Monday, January 19, 2015

Weekly Wrap-Up

Wow! Another week has flown by. I can't believe we are already half way through January. This week we had a rather uneventful week. Some would say it was dull and boring, but after the Christmas season, it was nice to stay home and have nothing major to do.
Can you tell we are homebodies?

In our life this week.... We finished taking down Christmas. It's a little early for us, but since a little kitty decided to start it, I felt like we might as well take the rest down.

The kids have been busy building and playing with Lego's. We did take one day and run our usual errands...library, grocery store, Walmart, and the kids asked to got to Target since they had gift cards from Christmas. Lego Man bought a new Lego and Princess P bought a doll kitchen for her dolls.

I think she was inspired by the new American Girl doll Grace. She just loves her dolls. Our next sewing project will be making aprons for her dolls and us.

In our homeschool this week...Moving right along. Lego Man's math books arrived, so we are good to go. We are on Week 9 in our CCM book. I still have to post about weeks 4-8. We are slowly getting back into the swing of things. It will help when we get the school room back in order. It seems to be the room where things are taken and dropped off. The desks and table seems to be the resting place for anything that doesn't find a home. Things also seem to multiply while there too!
Do you have a room or spot like that?

What we are sewing...This week Princess P and I worked on her bedding for her bunk beds. She did an amazing job.

We may have to add these to our little shop!

What we are reading..... Lego Man is still plugging away at Mattimeo from the Red Wall series by Brian Jacques. Princess P is still reading the Little House on the Prairie chapter books. I am currently reading  Whole: Rethinking the Science of Nutrition by T. Colin Campbell.

Hope you had a wonderful week!

Till next time,

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  1. Love it!
    Great wrap up... :)

    We still have our tree up, but all else is down and out away, even the stockings and outdoor decor. sigh. What a job, right?

    Sounds like things are resuming a routine..good for you!

    "See" you soon!

  2. So I have had the hardest time getting your blog to end up in my feeder over at bloglovin. I am hoping I have it now. (fingers crossed).

    The doll bedding is fantastic! Fabulous! One of mine is always looking for some sewing project to do with her dad. I should show her yours!

