Thursday, January 8, 2015

Our Weekly Wrap-Up

In our homeschool.....We started back to school on Monday. Things went well, but we did take it a little slow. Tuesday it snowed and Lego Man informed me that the Feast of the Epiphany should be a school holiday. So we decided to make Tuesday-Friday snow days! So you can say we ended up extending our Christmas break. The kids did work on math and read everyday, so it wasn't a complete break from school. I'm also waiting for Lego Man's math books. He is starting the next book and someone (I'm not saying who) forgot to order it. Oh well, life happens.

In our life this week.....snow and COLD weather. I did say COLD right!?! Tuesday, we got snow and the kids really wanted to test out their sleds they got for Christmas. How could I say no? So off they went sledding with the dog. What did Mama guessed it laundry. Wednesday and Thursday were so cold. It was in the negatives here with the wind chill, so everyone stayed inside and kept warm by the fire.

Most of us were purrfectly fine to stay inside and keep warm. Someone however thought she should go outside.

That is until you opened the door and that arctic blast of cold air hit her little face. Of course, she changed her mind then. Friday was errand day....and I had to return an overdue library book.

What the kids are reading.....
Lego Man finished his 2nd book in the Redwall Series and has moved onto the 3rd book.

Princess P is reading a giant book about cats she checked out at the library.

What I am reading..nothing right now.

What I(and Princess P) are working on.... I am teaching Princess P how to make bedding for her new bunk beds her brother made her for Christmas. I'm not sure if she will get to use them for her dolls. A certain black and white cat likes to sleep in them.

What the kids have been creating......The kids have been busy building with Legos and watching some fun educational shows about animals. They made Bruce Wayne's office.

I love when they create. It just proves that learning takes place anywhere! 

Quote for the new year....

Till next time,

Linking up with My Week in Review, Homeschool Mother's Journal, Weekly Wrap-Up, Show Off Friday, Learn and Link, 7 Quick Takes, Friendship Friday, Family Fun Friday

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  1. We are big cat and Lego lovers here, too! ( We have four cats and a million Legos...LOL)

    1. Cats are so fun. Legos seem to multiply when your not looking.

  2. I love the Bruce Wayne creation with the legos. How sweet of your son to build his sister a set of bunk beds for her dolls. It has been bitter cold here too.

    1. Thanks for stopping by. Hopefully it warms up a little for us all.

  3. sounds like a good week to start the new year
    come see us at

  4. LOL Cute kitty all snuggly! My cat would NEVER allow that! She's content to sleep ON me, but never under blankets. It should has been FRIGID. :sigh: Where is spring? Legos are such a great way to create!

    1. He's a pretty special kitty. We found him when he was about 2 weeks old, so he has been with handled by people since he was a tiny thing. He thinks he's part human.

