Friday, March 20, 2015

Weekly Wrap-Up/THMJ

Well another week has come and gone. Spring is finally here. I am so ready for it.
At least the calender says it's spring. Someone needs to tell mother nature to stop the snow.

We woke up to snow this morning.....HAPPY SPRING to us!

So what have we been up to this week?

In our life this week.....
On Sunday, we went to mass and the Lego Man went to CCD. Princess P was home sick. I taught my sweet little first graders. We had a fun class. We learned about Saint Patrick and watched a great film about him. We then did two fun crafts to go along with our lessons. The kids had a blast.
On Monday, I got to take Princess P to the doctors. It seems she just had some type of cold or flu. A week with a fever is no fun for anyone. We did stop at target for some honey cough drops. Since she had been sick all week, I allowed her to pick out a toy. She chose one of the new Lego Elves sets.

She enjoyed putting it together and it took away some of her boredom for awhile.
Tuesday and Wednesday, we hung out at the house, since Princess P is still not feeling 100%. On Thursday, we headed out to the library. We had books due and they couldn't be renewed. After the library, we dropped off a few bags of out grow summer clothes to our local thrift store. We then headed home. Once home, we realized that our sweet little man was not feeling well. 

He had gotten into a fight the night before and obviously he didn't win the battle. So back into the car we went. The vet was able to find 5 bite wounds on his side and abdomen. Poor guy. He got some pain meds and some antibiotics and off we went. He sleep the rest of the day.
On Friday, we woke to snow. Yup snow on the first day of spring. Something is wrong! I am ready for flip flop weather. Worse than the snow, I woke up sick. Thanks to Princess P and her sharing, I now am sick with the same yucky bug she had. Fever, cough, headache, and a scratchy throat. 

In our school this week....
Well school was hit or miss. He 
Monday-no school
Tuesday & Wednesday- full day of school. We were trying to play catch up with the days we fell behind last week.
Thursday- we did math and English
Friday- the kids did school while Mama laid on the couch.

I am really hoping we will get to do a few week next week!

What I am reading....
I am currently reading a book by Debbie Macomber called Twenty Wishes.

What the kids are reading....
I know Lego Man is still reading his Redwall series. I'm not quite sure what book he is in now. He has also been checking out every book he can find on fishes.....salt water, fresh water, etc. 
Princess P hasn't been reading much lately. With her headache, she has found it hard to concentrate on the words. 

What have I been working on....
Cleaning and purging. We donated 4 bags of outgrown spring/summer clothes to our local thrift store. Lego Man also parted with some outgrown toys. Hopefully we can clean out at least a few more bags.
Next week, if we all are feeling better, my goal is to get back into school full force and then in the afternoons spring cleaning. I think we will start with 1 room and go from there. 

Till next time

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