kids are working on the Salve Regina Latin prayer puzzle. They are working on putting the prayer in order and matching the Latin verse up with the English verse. I think it's very important for kids to understand what they are saying.
You can find it here.


"All power is given to me in heaven and in earth. Going therefore, teach ye all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world"
                                                                       Matthew 28:18-20

For our lesson on the infallibility of the Catholic Church, we read from the Baltimore Catechism. We discussed what this means. I found a great article online that helped me explain this to my kids. It had bible verses to help prove this belief. It may be a little too advanced for younger kids.

I know when my kids were younger, I always explained it as....Jesus picked the apostles and Jesus appointed Peter the first Pope. When he did this he was saying that Peter speaks for Him or He speaks through him. With each new Pope, that promise is being passed on. It might be a a little too simple to get the real meaning behind it, but it worked for them when they were little.

We're still learning the provinces of Canada.
Enchanted Learning has a wonderful map kids can label.

I saw this fun Canadian Windsock that kids can create.

We checked out a few books from the library about Canada.

After gaining some information about our neighbor to the north, we read a few more books that took place in Canada.

A great book to read that brings in our Catholic faith is Blessed Marie of New France.

It's the story about the first missionary sisters in Canada.

We also reread Paddle to the Sea. One of our favorite books.

This is a fantastic story about a young Indian boy that sets sail a little canoe. It starts off in Canada and travels through the Great Lakes region until it reaches the Atlantic ocean. This is a wonderful book filled with geography from Canada and the northern regions of the United States.

Some other fun activities that can be done to help learn about the Canadian regions are...

Coloring the Canadian Flag.

Create a lap book about various animals you would find in Canada.

Source~ Wikipedia

You can print a coloring book for early readers from Enchanted Learning about Canadian animals.
Check out DLTK for a lot of cute fun crafts to do with kids. There are so many cute ideas....too many to list!

Counting by 5's. A great way to reinforce the multiplies of 5 are counting nickels.

Source~United States Mint

So we emptied out dad's coin jar, collected all the nickels, counted them, and rolled them up!

This week we learned about about the famous explorers Cartier, Champlain, Marquette, Joliet, and LaSalle.
Of course will filled in our explorer worksheets.
If you would like to use them, you can find them at the following links.
Father Marquette

We checked out a few books about the explorers from the library and read up on their journeys. Lego Man read Father Marquette and the Great Rivers.

I created a journaling page for him to write a brief summary of the book.

We read Saint Kateri Tekawitha: Mohawk Maiden together.

It was our nightly read aloud.
We traced the explorers journeys onto maps...sorry no pics of them since the dog knocked over water while chasing a cat through the school room and ruined them....actually it may have been the cat that knocked over the water trying to flee from the dog. Either way the papers got wet, ink ran, and so they were tossed. One of the problems of having so many animals.

Chemical Reactions!!!!

This week we talked about 2 different ways to classify chemical reactions.
I found a worksheet to help reinforce this at Education.Com. It deals with chemical reactions and physical reactions. It's a great reference for kids!
We did a penny experiment. I'm sure you've heard of cleaning pennies with all types of stuff. If you google it,you most likely get 100 different links. Education.Com has a simple experiment with a worksheet for kids to record their findings on. Super easy!

Great Words~
Christopher Columbus.

Source~ Wikipedia

Same poem.....different verse.
So here is how we learn the stanzas......
 Each day we read the new section for the week. I read it once out loud then we read it 2-3 times together. After that we read the entire poem sections we have learned from the beginning to the current weeks section. We do this again for 2-3 times.
Once we have done that, I ask each kid to practice the poem by themselves. They recite it from memory. I help out here and there if they forget a word or line.
It seems to work for us!

Till next time,

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Thursday, January 22, 2015

2014 The Homeschool Blog Awards

The Homeschool Post

I won!!
Well, I tied, but I'll take it.
I tied with Tristan from Our Busy Homeschool.
Stop by and check out her blog. She shares some wonderful adventurers with her family.
I want to thank all of you that took time out of your busy schedules to vote!
I couldn't have done it without you.

Of course, I can't say thanks without thanking Chris over at Campfire and Cleats for nominating me.
Love ya, my dear friend!

Did I tell you, she won too!
She won for best nature and field trip blog. She takes some amazing trips. You should head on over and look at all her amazing photos. She even has a map with all the states they have's a lot.
I'm a little jealous!

A couple of other wonderful ladies, who I am lucky to call friends, won too!

Jennifer from Catholic Inspired won for Best Homeschool Blog. She has so many beautiful and fun ideas to do with your kids. I use a lot of her ideas for my CCD class, as well as my own kids! She is a true blessing. Stop by and say hi!

Birgit from Designs by Birgit won for best current events/opinions/politics blog. She does an fantastic job getting the pro-life message out there.  A fight truly worth fighting for!
You can always find some adorable baby pictures on her page.

Congrats to all the winners!

Till next time,

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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Wordless Wednesday

Sleep, Sleepy Kitty

This is what happens when you have a little girl that spoils you. Wouldn't it be nice if we all were spoiled that much?

What? Don't hate me because I'm pampered!

Till next time, 

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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Gluten Free Coconut Raspberry Bars

Last night, I made this yummy dessert for my family. The original recipe I found at Deliciously Organic. I modified the recipe to fit our needs. It's still grain free, but not Paleo!


