Friday, October 1, 2021

Review~ Basic Math Skills Rescue Parts 1 & 2 from Math Essentials

Disclaimer~ I received a COMPLEMENTARY copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.   

Math! Math has been one of those subjects that have been a blessing and a nightmare at the same time. If your child is using the wrong program it can be a disaster. If you find the right one, it often feels like a miracle. We've struggled over the years trying to find the right one for both my kids. Often in the process, they may fall behind or just need a refresher of topics. 
Basic Math Skills Rescue Parts 1 & 2 from Math Essentials helps fill in the gaps and strengthens their math skills! 

Basic Math Skills Rescue Parts 1 and 2 contain 6 books in two volumes. The two volumes are soft-cover workbooks. Included in the books is video access to online videos for each lesson. If a student completes both volumes, they would be ready for Algebra 1. The books and the videos make for an amazing learning experience. When students complete them both, they will have all the skills they need to be successful in the higher math courses they will take in the future. 

The program consists of two volumes. 

Volume 1
Whole Numbers, Fractions, Decimals, and Percents

Volume 2 
Geometry, Problem Solving, and Pre-Algebra

In the front of each book, are instructions for the teacher and student. A quick easy guide on how to use the books is included. 5 simple steps to follow and the student is ready to go.

The daily lesson contains three parts: Review Exercises, Helpful Hints, and Problem Solving. The program is easy to follow. Each lesson should take about 15-20 minutes of instruction per day. That's it! The lessons are concise and well laid out. These short, easy lessons help students master math skills and reinforce the skills learned through consistent review!

The answer key is provided at the back of the workbook, as well as, a glossary and a few math table charts for added help. The math table charts include... Important Symbols, Multiplication Table, Commonly Used Prime Numbers, Squares and Square Roots Table, and Fractions/Decimals Equivalents.

How Did We Use Basic Math Skills Rescue from Math Essentials?

We followed the simple and easy how-to-use instructions.

1. Michael completed the review section. Having to show all his work was a big thing for him. He likes to do a lot of the math in his head, so he was not a fan of having to show all is his work.

2. Michael then moved on to the new material being presented. Most of the new material being presented he had already done. We were using this program as a review of skills. Michael did fin the helpful hint section useful. The examples show helped remind him of how to work through a problem if it was something he hadn't done in a while.

3. Michael worked through the sample problems again showing all his work. He offered a few complaints about it, but he did do it. I told him by showing all his work, it helps him find out where he went wrong if he did not get the correct answer the first time. Of course, this is something I've stressed since the beginning, but he has always chosen to ignore my "helpful" advice. 

4. Now the real-life problem-solving section was up. In this section, Michael was given a math word problem that used real-life problems. He's always been great at word problems, so this section was a breeze for him. I love that the lesson included a problem that helps students see math in the real world. 

5. Michael then checked his own work using the answer key located in the back of the book. 

I loved how the book encouraged independent learning styles. If a student needs more help with a topic, they can go online and check out the video lessons. 

What Did We Think of Basic Math Skills Rescue?

I have Michael work through the books just for review. I figured it would help keep his math skills ready for the SAT test he would be taking this fall. 
I think the books are a great way to help reinforce math skills. The books can be used as a review or as supplemental help for a struggling learner. Either way, the books will help students become stronger and faster with their math skills. 

Learn More about Math Essentials

Stop by and check out more reviews by the crew members about 
Basic Math Skills Rescue from Math Essentials!

Till Next Time,

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