Saturday, October 28, 2017

CCD Week 3~ A Special Visitor Came for a Visit

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Welcome back to first grade! This week, the kids had a very special visitor in class. Our priest came to visit with the kids. This is a big deal for us. We just became a parish this past summer, so in previous years we haven't really had the chance for Father to come and talk to the kids. He was too busy trying to get back to his own parish to say Mass! We were the first class for Father to visit.

Since we were starting to learn about prayers and the Our Father, Father came and talked to the kids all about prayer. He talked with the kids on why we pray and how we can pray many different ways.

We pray....
to thank God and give him praise
to ask God for things or guidance
 to God for others especially those that are sick or sad
to ask God for forgiveness

How can we pray.....
at Mass together with our church fmaily
with prayers we learn and know
with our own words
out loud or quietly in our head

He told the children how the Our Father (Lord's Prayer) is special because Jesus taught the 12 Apostles this prayer when they asked Him how to pray.
Father prayed with the children and then reminded them that he would be back to see their progress and to hear all about the saints and virtues they are studying this year. I know we will look forward to his next visit.

Our saint this week was Saint Martin de Porres.

The children colored in a picture of St. Martin de Porres.  We read a little bit about his life and how he loved to take care others. He enjoyed helping others and always look at the people he was helping as Jesus. This is a wonderful lesson for children to learn. If we look at our friends, family, or anyone we come across as Jesus, we would treat them with lots of caring and love. 

Our virtue was Courtesy. We explained to the children what courtesy means. We talked about ways they can be kind and courteous to others.

  • Hold the door open for others
  • Greet others with a smile and a cheerful hello
  • Help a friend who has drop their book or pencil
  • Saying please and thank you
  • Doing chores with out complaining

The list is endless. The kids offered a variety of ways they could help others. I asked each child to perform one act of courtesy during the week.

Before the end of class, we practiced our prayers together as a class.

Till Next Time,

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