Monday, January 20, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday~ January 20, 2020

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Diary of a Stay at Home Mom

Good Morning! I finally found some time to join in on Happy Homemaker Monday again. This year has been crazy. The kids have co-op on Monday, so Monday mornings (heck...the entire day) are a little hectic. Today, I was able to drop them off and come back home. No errands or activities planned today.

So welcome back to another edition of Happy Homemaker Monday. Be sure to stop in and visit with Sandra over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. Grab a cup of coffee or tea and visit for a bit.

So let's get on with the good stuff before I have to pick up the kiddos.

~The weather~

It's COLD!!! It was 19 degrees when I dropped off the kids this morning. The real feel was in the single digits. It's way to cold for this girl. The older I get, the more I hate the cold temperatures.

Monday~ Sunny, 31*
Tuesday~ Sunny, 34*
Wednesday~ Sunny, 38*
Thursday~ Mostly Cloudy, 43*
Friday~ Cloudy, 42*
Saturday~ Showers, 42*
Sunday~ Showers, then Snow, 41*

~How I am feeling this morning~

I've been trying to eat healthy since the new year. I've had some stomach issues and am trying to heal my gut. Yesterday, I we went to a party and I ate some chips and a cupcake... now my stomach is not too happy. I knew I shouldn't eat the treats, but I gave in. I definitely feel better when I don't eat sugar or processed foods. So back to real, whole foods for me. 
and I'm a little cold this morning! I'm so grateful to cozy sweaters and my Ugg boots.

~On my mind~

Oh boy! Lots and lots of things. I'm thinking of school for next year....classes, co-ops, college, etc. Having students in high school is so stressful. I worry about school. I worry about their future. We always want what is best for our kids, but how do we really know what that is. I know I should pray and place in in God;s hands, but I have to tell you that is a whole lot easier said than done. How do we let our babies go? I know that's what our goal is as parents, but that doesn't mean we don't stop caring, loving, or worrying. Life was a whole lot simpler when they were 5.

~On the breakfast plate~

Coffee of course. I grab my to go cup and headed out the door this morning. I sipped my coffee, while Michael drove. He has his learner's permit, so I get to be chauffeured around. When I got back home, I ate two eggs. Sadly, the eggs were store bought. Our girls have been slacking in the egg department lately. I can't wait for the longer days again, so I can have m farm, fresh eggs again. 

~ On the menu this week~

Monday~ Sesame chicken craps
Tuesday~ Pulled pork
Wednesday~ Tuscan chicken with potatoes
Thursday~ Italian chicken with zucchini
Friday~ Turkey meatballs
Saturday~ Herb roasted chicken with roasted vegetables

~From the camera~

~Looking around the house~

Christmas is all down. I honestly thought I hadn't forgotten anything, but I found a air of candlestick on the counter a few days later. The house needs a good vacuum and the wood floors need mopped. We've had rain and snow, so the floors have a few dog foot prints. With five animals in the house, the floors never stay clean.

I started organizing the school/sewing room. I've got the school stuff organized, now I just need to get my sewing area done so I can start quilting and sewing again. I've missed sewing and crafting, so I'm thrilled to be able to have a room again. 
~Chore I'm not looking froward to today or this week~

~On the reading pile~

I have two physical books started...

The Guest Book by Sarah Blake

Blue Dahlia by Nora Roberts

I've also ordered two new cookbooks in the last few weeks. Since dear hubby wants to lose weight and I need to feel better. It's no fun feeling sick all the time, we've been following a whole 30 approach to meals. I love the two cookbooks I've ordered so far. Easy recipes that taste great!


~To relax this week, I will~

I honestly don't know. If I can get the sewing room done. I'd love to get back into quilting or finish a few of the kids scrapbooks. I'm only a few years behind. 

~On my prayer list~

Praying for all the people traveling to Washington D.C, for the March for Life this Friday.
Our nation that seems so divided. I pray we can wok together and find a way to peace.

~Devotional/Bible Verse~

“The secret of happiness is to live moment by moment and to thank God for all that He, in His goodness, sends to us day after day.”  
~St. Gianna Molla

Till Next Time,

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  1. Ahh! I am also reading Uninvited!
    Let me know what you think of it so far.
    Also, cozy sweaters and tuxedo-colored cats are the BEST.

  2. Seems like you had a busy weekend. I too need to cut out sugar and refined foods. Have a great week

  3. Glad you were able to join us again this week. Sounds like you're staying busy and have a lot going on. I, too, am concentrating on whole foods and am already feeling so much better. I hope to make eating well a way of life. Blessings for a great rest of the week and I'm joining you in prayer over Friday's March on Washington.

  4. I AM RUNNING SO LATE IT'S ALMOST TIME FOR NEXT WEEK! I hope yo had a GREAT week and I adore the cat picture!

