Finding the right curriculum for your child can be tough, especially if your a Catholic family. Many of the big curriculum companies are protestant and not always friendly when it comes to Catholics. Resources for Catholic families have grown, but we just don't have the selection like the rest of the homeschooling families out there.
1. Mother of Divine Grace
Mother of Divine Grace uses a Catholic, classical approach to learning. The program follows the natural pattern of a child's learning process. The main focus of the curriculum is to teach the children how to think and apply their knowledge. Families can enroll with the school to receive counseling and tutoring or they can follow the curriculum on their own. They offer materials and lessons for grades Kindergarten through 12th. We've used the religion books recommended by Mother of Divine Grace. The books provide students with a strong understanding of their faith. If you're interested in knowing more about the Catholic faith ir just want to really know what are beliefs are, I definitely recommend reading the high school religion books by Fr. John Laux.
2. Seton
Seton Home Study School is based out of Virginia. Their approach to learning is a classic, scholastic style. Families have the option of enrolling or just using the curriculum on their own. The company is nationally accredited and covers grades Pre-K through 12th. The early years curriculum is a workbook style, but changes once the students get to high school. It's known for being rigorous and developing great learners. We've never officially enrolled int he program, but have used a few of their workbooks over the years. There spelling and English workbooks are fantastic. I look over their high school literature suggestions when creating my students list.
3. Mater Ambalis
Mater Ambalis is a free Catholic Charlotte Mason program. The curriculum is broken up into levels. The Pre-Level starts with children ages 4 to 6 and the program continues on until high school. This program is very heavy in reading and uses real life books to teach children. We used levels 1 and 2 when the kids were little. My kids didn't enjoy the lessons, so we ended up adapting the lessons to fit our needs. I did look at the high school books and lessons to plan out my own students high school path.
4. Kolbe Academy
Kolbe Academy is an orthodox Catholic curriculum. The company offers curriculum for students in grades Kindergarten through 12th. Kolbe Academy is a full service curriculum provider and book store. Families can fully enroll in homeschool courses, online courses, or purchase individual courses to use. We've never used Kolbe before, but I've heard things about the company from others who have.
5. RC History
RC History is a Catholic, classical program. This one we know a lot about. We've used this program for the past few years.This company is not an all-in-one curriculum. It's main focus is religion and history with a little bit of science thrown in. The required reading books for the older ages are great for an Honors English class. This is our second year using RC history for high school. Both my kids will be reading books like Don Quixote and The Three Musketeers. The program is divided in to 4 years and is taught in chronological order. The best part is families can be taught the \same subject at he same time. Each year is broken up into 4 levels...Beginner (K-3rd), Grammar (4th-6th), Logic (7th-9th), and Rhetoric (10th-12th). This our second time working through this history time period. We started when the kids where in the Grammar stage and are currently in the Logic and Rhetoric stage.
6. Homeschool Connections
Homeschool Connections is well known and loved by everyone that uses it. Sadly with out limited internet access, we are not able to participate in the live classes. We'd have to head to the library every day just to get our school work done. We would definitely be using this program if we could. They offer recorded and live classes for middle and high school students. They even offer dual enrollment for high school students through Franciscan University in Steubenville.
7. Memoria Press
Memoria Press is not Catholic, but is a Christian company. They offer a wide variety of resources for homeschoolers. Families can purchase a packaged curriculum or buy certain books to use for various subjects. We've used their Latin program, Literature study guides, science books, and geography books over the years. The program is a classical approach to education. They offer lessons for Kindergarten to 12th grade.
Memoria Press is not Catholic, but is a Christian company. They offer a wide variety of resources for homeschoolers. Families can purchase a packaged curriculum or buy certain books to use for various subjects. We've used their Latin program, Literature study guides, science books, and geography books over the years. The program is a classical approach to education. They offer lessons for Kindergarten to 12th grade.
8. Our Lady of Victory
Our Lady of Victory provides Catholics homeschooling curriculum and books. The company has been a leader in the Catholic homeschooling community since 1977. They offer Catholic families a traditional education to raise steadfast Catholic children.
9. Rolling Acres School
Rolling Acres School is an online Catholic classical curriculum. They offer resources for co-op programs, online programs, and at home programs. They currently have full enrollement for 7th-9th grades.
10. St. Thomas Aquinas
St. Thomas Aquinas is a classical liberal arts curriculum. They offer curriculum for students in grades Kindergarten through 12th grade. They offer course plans and high school study guides. Families can enroll and receive report cards and transcripts.

Till Next Time,
Also there is CHC Catholic Heritage Curricula, I really like the simplicity of layout, the move they have toward Classical material, and the guidance for highschoolers, check it out!