Thursday, August 23, 2018

Why I'm Thankful to Be Homeschooling

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Well it's that time of year! The local schools kids are heading back one by one. As fewer kids are seen out and about, the questions and comments slowly pop again. You know they ones!

Are you out of school? 
Do you go to a private school? 
Why are you not in school today?
Do you plan to homeschool the entire time?

These are just a few of the questions we homeschoolers face whenever we venture out during school hours. In years past, we've been questioned almost ever time we were out. I will admit that last year there were fewer comments and so far this year we've only had one.

Instead this year, we have been met with people asking if we homeschool. It has grown considerably around our area so that may be why. The best part is when we answer yes, we have been praised for our decision. No snide remarks, no quizzing of the kids, or disgusted looks on faces. It's amazing how the times have changed in just the 10 years we've been doing this!

I have to admit that I get very uncomfortable with the praise given at times. People say they admire what we are doing, how we're doing the best thing possible for our kids, and so on. I often find myself at a loss for words. What do you say when you constantly doubt yourself? There isn't a day that goes by that I don't question one or two decisions I've made. I always have that nagging fear in the back of my mind that I am somehow screwing my kids up for life. The sad thing is I know I'm not the only homeschooling mom out there with this fear! I love my kids and want what is best for them, so why would I mess this up. I research and carefully pick everything out, but I still let that little thing called doubt creep in. It would be nice to fully trust yourself, wouldn't it?

Even with all my doubts and fears, I am thankful that I have been blessed to be able to homeschool both my kids. I have been there for all the ups and downs. I've seen the light go one when they finally figure something out, held them when they've cried out of frustration and disappointment, seen the excitement when they create something amazing, and the disappointment when something fails. I've spent everyday of their lives with them. I've been able to see them grow from curious toddlers to independent thinkers. The closeness we have could never happened if they went to school.

I love seeing the way they've grown together. Partners in crime, best friends, and opponents in the ring. No it's not always days filled with roses. We have sunny days and days that feel like we are living in a hurricane, but it is all worth it. I would never trade the joys we have experienced.

So as we get ready to start HIGH SCHOOL, I am both fearfully and amazed. I'm nervous at this knew conjunction in our lives, but excited to see where the next few years take us. My babies are slowly becoming adults....even if I'm not ready for it just yet!

How are you feeling about this upcoming year?

Dot' forget to stop and visit the ladies participating in the 5 Days of Back to School!

Marla @ Jump Into Genius 
Christine @ Christine Howard

Till Next Time,

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