1 1/2 cups almond meal flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup organic butter, melted
1 tablespoon honey
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 tablespoon coconut flour

Half a jar of Trappist Monks Red Raspberry Jam

3 tablespoon organic butter, melted
1 teaspoon honey
1/4 cup dark brown sugar
3/4 cup almond meal flour
1/2 shredded coconut (I used unsweetened, but you could use sweetened)

Preheat the oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit. Line a 9 x 9 pan with parchment paper.
Mix the almond flour, baking soda, and salt together in a bowl. In a small bowl, mix the melted butter, honey, and vanilla extract together. Pour the butter mixture into the flour mixture. Mix. Dough will be crumbly, but moist. Press the dough into the pan.

Bake for 6-7 minutes.
While the dough is baking, prepare the topping. Mix melted butter and honey together in a small bowl. Mix almond flour and coconut together. Pour the butter into the flour mixture.

Take pan out of oven. Spread the jam over crust.

Top the jam with the topping crumble.

Bake for 20 minutes.
Take out of the oven and cool completely.
Cut into bars...they will be a little crumbly, but oh so good!

Till next time,

Linking up with Try a New Recipe Tuesday

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Monday, January 19, 2015

Weekly Wrap-Up

Wow! Another week has flown by. I can't believe we are already half way through January. This week we had a rather uneventful week. Some would say it was dull and boring, but after the Christmas season, it was nice to stay home and have nothing major to do.
Can you tell we are homebodies?

In our life this week.... We finished taking down Christmas. It's a little early for us, but since a little kitty decided to start it, I felt like we might as well take the rest down.

The kids have been busy building and playing with Lego's. We did take one day and run our usual errands...library, grocery store, Walmart, and the kids asked to got to Target since they had gift cards from Christmas. Lego Man bought a new Lego and Princess P bought a doll kitchen for her dolls.

I think she was inspired by the new American Girl doll Grace. She just loves her dolls. Our next sewing project will be making aprons for her dolls and us.

In our homeschool this week...Moving right along. Lego Man's math books arrived, so we are good to go. We are on Week 9 in our CCM book. I still have to post about weeks 4-8. We are slowly getting back into the swing of things. It will help when we get the school room back in order. It seems to be the room where things are taken and dropped off. The desks and table seems to be the resting place for anything that doesn't find a home. Things also seem to multiply while there too!
Do you have a room or spot like that?

What we are sewing...This week Princess P and I worked on her bedding for her bunk beds. She did an amazing job.

We may have to add these to our little shop!

What we are reading..... Lego Man is still plugging away at Mattimeo from the Red Wall series by Brian Jacques. Princess P is still reading the Little House on the Prairie chapter books. I am currently reading  Whole: Rethinking the Science of Nutrition by T. Colin Campbell.

Hope you had a wonderful week!

Till next time,

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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Wordless Wednesday

Another Kitty Cat Wednesday

Life never goes as planned. The other day I had my day all planned out and then I entered our family room and saw this....

A certain kitty, who will remain nameless, loves to climb the Christmas tree. Well, I guess she climbed it one too many times.

She knocked it down, bent the tree stand and broke of pieces. 
I guess we will be buying a new tree (we really needed one anyway)
Thankfully she wasn't hurt!

Till next time, 

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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Gluten Free Fluffy Pancakes....YUM!

For the past two years now, I have been trying to find a gluten free pancake recipe that would pass the kids approval. We finally got it! We got a little help from Pamela's Pancake Mix but we altered the recipe to fit our taste and it is yummy! It passes the kid test!

It even works for waffles too.

2 cups of
Pamela's Ultimate Baking and Pancake Mix, 4-Pound Bags (Pack of 3)
2 large eggs
1 1/2 cups milk
2 Tablespoons of butter, melted

Mix all the ingredients together and make like normal! We use a cast iron griddle. If you're using a regular pan, you may need to grease the pan.
Super easy.

You can all types of yummy stuff to them....blueberries, chocolate chips, apples, etc.

Till next time, 

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Thursday, January 8, 2015

Our Weekly Wrap-Up

In our homeschool.....We started back to school on Monday. Things went well, but we did take it a little slow. Tuesday it snowed and Lego Man informed me that the Feast of the Epiphany should be a school holiday. So we decided to make Tuesday-Friday snow days! So you can say we ended up extending our Christmas break. The kids did work on math and read everyday, so it wasn't a complete break from school. I'm also waiting for Lego Man's math books. He is starting the next book and someone (I'm not saying who) forgot to order it. Oh well, life happens.

In our life this week.....snow and COLD weather. I did say COLD right!?! Tuesday, we got snow and the kids really wanted to test out their sleds they got for Christmas. How could I say no? So off they went sledding with the dog. What did Mama guessed it laundry. Wednesday and Thursday were so cold. It was in the negatives here with the wind chill, so everyone stayed inside and kept warm by the fire.

Most of us were purrfectly fine to stay inside and keep warm. Someone however thought she should go outside.

That is until you opened the door and that arctic blast of cold air hit her little face. Of course, she changed her mind then. Friday was errand day....and I had to return an overdue library book.

What the kids are reading.....
Lego Man finished his 2nd book in the Redwall Series and has moved onto the 3rd book.

Princess P is reading a giant book about cats she checked out at the library.

What I am reading..nothing right now.

What I(and Princess P) are working on.... I am teaching Princess P how to make bedding for her new bunk beds her brother made her for Christmas. I'm not sure if she will get to use them for her dolls. A certain black and white cat likes to sleep in them.

What the kids have been creating......The kids have been busy building with Legos and watching some fun educational shows about animals. They made Bruce Wayne's office.

I love when they create. It just proves that learning takes place anywhere! 

Quote for the new year....

Till next time,

Linking up with My Week in Review, Homeschool Mother's Journal, Weekly Wrap-Up, Show Off Friday, Learn and Link, 7 Quick Takes, Friendship Friday, Family Fun Friday

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