Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Homeschool Crew Review~ Marine Biology from Apologia Educational Ministries

Homeschool Crew Review

With two kids that love science and animals, we were thrilled, actually beyond thrilled, when we were chosen to review the new Marine Biology 2nd Edition Advantage Set from Apologia Educational Ministries. Let me just tell you, this set is AMAZING!

Apologia Educational Ministries
Whether your a newbie or a veteran in the homeschooling world, I can guarantee that you've heard of Apologia Educational Ministries. They are a leader in the homeschool curriculum and offer a huge selection of homeschooling materials. We have enjoyed working through their science curriculum for the younger grades over the years.

Marine Biology 2nd Edition Advantage Set
For this review, we received the Marine Biology 2nd Edition Advantage Set and the Marine Biology 2nd Edition Audio CD. The Advantage Set included the student textbook, student notebook, test forms, and the solutions manual. In addition to the all the books, we also received the Audio Cd which is great for audio learners or homeschooling in the car.

High school science

Exploring Creation in Marine Biology is broken up into 16 Modules, which are just like chapters. The text book is a fairly thick hardback book containing almost 600 pages. The pages are crisp and clear. The graphics are bright and colorful. It truly is a fantastic book for learning all about marine biology.
High school science

Here are what the students will cover through the year....

Module 1: The Oceans of Our Planet
Module 2: Life in the Sea
Module 3: The First Four Kingdoms
Module 4: Marine Invertebrates I
Module 5: Marine Invertebrates II
Module 6: Marine Vertebrates I
Module 7: Marine Vertebrates II
Module 8: Marine Ecology
Module 9: The Intertidal Zone
Module 10: Estuary Communities
Module 11: Coral Reefs
Module 12: Continental Shelf Communities
Module 13: The Epipelagic Zone
Module 14: The Deep Ocean
Module 15: Ocean Resources
Module 16: Effects of Humans on the Sea

The student text also contains a glossary, an appendix for the pictures & graphic in lessons, modules (chapter) summaries, and a complete list of lab supplies (great for mom), and of course an index is located in the back of the book.

High school science

Each Module is meant to be worked on for 2 weeks. A student should be able to complete a module every 2 weeks if they spend 45 minutes to 60 minutes a day on their science lessons. This means the book can be completed in 33 weeks. Since many homeschoolers plan lessons for longer, this allows a little flexibility in the lessons. Of course, you are free to work through the materials at your ow pace too.

High school science
Michael is super excited about this experiment.

High school science

Each module is broken up into different topics pertaining to the main topic of the chapter. In the module, students will be greeted with wonderful graphics and pictures for reference, in depth information, questions to answer in On Your Own, added bonus information provided in little sections like dive in, think about this, and fun, engaging experiments.

High school science

The Exploring Creation with Marine Biology 2nd Edition Student Notebook is a spiral bound notebook with thick, sturdy pages and a glossy heavy-duty card stock cover. It seems very durable and feels like it would last through out the year....as long as your student isn't throwing the book around the room or the dog doesn't eat it. Yes that has happened to us...not throwing the book around,but the dog eating it.

High school science

The student notebook follows the book. It's broken up into 16 modules just like the student text book. Here the students will be able to complete the"On Your Own" questions, learn and define important vocabulary words, fill in a summary guide using the vocabulary words provided, keep notes they have written down during their reading of the lessons,  and record all the information from their experiments they complete through out the year.

High school science

High school science

My only complaint about the student notebook is that their is no pocket to store extra papers. It would be a fantastic addition to the notebook to have a pocket added in the front of the book.

High school science

We haven't used the Exploring Creation with Marine Biology Audio CD too much. Both my kids prefer to read the material in a book rather than listening to it. They feel that they retain more information if they read it. The audio CD is read by Marissa Leonart and is very well done. She has a calm, pleasing voice. Her pace is perfect and allows for students to take notes while listening along. I found her voice a little too pleasing at times. While I was previewing the audio CD, before giving it to the kids, I listened to the entire module 1. Her voice was so pleasant and calming that I found myself day dreaming. I don't recommend listening to an entire module in one sitting.  I doubt this would be an issue for students if they were breaking to answer the questions or complete the experiments.

The entire module is read, including the side paragraphs. She often refers to the figures (graphics/images) used for further explanation. When she get to the "on your own" questions, she reads them aloud and then reminds students to work on the questions before moving on to the next section. This a great way for students to know when to break up the lessons.
The only issue I had with the audio CD was there were a few times the a word would be repeated or the audio got a glitch in it and skipped a little. I'm not sure if that was my system loading it or if it is the CD. I'm thinking it's more my system. Michael never noticed a glitch.

What Did We Think of Exploring Creation with Marine Biology 2nd Edition?

We've loved it! Both Michael (8th/9th grade) and Therese (7th/9th grade) have enjoyed working through the modules. This year we are working on science 4 days a week, so we have been using the program a little slower than recommended but it has been perfect for us. In areas where the kids have retained information from previous years we have been able to move a little quicker, while spending more time on new topics. The have always enjoyed working through the notebooks provided by Apologia for their science courses. Science has been fun and educational! What mama could ask for more?

Social Media Links
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/apologiaworld
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/apologiaworld
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/apologiaworld
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/apologia/

Marine Biology 2nd Edition Advantage Set {Apologia Educational Ministries Review}

Till Next Time,

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