Friday, August 18, 2017

Dear Homeschool Mom......

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Dear Homeschool Mom.....

Welcome to the world of homeschooling! It can be exciting, thrilling, lonely, and frightening. Each day will bring a new adventure. It's not as easy or as hard as people make it out to be. Some days will go smoothly, while others days will feel like the train has derailed off the track. But that's O.K., everything will work out.

I'm going to let you in on a few secrets that we have in this little world of homeschooling.
We are not perfect. We make mistakes. If we want to look for someone that is perfect than we better head to church and gaze upon Jesus on the Cross.

We don't have all the answers. We are extremely grateful for Google and the library.

We don't have an unending supply of patience. All you have to do is ask my kids and they will quickly tell you that I can turn into the wicked witch of the west on our bad days. Some days it's just best to stop and do something educational but fun!

We worry about everything...are the kids learning, are we using the right curriculum, are they keeping up with their peers, do they have friends, are they getting enough socialization, are we harming them by keeping them home, will they succeed in college, will they succeed in life, will they grow up and be faithful adults, will they be able to function in the "real" world...the list goes on and on. We all have fears. Even moms who send their kids to school have fears. We just need to let go of fear and trust God.

"Pray, hope, and don't worry."
      ~Saint Padre Pio

We buy curriculum and then change our minds. Many of us have piles of books that we've been barely used. The great thing is that there is always someone looking for curriculum and the chances are pretty high that you'll be able to pass it onto someone else.

Everyone of us has certain fears and concerns. It's only naturally.
Didn't we feel the same way when we brought them home?

We still have one thing in common...We love our kids and want what is best for them. If we don't lose sight of that we will do fine. Will me make mistakes? You bet we will, but those mistakes will be made out of love. Love makes everything better.

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Till Next Time,

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