Monday, February 9, 2015

Happy Homemaker Monday

Wow, we have already finished the first month of 2015! Time sure is passing by. We are halfway through our school year. It's hard to believe that we will be done in 4 months. It doesn't seem possible that we will be completing our 9th year. It feels like I was just starting preschool with Lego Man...he's no longer my little man.

As I look out my window....
Cloudy and gray. They're calling for rain today, not snow for us. Our temps will be in the mid 50's. This winter has been so crazy. 20 degrees one day and the next 50 degrees. No wonder everyone is sick. 
The warm weather has brought out the birds. They are singing cheerful little tunes. Of course, Colonel Drumstick is drowning them out. 

He's really loud this morning.

What's for breakfast this morning....
Coffee, You have to have coffee, at least I do. Eggs and an orange. We need to increase our vitamin C. Princess P is sick and the rest of us do not want it.

Right now I am....
Writing this blog post and drinking my first cup of coffee, while Princess P lounges on the couch watching 19 Kids and Counting. It's finally back on. I do wish they would show more appropriate commercials during the show time. Some of the shows they advertise are not child friendly. You would think, TV producers would think about stuff like that!

As I look around the house....
We need to finish putting Christmas away...yup, we still have a few items out still. So we have a Christmas Valentine's day combo going on. We need to get the rest of the house cleaned.  We have lots of blankets lying around. I'll have to wash them to keep the sick germs away.

On my to do list for the week....
Mopping the floors
Cleaning the bathrooms
Starting our seeds for our garden

Currently reading....
Curriculum Catalogs! I'm working on next years curriculum already. I'm trying to get everything planned out and getting the books ordered.

What for dinner....
Sunday- Tuna Melts, Scalloped Potatoes and Salad
Monday- Chicken Stir Fry and Rice
Tuesday- Potato Soup
Wednesday- ???
Thursday- Asian Lettuce Wraps
Friday- Mahi Mahi
Saturday- ???

Happy Moment

Till next time,

Linking up with Sandra over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom

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