Sunday, March 8, 2015

Our Weekly Wrap-Up/THMJ #4

Wow another week has come and gone!
I can't believe we are already in March.
I can't say I'm sad about that fact. That just means, it will be SPRING soon!!!!!!! I am so ready to see colorful flowers emerging in the flower beds.

So what went on this week...
Shopping, ice storms and snow.

Saturday, Princess P and I had a girls day. We went shopping for some new clothes for summer. I found a beautiful dress for Easter and the best part it was 50% off!!
On Sunday, we had church and CCD. Oh yeah, we had a ice storm that day too. We seem to be having a lot of those this year. I much prefer snow.

Monday was a tough day for us. We had our last CCM co-op meeting and the kids said goodbye to the friends they had made and had seen weekly for the past 3 years. This year has been a very difficult one. We started the year off with fewer moms and then sadly we lost a few more. Continuing the classes seemed extremely difficult and down right impossible. After talking to my husband and kids, we decided it just wasn't going to work anymore. A few of the other ladies had come to the same decision too. It's sad that we couldn't make it work for everyone involved. We will miss the friends we've made, but I will not miss the extra work of planning the co-op. It's weird, I never realized how much work I put into until this week. I have had more free time to spend with my kids and really enjoy them. Being part of the planning has definitely been a part time job. It's such a bittersweet feeling. I worry now, we will lose the friends we've made over the past 3 years. It always seems to work out that way. A co-op ends or when families leave, staying it touch just never seems to work out. Hopefully this time will be different. So Monday was a busy day for us. We headed to co-op to clean out the cabinets and disburse the left over supplies. Each family went home with lots of goodies. We headed to the library and the county building to pay some taxes. We finally got home around 4.
Tuesday, we stayed home, but things were still a little disorganized with the end of co-op.  We just did the basics. I'm sure it will take us some time to get used to no co-op and our new routine. The rest of the week was spent cleaning, doing laundry (like always), and hanging out. 

On Thursday, we received a foot of snow up here on the mountain. It's crazy! We are in March and ready for spring but we get the best snow storm we've had all winter. It was beautiful while the snow was coming down. It covered the trees and made the outside look like a winter wonderland.
We cut our schooling short that day, so the kids could go out to play in the last snow storm of the year. At least I hope it's the last storm of the year. 
We finished up our school work early and the kids headed outside to play. 

They had fun sledding and and puppy had fun chasing them and the snow flakes.

While the kids were outside, I worked on Saint Kateri Teckawitha saint doll for our saint doll exchange. Princess P thinks she turned out great. 

Till next time,

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