Monday, August 20, 2018

Blog Hop~ Dear Mom Starting HIgh School

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Do you have a child starting high school this year? I do. 
Ae you a tiny bit scared? Nervous? I am.
It's funny how high school seemed so far off when you were just starting this journey. Remember days of learning letters and numbers? Remember the struggle with learning to read? I do and I'll admit I miss those days. Gone are the days of crafts, puzzles, adventure hikes through the jungle, and story time with cuddles. Even though I miss all those things,I am excited to be starting this new journey. Are you?

I'll admit I'm a little scared. I hope I'm not the only one. It seems so official this year. High school is so crucial now a days and there seems to be so much pressure to get it done right. If you screw this up, you'll mess up your kids for life! I've actually read this and heard this from people. Crazy huh?

But what is the right way? I'll be honest...I HAVE NO CLUE! I feel lost, anxious, and slightly confused by it all. For awhile, I panicked. Just recently. I accepted that I don't have to know it all. I don't have to have all the answers. No one does. Teachers in schools don't have all the answers either. Kids that go to "real" school still struggle, fail, excel, and flourish. There really is no difference. What I do know is no one else knows my child like I do. No one else cares about my child like me. 

So after my short panic attack, O.K. not so short, I realized I just need to do what I've been doing along. 

Focusing on what is best for my kids!
 Helping them learn to be the best they can be!
 Helping them focus on their studies while giving them more responsibility for their work!
Helping them learn how to work more independently!
Encouraging their love of learning!

If I continue to do all those things, I know my kids will discover what they love and go after it. After all, we are helping them spread their wings.

Join in on the fun!
Read some of the other posts from these amazing women.

Amanda @ Hopkins Homeschool 
Annette @ A Net in Time 
Ashley @ Gift of Chaos Betty @ Let’s Get Real 
Brenda @ Counting Pinecones 
Carol @ Home Sweet Life 
Chareen @ Every Bed of Roses


Till Next Time,

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1 comment:

  1. Yes, yes and yes! My oldest is a high schooler this year, as well. And once we got some things on paper, it didn't seem so scary. She will find her path and we will, hopefully and prayerfully, guide her along the way. You will, too!

