Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Hello, Mr. Groundhog~ Did You See Your Shadow?

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Celebrating Groundhog Day

When the kids were little, we loved celebrating all the fun holidays. I wanted those days and lessons to be fun, engaging, and educational. I still can hear the giggles and laughs. I remember one Groundhog Day years ago, when I used the dog's hedgehog toy and a flashlight to recreate Punxsutawney Phil's adventure. I honestly can't remember if he saw his shadow that year, but the kids had fun having him crawling out of his home. We used a cut up cardboard box as his burrow. As he ventured out of the hole, the kids held the flashlight above him bathing him in light and casting a shadow on the floor. If you don't want him to see his shadow you could use some stuffing to create a cloud.

We read a cute story about a groundhog names Gregory.


We checked out a copy from our local library. It was a cute little tale about a shy groundhog names Gregory. He feels brave when his shadow is near him. The book was written Don Freeman. He's the author of the Corduroy books that Theresa was so found of.

I did find a wonderful selection of new books online that may be just as cute.

Children's Books about Groundhog Day

Add this cute little groundhog mascot to your classroom! You can use him to see if he sees his shadow.

It's days like this that made our learning fun. I miss those days of when my kids were little. You could find opportunities for learning everywhere, especially through play.
Want to make Groundhog Day special for your kids? Here are a few ideas we've used over the years.

Coloring Pages
Cute selection found here
Groundhog seeing his shadow
Coloring pages and fun worksheets
4 Adorable coloring pages (they are so cute)
Coloring pages for all ages

CHILDFUN has a fantastic collection of ideas to use with kids of all ages. I'm sure you'll be able to find at least one activity to do!

One site we used a lot when the kids were little was Enchanted Learning. On this site, they have worksheets, crafts, art projects, and printable books. For Groundhog's Day, they have plenty of ideas to make the entire day a learning adventure. One of the projects we did was create groundhog masks using paper plates. You can search the page for all kinds of ideas. 

Bake some groundhog cookies or cupcakes.

No Bake Groundhog Day Cookies 
Groundhog Cupcakes

Groundhog Day Cupcakes
Photo Credit~ Craftcreatecook.com

To go all out, pick up some cute Groundhog Day shirts for the kids!

Want fun activities have you done to celebrate Groundhog's Day?

Till Next Time,

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