Friday, February 20, 2015

Weekly Wrap-Up/THMJ

In our homeschool this week.... Sick Days! Co-op was cancelled on Monday (and last Monday too) do to sick kids.Our family was part of the sick crew. Unfortunately, I woke up with a stomach bug on Valentine's Day. Happy St. Valentine's Day to me! So no special dinner for me. I did get to relax and sleep all day. I.m not sure that counts since the stomach flu is horrible!
So when mom and 1 kid is sick, what do you do? You do school on the couch! Princess P worked on her lessons, while lounging up on pillows and snuggled up with blankets and this little fellow....

Doesn't he look comfy?

We've been working on Week 10 in CCM! I can't believe we are half way through this year. The kids are excited to be getting into the American Revolution War. I have been looking into some fun ideas to help with learning. Maybe even a trip to Valley Forge! First, we have to get through the French and Indian War. 
For science, we watched a few videos from a company I will be reviewing in a few weeks. I fill you in on it later on. 
I am so happy we are right on target for our lessons! Last year we fell behind do to all our illnesses. It's nice not to be stressed out about the work load.

In our life this week..... Sick days, COLD (VERY COLD) weather, books for school, laundry, dogs, cats, chickens. All the normal stuff. The temps have dropped and we got a few inches of snow! They are calling for a snow/ice mix this weekend...ugh! We were hoping to have at least one big snow storm. The kids would really like to use their new sleds. 
I have been busy figuring out the classes for next year and the books we will need. I have started to order them. A few have come in already. It weird how we get excited for next year when we still have to finish out this year. Don't get me wrong, I am looking forward to our summer break and hopefully a small vacation.

We did head out into the frigid temps. We stopped at our local thrift store. We found some pretty skirts for Princess P and me. Can you tell we are ready for spring and summer? We even found a pair of shorts for Princess P that actually reach her knees. The lady at the store said they are pretty rare to find. She called the other shorts underwear, since they are that small! 
We had to go get food for all our critters in order to feed them. It's not like you can't feed have to or they get a little hostile and loud! They don't let you forget about them. 

"Who Me?"

The cats meow and circle you like land sharks. They act like they are starving even though they have food all the time. She looks like she starving doesn't she?

The dog gets right up in your face as if she is saying "HELLO, MY STOMACH IS GROWLING! It' been 10 WHOLE MINUTES since I've had anything to eat!"

The rooster decided to charge me last week. Crazy bird! I had to retreat and grab a broom. 

What I am Reading... How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization by Thomas E. Woods Jr.

I'm only into the second chapter, so I can't give an opinion of it yet.
I did check it out from our local library and was disappointed by a fellow library users need to VANDALIZE the book.

It really shows how immature you are when you feel the need to vandalize a book.
It reminds me of a quote by Fulton J. Sheen.....

What the kids are reading....
Lego Man is still working his way through the Redwall series by Brian Jaques. He's in book four now.

Princess P just started the Kaya books from American Girl. We found the book set at our thrift store for only $5!

Hope you have a great weekend!

Till next time,

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