Friday, January 23, 2015

Classically Catholic Memory Gamma Year~ Week 4


We are still singing along with the monks. They kids are working on the Salve Regina Latin prayer puzzle. They are working on putting the prayer in order and matching the Latin verse up with the English verse. I think it's very important for kids to understand what they are saying.
You can find it here.


"All power is given to me in heaven and in earth. Going therefore, teach ye all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world"
                                                                       Matthew 28:18-20

For our lesson on the infallibility of the Catholic Church, we read from the Baltimore Catechism. We discussed what this means. I found a great article online that helped me explain this to my kids. It had bible verses to help prove this belief. It may be a little too advanced for younger kids.

I know when my kids were younger, I always explained it as....Jesus picked the apostles and Jesus appointed Peter the first Pope. When he did this he was saying that Peter speaks for Him or He speaks through him. With each new Pope, that promise is being passed on. It might be a a little too simple to get the real meaning behind it, but it worked for them when they were little.

We're still learning the provinces of Canada.
Enchanted Learning has a wonderful map kids can label.

I saw this fun Canadian Windsock that kids can create.

We checked out a few books from the library about Canada.

After gaining some information about our neighbor to the north, we read a few more books that took place in Canada.

A great book to read that brings in our Catholic faith is Blessed Marie of New France.

It's the story about the first missionary sisters in Canada.

We also reread Paddle to the Sea. One of our favorite books.

This is a fantastic story about a young Indian boy that sets sail a little canoe. It starts off in Canada and travels through the Great Lakes region until it reaches the Atlantic ocean. This is a wonderful book filled with geography from Canada and the northern regions of the United States.

Some other fun activities that can be done to help learn about the Canadian regions are...

Coloring the Canadian Flag.

Create a lap book about various animals you would find in Canada.

Source~ Wikipedia

You can print a coloring book for early readers from Enchanted Learning about Canadian animals.
Check out DLTK for a lot of cute fun crafts to do with kids. There are so many cute ideas....too many to list!

Counting by 5's. A great way to reinforce the multiplies of 5 are counting nickels.

Source~United States Mint

So we emptied out dad's coin jar, collected all the nickels, counted them, and rolled them up!

This week we learned about about the famous explorers Cartier, Champlain, Marquette, Joliet, and LaSalle.
Of course will filled in our explorer worksheets.
If you would like to use them, you can find them at the following links.
Father Marquette

We checked out a few books about the explorers from the library and read up on their journeys. Lego Man read Father Marquette and the Great Rivers.

I created a journaling page for him to write a brief summary of the book.

We read Saint Kateri Tekawitha: Mohawk Maiden together.

It was our nightly read aloud.
We traced the explorers journeys onto maps...sorry no pics of them since the dog knocked over water while chasing a cat through the school room and ruined them....actually it may have been the cat that knocked over the water trying to flee from the dog. Either way the papers got wet, ink ran, and so they were tossed. One of the problems of having so many animals.

Chemical Reactions!!!!

This week we talked about 2 different ways to classify chemical reactions.
I found a worksheet to help reinforce this at Education.Com. It deals with chemical reactions and physical reactions. It's a great reference for kids!
We did a penny experiment. I'm sure you've heard of cleaning pennies with all types of stuff. If you google it,you most likely get 100 different links. Education.Com has a simple experiment with a worksheet for kids to record their findings on. Super easy!

Great Words~
Christopher Columbus.

Source~ Wikipedia

Same poem.....different verse.
So here is how we learn the stanzas......
 Each day we read the new section for the week. I read it once out loud then we read it 2-3 times together. After that we read the entire poem sections we have learned from the beginning to the current weeks section. We do this again for 2-3 times.
Once we have done that, I ask each kid to practice the poem by themselves. They recite it from memory. I help out here and there if they forget a word or line.
It seems to work for us!

Till next time,

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1 comment:

  1. Great ideas and resources for studying about Canada and the explorers. Pinned.

