Monday, September 18, 2017

Classically Catholic Memory Delta Year ~ Week 8

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We've been finished with Classically Catholic Memory for over a year now. I apologize with not getting the rest of the Delta year posted sooner. My goal is to get it all up on the blog over the next few weeks. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. We enjoyed our years working through CCM. We'd still be using it if my kiddos hadn't aged out of it.

Geography~ Africa

Source~ Wikipedia

We located all the countries on our CCM map and labeled them with the stickers.
The kids worked on their maps/coloring pages throughout the 2 weeks. I had them coloring the outline maps of the countries and the countries flags.

Africa with Countries Coloring Page 
Africa without Countries Coloring Page
Libya Map Coloring Page
Libya's Flag Coloring Page
Tunisia Map Coloring Page
Tunisia's Flag Coloring Page
Algeria Map Coloring Page
Algeria's Flag Coloring Page
Morocco Map Coloring Page
Morocco's Flag Coloring Page
Canary Island Map Coloring Page
Canary Island's Flag Coloring Page

The Mass is the Same Sacrifice as the Sacrifice of the Cross 

After reading the Catechism, I went searching on the web for more information to help explain this to the kids. I found this wonderful explanation and this one.  They both helps explain how the Mass and the sacrifice on the Cross are the same but different.


We're still learning the Gloria. Click here to see what we use to study our Latin hymns and prayers.


First Reading of the Emancipation Proclomation of President Lincoln
Francis Bicknell Carpenter 

President Lincoln
President Lincoln Coloring Page
Lincoln coloring page with facts

Death of President Lincoln
Lincoln's Assignation for grades 5th-8th
Who Killed Lincoln? lesson plan with a fun finger print activity

Emancipation Proclamation
Emancipation Proclamation Commemorative Coloring Book....14 pages of information and coloring pages for the kids to color.
Images of the actual Emancipation Proclamation documents
Resource page for the Emancipation Proclamation

Reconstruction Period
Battle over Reconstruction lesson for older students
Educational games & activities about the reconstruction
Reconstruction Act of 1867

Parts of a Plant Cell
Plant Cell Poster
Label the Plant Cell 
Plant Cell coloring page
Plant and Animal Cell coloring page
Make a cell model
Make a Lego cell

Multiples of 9

Therese sings listens to the song and then practices the multiples of nine by using worksheets with the 9 times tables on them. Using multiplication flash cards would be a fun way to learn the too.

Great Words~
The Gettysburg Address

We are still working through this speech President Lincoln delivered on the Gettysburg battlefield.

Till Next Time, 

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