Friday, August 24, 2018

Our Favorites Things for School

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Back to School Blog Hop

Where to begin! We have so many favorite things for our homeschooling journey it will be difficult to share it all.

Back to School Traditions....

In the past, one of our favorite homeschool traditions was attending Mass with our local homeschool group at the start of the year. Following Mass, we'd head to the church hall or a nearby park to share a yummy breakfast and some quality time with friends. We no longer join the group for this event, since the majority of kids my kids were friends with are no in the local schools. We miss seeing everyone, but understand that each family has to do what is best for them. Other than that, I don't have any back to school traditions. Maybe I'll try something new this year!

On to supplies.....

#1 Ticonderoga Pencils~ No other pencil will do. The erasures are great and the tips don't break off constantly. Ever year, we buy a few new packs! If you ask the kids, there is no other pencil brand.

#2 Avery Binders~ Strong and Sturdy. That last year after year. We've tried other brands only to have them break in the middle of the year. We know pay a little more, but are able to use them for a few years!

#3 Crayola Colored Pencils~ These are perfect for maps and timelines. They color evenly and work great. Again no other brand will do, unless you're creating works of art and then you need "real" colored pencils. That's a whole different list.

#4 Glue Sticks~ With unit studies and lapbooks, we have used our fair share of glue sticks. Elmer's glue sticks are our favorite.

#5 Canon Printer~ Over the years, I planned the majority of our lessons, so our printer has been our lifeline. We had other brands, but the Canon has been the most cost effective for us. Don't forget the printer paper. We buy a big box at Costco and it lasts us the entire year.


Classically Catholic Memory~ A Catholic curriculum that covers Latin, geography, math, science, history, great words, and religion. It's great if you're homeschooling multiple ages.

RC History~ A classical approach curriculum that covers history, religions, and great literature.

Homeschool in the Woods~ A fantastic resource for timelines, hands-on lap books and unit studies.

Rod and Staff Math~ A classic approach to math taught how we learned math back in the day. This program has been a life saver for Therese.

Mater Amabilis~ A free Charlotte Mason Catholic curriculum for all ages! The resources are amazing.

Ambleside Online~ A free online curriculum inspired by a classical, Charlotte Mason style.

I was going to share a few our favorite books, but that would take too long. Over the years, I've shared quite a few of our favorites.  You can read about a few our favorites here.

Be sure to check out these wonderful ladies that are participating in the back to School Blog Hop!

Wendy @ Life at Rossmont Yvie @ Gypsy Road

Till Next Time,

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