Friday, January 29, 2016

Five Minute Friday 1-29-16 ~ Quiet

QUIET~ Doesn't happen often around here.
Children, dogs, cats, chickens.....all make noise. 
Night time is when the quiet descends upon the house.
Everyone is tucked in and fast asleep.
A moment of piece and quiet for mama. Alone time. 
No needs, no demands, no questions....just silence.
Alone in the living room with a good book and a warm cup of tea. 
Mint Lemon Grass tea.
A gray an white kitty appears looking up with big round eyes. 

She loves alone time too. 
Up she pounces and curls up on my lap for nigh time cuddles. 
The silence is broken. 
The quiet is no the night is filled with the sound of a purring cat.

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Linking up with Kate for Five Minute Friday!

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  1. Lovely post! Sounds like a similar scene from my house, minus the cat. ;-) Gotta love those quiet evenings. Thanks for being here! Enjoy your tea! ;-)

  2. Sounds lovely. :) Cats can purr so loudly sometimes, can't they? It's a pretty relaxing sound though. Blessings! - Tasha

