Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Homeschool Crew Review~ First Form Latin from Memoria Press

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Latin Curriculum

Over the past few years, we have used a variety of curriculum from Memoria Press. We have enjoyed all the books we have used and we were excited to give First Form Latin Complete Set a try. First Form Latin would be our third Latin curriculum from Memoria Press to use. 

Memoria Press

Memoria Press is homeschool curriculum company that provides parents with an entire homeschool program based on the classical approach. We love how the company is Christian based and I always know my kids will learn a wealth of knowledge from the materials provided. Parents can find science, literature, Latin, geography, poetry, math, Greek, Christian studies, history, art, music, and other books for enrichment. They have everything. You can even buy an entire curriculum package to use for the entire year!

First Form Latin Complete Set
For this review, we received the First Form Latin Complete Set. The set includes the following materials.

Student Text
Student Workbook
Quiz and Test Booklet
Teacher's Manual
Teacher Answer Key
Pronunciation CD
Instructional DVDs

The set cost $125, but it comes with everything you would need to build a strong foundation for your student. The curriculum is geared for students in grades 4th through 9th. First Form Latin is a wonderful follow up for students who have completed the Latina Christiana curriculum. Of course if your student has not completed Latina Christiana, First Form Latin can still be used. It's also a good fit for beginners in grades 5 and up. First Form Latin is geared for the grammar stage of education. It focuses on grammar forms and vocabulary. This focus allows students to build on their knowledge as they enter into the logic and rhetoric stages. 

Memoria Press wants students to succeed in their Latin studies, not give up and drop out. They do this by providing students with the knowledge to retain, understand, and comprehend the Latin they are learning. The workbooks allow students to put this knowledge to the test. The exercises gives students the mastery skills they need to excel in Latin.

Students using the First Form Latin will know the six indicative active tenses of the first two verb conjugations, five noun declensions, first and second declension adjectives, and will learn 185 vocabulary words. After completing First Form Latin, students will then be able to move on to the next book. Memoria Press offers Second Form Latin, Third Form Latin, and Forth Form Latin as the follow up books for this course. It would be perfect for your high school years!

How We Used First Form Latin?

Over the past few years my kids have studies Latin using Prima Latina and Latina Christiana. They also learned Latin prayers and hymns using a chant CD. For us Latin is an important subject to learn. I will tell you that Therese enjoys Latin, while Michael dreads the class. He says it is a useless subject, but he quickly sees in comes in handy during science class. 

For this review, I received a complete set for one student, so I did have to buy an extra set of student books for my daughter. My kids are in the grade range of 6th to 9th grade depending on the subject. For English, I would say they are on a 6th-7th grade level. First Form Latin was a perfect for us. Some of it was review, but that was fine. It's always good to have some review and I think the kids enjoy seeing what they have learned. It also makes some aspects of a lesson easier to learn. Sometime they just need something to come easy, so they can have the courage and strength to tackle something new and challenging.

For me the pronunciation CDs and the instructional DVD's are a must. I took one year of Latin in high school and I'll be honest nit much stayed in my brain. These two resources have been a life saver for this mama. I also like how now that my kids are older they can work independently and complete their lessons on their own. This allows my over achiever to work ahead while my other can work at a pace more comfortable to them. 

We've also enjoyed the flashcards! In the past I haven't ordered them and just created them myself using note cards. Having the flashcards already made has saved me plenty of time. 
We love using the flashcards daily to master the vocabulary. We actually make it into a game. Whoever gets it right first, gets the card. Whoever has the most cards at the end of the game wins a small reward. When they were younger we did the same thing, except we played outside and they got move ahead if they got it right. It was sort of like Mother May I.

Want to learn more about Memoria Press?
Check them out on Social Media!

Be sure to stop by to see what other great books the crew reviewed! 
The rest of the crew reviewed other Latin curriculum, The Book of Trees(this is a great set), and Nature's Beautiful Order!

Latin, Nature and Trees {Memoria Press Reviews}

Till Next Time,

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