Sunday, April 3, 2016

5 Days of Tips for Homeschooling Parents~ Take One Day at a Time

5 Days of Tips for Homeschool Parents
This probably seems like pointless advice but it really is important. We spend hours, days, and months planning our homeschooling and dread getting off track. No mater how much we plan and have things set, something always seems to come up and derail us. 
Unexpected field trips, doctor's appointments, sick kids, trips to the library, errands, dad's taking off work, snow days, and of course we can't forget the first nice day of weather after a long, cold winter. There are weeks I sit and wonder how we will get any schoolwork done. 
I know it's hard to let go. I still freak out when we get behind. One or two days isn't that big of a deal to me anymore but when we fall a few weeks behind the panic sets in and I can get a little crazy. My kids will tell you I panic and become a crazy woman. Thankfully after a few days of panicking and staring at the schedule wondering how we will ever get it all done. Reality sets in and a calming peace fills me. 
As homeschoolers, there is no set end date to our schooling.Life is one big lesson. Learning never stops. We can take as long as we want and not have to worry. School doesn't end for us. I love that we can go as fast as we want or as slow as we want. Field trips and days hanging outside are all learning days. Life is filed with variety of lessons that do not involve using text book.

So if you're new and start to panic....STOP! 
It really is O.K. 
You can take all the time you need.

"An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered."
~G.K. Chesterton

Be sure to stop by ans see more advice from the ladies of the Review Crew.

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