Friday, August 11, 2017

A Weekly Wrap-Up #1~ The Week Before School Starts

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The kids summer activities have all come to a close. Therese's volunteering at the library is done. She had fun, made a few new friends, and learned some new skills. Michael's wildlife camps have all ended. He too learned a lot and is already planning his next camp. It's an overnight camp.

The school room has been organized (well I'm almost done) and old books have been purged. The last remaining books have been ordered. The rest of the books have been sorted and shelved. Science supplies have been chosen and ordered. Michael is waiting not so patiently for the dissecting kits. Have I mentioned we are dissecting some stuff this year? I can't wait...not really! We are in the final count down until school starts. It's hard to believe that summer is almost over!

Next week is our last "FREE" week before school starts. This week we had a get together ( I think they're too old to call it a playdate) with friends before we all start back to school. It was their last hooray before they all get back to work. The kids had a blast and are already planning their next get together.

So are the kids ready for school to start?
Yes and no....I think the lack of routine is starting to bother them. Boredom has set in.
I think they are ready to get back to a more structured setting.
 Do they want to do all the work? I doubt it.
I can't think of any kids that says "I'm so excited for schoolwork!" Well, maybe when they were five. The pets are ready though. The cats have joined we in the schoolroom as I have purged, cleaned, and organized. They have taken up their usual spots on the table, in the baskets in the window, and on the floor (in my way).

Well, I'm off to finish the school room and plan our dinners for the next month.....
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Till Next Time,


  1. Mine like the dissection kits as well. Which brand /company do you use?

    Enjoy your kast free week!

    PS: the summer activities sounded great :)

    1. I found everything I needed at Rainbow Resource. They had everything we needed and they were the cheapest too.

