Monday, October 16, 2017

CCD Week 1 ~ Getting to Know You

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Our first class is always a little hectic. The kids have no idea who I am. They don't know the aids and a few of the kids don't know each other. This year, I am blessed with 16 little first graders! Thankfully I have 2 aids again this year.

On our first day, I always introduce myself first, my aids follow up with their introductions. After the class knows who we are, we have the kids go around and tell each other a little about themselves. I always suggest introducing themselves by stating their name, telling us a favorite color or animal, and something that makes them special. We get a lot of favorite animals and of course whatever sport they like to play.

This year, I found a wonderful coloring page "All About Me" for the kids to fill in. Once they were completed, we decorated the back of the door and wall with them. This was a great way to find out more about our new friends. We have a lot of little boys that want to be NBA players. We do have a little girl that wants to be a paleontologist this year! I have to admit that is the first time we have heard that profession. We have some odd favorite foods this year too....chilly dogs, broccoli, sloppy joes. I love seeing their personalities come to life.

Of course, I always go over the rules and expectations for our classroom room. I even created a fun little poster to help the kids remember.

At this point, we usually take a quick (or not so quick) bathroom break. At this time, the kids can use the restroom or get a drink at the water fountain.

Following, our break we take a tour of our classroom. I explain the theme, show them their prayer wall, explain our saint and virtue wall, the Apostles wall, our birthday wall, our small little altar, and any other sections we may have in the room. Finally, we go over the Good Deeds jar!

This year with so many kids, we rain of of time for a craft, but we did read a story about Noah and the Ark.

Stay tuned for next week!

Till Next Time,

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