Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Teaching Tuesdays~ Adam and Eve

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Happy Tuesday! Welcome to another edition of Teaching Tuesdays. We are settling in and getting to know our little friend's personalities. We have quite a few talkers this year. They love to share stories!

This past Sunday was a fun-filled class and time flew by. 

Saint~ Elizabeth Ann Seton

Elizabeth Ann Seton was a convert, started a school for young girls, lived during the Civil War, and was the first American to be canonized as a saint. You can visit where she lived and the beautiful shrine that bears her name in Emmitsburg, Maryland. While a read a brief summary of her life, the students colored a coloring page of her. You can find it here.

For further reading, here are a few books about her amazing life...

Virtue~ Hope
Hope is trusting in God's loving plan

Old Testament Lesson~ Adam and Eve

We read about Adam and Eve and their fall from grace. I just read from the children's bible we have in class. After the story, the students created a snake using pipe cleaners and beads. It's a simple craft, easy to do during class, but the students love it!


Catechism Lesson~ Original Sin

This week's lesson was all about original sin. We learned about how we are all born with original sin but it is taken away with the sacrament of Baptism. 
We talked about what sin is and how we get to decide whether or not we sin. We get to choose if we're going to be good or bad. It's very easy to sin. I always tell them that we have an angel and a devil on our shoulders, and we have to decide which one we listen to. 
We learned about the sacrament of Penance and how they will receive that sacrament next year in 2nd grade. 

We practiced the Sign of the Cross and started learning the Glory Be. 

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Till Next Time,


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